Source code for jasy.test.script.privates

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys, os, unittest, logging

# Extend PYTHONPATH with local 'lib' folder
if __name__ == "__main__":
    jasyroot = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]), os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir))
    sys.path.insert(0, jasyroot)
    print("Running from %s..." % jasyroot)

import jasy.script.parse.Parser as Parser
import jasy.script.output.Compressor as Compressor
import jasy.script.optimize.CryptPrivates as CryptPrivates

[docs]class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def process(self, code, contextId=""): node = Parser.parse(code) CryptPrivates.optimize(node, contextId) return Compressor.Compressor().compress(node)
[docs] def test_assign(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' this.__field1 = 123; ''', 1), 'this.__mJ02j=123;' )
[docs] def test_assign_long(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' this.__titleBarBackgroundColor = "red"; ''', 1), 'this.__clbJJO="red";' )
[docs] def test_global_obj_file1(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' var obj = { __x : 123, __y : 456 }; alert(obj.__x + ":" + obj.__y); ''', 1), 'var obj={__bLHVk:123,__bLYYn:456};alert(obj.__bLHVk+":"+obj.__bLYYn);' )
[docs] def test_global_obj_file2(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' var obj = { __x : 123, __y : 456 }; alert(obj.__x + ":" + obj.__y); ''', 2), 'var obj={__bMw4r:123,__bMN7u:456};alert(obj.__bMw4r+":"+obj.__bMN7u);' )
[docs] def test_remote(self): self.assertRaises(CryptPrivates.Error, self.process, ''' alert(RemoteObj.__x); ''')
[docs] def test_localvar(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' var __x = 4; alert(__x); '''), 'var __x=4;alert(__x);' )
[docs] def test_localvar_undeclared(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' alert(__y); '''), 'alert(__y);' )
[docs] def test_local_deep(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' var obj = { __field : { __sub : true } }; alert(obj.__field.__sub); '''), 'var obj={__ihERj:{__dZ1y9:true}};alert(obj.__ihERj.__dZ1y9);' )
[docs] def test_access_same_named_external(self): """ Is is somehow an unsupported edge case which is not supported correctly yet. Normally one would expect that the access to __field on RemoteObj would raise an error. At least it breaks this wrong access because this field is renamed based on file name as well. """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' var obj = { __field : true }; alert(RemoteObj.__field); '''), 'var obj={__ihERj:true};alert(RemoteObj.__ihERj);' )
[docs] def test_mixin(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' var source = { __field1 : 123, __field2 : 456 }; var target = { __field1 : 789 }; for (var key in source) { target[key] = source[key]; } '''), 'var source={__kZWNQ:123,__k0dQT:456};var target={__kZWNQ:789};for(var key in source){target[key]=source[key]}' )
if __name__ == '__main__': logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Tests) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)