Source code for

# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2013-2014 Sebastian Werner

import copy, re

import as Node
import as Operation
import as Util
import jasy.core.Console as Console

[docs]class ExecuterError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, node): Exception.__init__(self, "Variable Error: %s for node type=%s in %s at line %s!" % (message, node.type, node.getFileName(), node.line))
[docs]def process(tree, profile): __recurser(tree, tree.scope, {}, profile) # # Implementation #
RE_INLINE_VARIABLE = re.compile("\$\{([a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]+)\}") def __recurser(node, scope, values, profile): # Replace variable with actual value if node.type == "variable" and not (node.parent.type == "assign" and node.parent[0] is node): name = if not name in values: raise ExecuterError("Could not resolve variable %s! Missing value!" % name, node) value = values[name] if value is None: raise ExecuterError("Could not resolve variable %s! Value is none!" % name, node) Console.debug("Resolving variable: %s at line %s with %s from %s", name, node.line, values[name].type, values[name].line) node.parent.replace(node, copy.deepcopy(values[name])) # Decide which sub tree of an if-condition is relevant based on current variable situation elif node.type == "if": Console.debug("Processing if-condition at %s", node.line) # Pre-process condition # We manually process each child in for if-types __recurser(node.condition, scope, values, profile) # Cast condition to Python boolean type resultValue = Operation.castToBool(node.condition) # Process relevant part of the sub tree if resultValue is True: # Fix missing processing of result node __recurser(node.thenPart, scope, values, profile) # Finally replace if-node with result node node.parent.replace(node, node.thenPart) elif resultValue is False and hasattr(node, "elsePart"): # Fix missing processing of result node __recurser(node.elsePart, scope, values, profile) # Finally replace if-node with result node node.parent.replace(node, node.elsePart) else: # Cleanup original if-node node.parent.remove(node) # Nothing to do here as content is already processed return # Update scope of new block starts if hasattr(node, "scope"): relation = getattr(node, "rel", None) # Conditional blocks are not exactly blocks in this variable resolution engine if not relation in ("thenPart", "elsePart"): scope = node.scope values = copy.copy(values) node.values = values # Reset all local variables to None # which enforces not to keep values from outer scope for name in scope.modified: values[name] = None # Process children / content for child in list(node): # Ignore non-children... through possible interactive structure changes if child and child.parent is node: __recurser(child, scope, values, profile) # Update values of variables # This happens after processing children to possibly reduce child structure to an easy to assign (aka preprocessed value) if (node.type == "declaration" and hasattr(node, "initializer")) or node.type == "assign": if node.type == "declaration": name = init = node.initializer Console.debug("Found declaration of %s at line %s", name, node.line) else: name = node[0].name init = node[1] Console.debug("Found assignment of %s at line %s", name, node.line) # Modify value instead of replace when assign operator is set if hasattr(node, "assignOp") and node.assignOp is not None: if not name in values: raise ExecuterError("Assign operator is not supported as left hand variable is missing: %s" % name, node) repl = Operation.compute(node, values[name], init, node.assignOp) if repl is not None: values[name] = repl else: # Update internal variable mapping # Console.debug("Update value of %s to %s" % (name, init)) values[name] = init # Remove declaration node from tree node.parent.remove(node) # Support for variables inside property names or selectors elif node.type in ("property", "selector") and getattr(node, "dynamic", False): def replacer(matchObj): name = if not name in values: raise ExecuterError("Could not resolve variable %s! Missing value!" % name, node) value = values[name] if value is None: raise ExecuterError("Could not resolve variable %s! Value is none!" % name, node) if value.type == "identifier": return value.value elif value.type == "string": return value.value elif value.type == "number": return "%s%s" % (value.value, getattr(value, "unit", "")) else: raise ExecuterError("Could not replace property inline variable with value of type: %s" % value.type, node) # Fix all selectors if node.type == "selector": selectors = for pos, selector in enumerate(selectors): selectors[pos] = RE_INLINE_VARIABLE.sub(replacer, selector) else: = RE_INLINE_VARIABLE.sub(replacer, # Execute system commands elif node.type == "command": repl = Util.executeCommand(node, profile) if not repl is node: node.parent.replace(node, repl) # Support typical operators elif node.type in Util.ALL_OPERATORS: repl = Operation.compute(node) if repl is not None: node.parent.replace(node, repl)