Source code for

# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2013-2014 Sebastian Werner

import itertools, re
import as Node

RE_ENGINE_PROPERTY = re.compile(r"^(?:\-(apple|chrome|moz|ms|o|webkit)\-)?([a-z\-]+)$")

MATH_OPERATORS = ("plus", "minus", "mul", "div", "mod")
COMPARE_OPERATORS = ("eq", "ne", "gt", "lt", "ge", "le")
LOGIC_OPERATORS = ("not", "and", "or")


[docs]def extractVendor(name): match = RE_ENGINE_PROPERTY.match(name) if match: return
[docs]def extractName(name): match = RE_ENGINE_PROPERTY.match(name) if match: return else: return name
[docs]def executeCommand(node, profile): command = params = [] for param in node.params: # Variable not yet processed (possible e.g. during permutation apply) if param.type == "variable": return node elif param.type == "unary_minus": value = -param[0].value elif hasattr(param, "value"): value = param.value else: raise Exception("Invalid value for command execution: Type is %s in %s!" % (param.type, param.line)) params.append(value) # Catch simple casting requests if command in ("identifier", "string", "number"): if len(params) != 1: raise Exception("Invalid number of arguments for type casting!") repl = Node.Node(type=command) repl.value = params[0] return repl # print("Looking for command: %s(%s)" % (command, ", ".join([str(param) for param in params]))) result, restype = profile.executeCommand(command, params) if restype == "px": repl = Node.Node(type="number") repl.value = result repl.unit = restype elif restype == "url": repl = Node.Node(type="function") = "url" listChild = Node.Node(type="list") repl.append(listChild, "params") valueChild = Node.Node(type="identifier") valueChild.value = result listChild.append(valueChild) elif restype == "number": repl = Node.Node(type="number") repl.value = result else: repl = Node.Node(type="identifier") repl.value = result return repl
[docs]def assembleDot(node, result=None): """ Joins a dot node (cascaded supported, too) into a single string like "" """ if result == None: result = [] for child in node: if child.type == "identifier": result.append(child.value) elif child.type == "dot": assembleDot(child, result) else: return None return ".".join(result)
[docs]def castNativeToNode(value): if value is True: node = Node.Node(type="true") elif value is False: node = Node.Node(type="false") elif isinstance(value, str): node = Node.Node(type="string") node.value = value elif isinstance(value, (float, int)): node = Node.Node(type="number") node.value = value elif value is None: node = Node.Node(type="null") else: raise ResolverError("Could not transform field %s=%s to style value" % (name, value)) return node # list of media types which should be prepended in "and" connections
cssMediaTypes = set(["all", "aural", "braille", "handheld", "print", "projection", "screen", "tty", "tv", "embossed"]) # Prepend all media queries which contain not, only or any valid media type RE_PREPEND_QUERY = re.compile(r'\b(not|only|all|aural|braille|handheld|print|projection|screen|tty|tv|embossed)\b')
[docs]def combineSelectorList(selector, stop, root=None): if not selector: return None if root is None: root = [""] combinedSelectors = [] for currentRoot in root: for item in itertools.product(*reversed(selector)): combined = "" for part in item: # Keep root command separated by space if part == "@(root)": part += " " if combined: if "&" in part: if "@(root)" in combined: combined += currentRoot + part else: combined = part.replace("&", currentRoot+combined) else: combined = "%s %s" % (combined, part) else: if "&" in part: if currentRoot: combined = part.replace("&", currentRoot) elif not stop: # Tolerate open/unsolvable "&" parent reference only when we stop early raise Exception("Can't merge selector %s - parent missing!" % part) else: combined = part else: combined = part combinedSelectors.append(combined) return combinedSelectors
[docs]def combineMediaQueryList(media): if not media: return None if len(media) == 1: return media[0] combinedMedia = [] for item in itertools.product(*reversed(media)): parts = [] for entry in item: # Prepend media types and not/only operators if parts.insert(0, entry) else: parts.append(entry) combinedMedia.append(" and ".join(parts)) return combinedMedia
[docs]def combineSupportList(supports): if not supports: return None # Supports rules are not a list of different @support rule sets, # but just a plain list of "and" connected expressions. if len(supports) > 1: return " and ".join(supports) else: return supports[0]
[docs]def combineSelector(node, stop=None): """ Figures out the fully qualified selector, media query and @supports value of the given Node. """ root = None # Fast path and fix for identical start/stop if node is stop: return ["&"], None, None # List of list of selectors selector = [] # List of list of media queries media = [] # List of @support directives (no list in list) supports = [] # Selectors, Media Queries and Support Queries are stored in reversed order... current = node while current and current is not stop and (current.type is not "root" or stop): if current.type == "mixin" and hasattr(current, "selector") and current.selector: selector.append(current.selector) # extend for this mixin elif hasattr(current, "name") and if current.type == "selector": selector.append( elif current.type == "media": media.append( elif current.type == "supports": supports.append( elif current.type == "root": selector.append(["@(root)"]) current = getattr(current, "parent", None) if current is not None and current.type == "root" and not stop: root = current rootSelectors = None rootMedia = None rootSupports = None if root: # Combine selectors of root's parent for supporting parent references rootSelectors, rootMedia, rootSupports = combineSelector(root.parent) # So we need process collected selector data etc. in reversed # order, too, to get the normal order back. combinedSelectors = combineSelectorList(selector, stop, rootSelectors) combinedMedia = combineMediaQueryList(media) combinedSupports = combineSupportList(supports) # Post process @root items when we are not executing with a stop mark # aka after mixins have been processed during e.g. flattening. if not stop: for pos, selector in enumerate(combinedSelectors): if "@(root)" in selector: # Remove all before and including the @(root) placeholder combinedSelectors[pos] = selector[selector.index("@(root) ")+8:] return combinedSelectors, combinedMedia, combinedSupports