Source code for jasy.script.util

# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.
# Copyright 2013-2014 Sebastian Werner

from jasy.script.output.Compressor import Compressor

# Shared instance
compressor = Compressor()

pseudoTypes = set(["any", "var", "undefined", "null", "true", "false", "this", "arguments"])
builtinTypes = set(["Object", "String", "Number", "Boolean", "Array", "Function", "RegExp", "Date"])

# Basic user friendly node type to human type
nodeTypeToDocType = {

    # Primitives
    "string": "String",
    "number": "Number",
    "not": "Boolean",
    "true": "Boolean",
    "false": "Boolean",

    # Literals
    "function": "Function",
    "regexp": "RegExp",
    "object_init": "Map",
    "array_init": "Array",

    # We could figure out the real class automatically - at least that's the case quite often
    "new": "Object",
    "new_with_args": "Object",

    # Comparisons
    "eq" : "Boolean",
    "ne" : "Boolean",
    "strict_eq" : "Boolean",
    "strict_ne" : "Boolean",
    "lt" : "Boolean",
    "le" : "Boolean",
    "gt" : "Boolean",
    "ge" : "Boolean",
    "in" : "Boolean",
    "instanceof" : "Boolean",

    # Numbers
    "lsh": "Number",
    "rsh": "Number",
    "ursh": "Number",
    "minus": "Number",
    "mul": "Number",
    "div": "Number",
    "mod": "Number",
    "bitwise_and": "Number",
    "bitwise_xor": "Number",
    "bitwise_or": "Number",
    "bitwise_not": "Number",
    "increment": "Number",
    "decrement": "Number",
    "unary_minus": "Number",
    "unary_plus": "Number",

    # This is not 100% correct, but I don't like to introduce a BooleanLike type.
    # If the author likes something different he is still able to override it via API docs
    "and": "Boolean",
    "or": "Boolean",

    # Operators/Built-ins
    "void": "undefined",
    "null": "null",
    "typeof": "String",
    "delete": "Boolean",
    "this": "This",

    # These are not real types, we try to figure out the real value behind automatically
    "call": "Call",
    "hook": "Hook",
    "assign": "Assign",
    "plus": "Plus",
    "identifier" : "Identifier",
    "dot": "Object",
    "index": "var"

[docs]def getVisibility(name): """ Returns the visibility of the given name by convention """ if name.startswith("__"): return "private" elif name.startswith("_"): return "internal" else: return "public"
[docs]def requiresDocumentation(name): """ Whether the given name suggests that documentation is required """ return not name.startswith("_")
[docs]def getKeyValue(dict, key): """ Returns the value node of the given key inside the given object initializer. """ for propertyInit in dict: if propertyInit[0].value == key: return propertyInit[1]
[docs]def findAssignments(name, node): """ Returns a list of assignments which might have impact on the value used in the given node. """ # Looking for all script blocks scripts = [] parent = node while parent: if parent.type == "script": scope = getattr(parent, "scope", None) if scope and name in scope.modified: scripts.append(parent) parent = getattr(parent, "parent", None) def assignMatcher(node): if node.type == "assign" and node[0].type == "identifier" and node[0].value == name: return True if node.type == "declaration" and == name and getattr(node, "initializer", None): return True if node.type == "function" and node.functionForm == "declared_form" and == name: return True return False # Query all relevant script nodes assignments = [] for script in scripts: queryResult = queryAll(script, assignMatcher, False) assignments.extend(queryResult) # Collect assigned values values = [] for assignment in assignments: if assignment.type == "function": values.append(assignment) elif assignment.type == "assign": values.append(assignment[1]) else: values.append(assignment.initializer) return assignments, values
[docs]def findFunction(node): """ Returns the first function inside the given node """ return query(node, lambda node: node.type == "function")
[docs]def findCommentNode(node): """ Finds the first doc comment node inside the given node """ def matcher(node): comments = getattr(node, "comments", None) if comments: for comment in comments: if comment.variant == "doc": return True return query(node, matcher)
[docs]def getDocComment(node): """ Returns the first doc comment of the given node. """ comments = getattr(node, "comments", None) if comments: for comment in comments: if comment.variant == "doc": return comment return None
[docs]def findReturn(node): """ Finds the first return inside the given node """ return query(node, lambda node: node.type == "return", True)
[docs]def valueToString(node): """ Converts the value of the given node into something human friendly """ if node.type in ("number", "string", "false", "true", "regexp", "null"): return compressor.compress(node) elif node.type in nodeTypeToDocType: if node.type == "plus": return detectPlusType(node) elif node.type in ("new", "new_with_args", "dot"): return detectObjectType(node) else: return nodeTypeToDocType[node.type] else: return "Other"
[docs]def queryAll(node, matcher, deep=True, inner=False, result=None): """ Recurses the tree starting with the given node and returns a list of nodes matched by the given matcher method - node: any node - matcher: function which should return a truish value when node matches - deep: whether inner scopes should be scanned, too - inner: used internally to differentiate between current and inner nodes - result: can be used to extend an existing list, otherwise a new list is created and returned """ if result == None: result = [] # Don't do in closure functions if inner and node.type == "script" and not deep: return None if matcher(node): result.append(node) for child in node: queryAll(child, matcher, deep, True, result) return result
[docs]def query(node, matcher, deep=True, inner=False): """ Recurses the tree starting with the given node and returns the first node which is matched by the given matcher method. - node: any node - matcher: function which should return a truish value when node matches - deep: whether inner scopes should be scanned, too - inner: used internally to differentiate between current and inner nodes """ # Don't do in closure functions if inner and node.type == "script" and not deep: return None if matcher(node): return node for child in node: result = query(child, matcher, deep, True) if result is not None: return result return None
[docs]def findCall(node, methodName): """ Recurses the tree starting with the given node and returns the first node which calls the given method name (supports namespaces, too) """ if type(methodName) is str: methodName = set([methodName]) def matcher(node): call = getCallName(node) if call and call in methodName: return call return query(node, matcher)
[docs]def getCallName(node): if node.type == "call": if node[0].type == "dot": return assembleDot(node[0]) elif node[0].type == "identifier": return node[0].value return None
[docs]def getParameterFromCall(call, index=0): """ Returns a parameter node by index on the call node """ try: return call[1][index] except: return None
[docs]def getParamNamesFromFunction(func): """ Returns a human readable list of parameter names (sorted by their order in the given function) """ params = getattr(func, "params", None) if params: return [identifier.value for identifier in params] else: return None
[docs]def detectPlusType(plusNode): """ Analyses the given "plus" node and tries to figure out if a "string" or "number" result is produced. """ if plusNode[0].type == "string" or plusNode[1].type == "string": return "String" elif plusNode[0].type == "number" and plusNode[1].type == "number": return "Number" elif plusNode[0].type == "plus" and detectPlusType(plusNode[0]) == "String": return "String" else: return "var"
[docs]def detectObjectType(objectNode): """ Returns a human readable type information of the given node """ if objectNode.type in ("new", "new_with_args"): construct = objectNode[0] else: construct = objectNode # Only support built-in top level constructs if construct.type == "identifier" and construct.value in ("Array", "Boolean", "Date", "Function", "Number", "Object", "String", "RegExp"): return construct.value # And namespaced custom classes elif construct.type == "dot": assembled = assembleDot(construct) if assembled: return assembled return "Object"
[docs]def resolveIdentifierNode(identifierNode): assignNodes, assignValues = findAssignments(identifierNode.value, identifierNode) if assignNodes: assignCommentNode = None # Find first relevant assignment with comment! Otherwise just first one. for assign in assignNodes: # The parent is the relevant doc comment container # It's either a "var" (declaration) or "semicolon" (assignment) if getDocComment(assign): assignCommentNode = assign break elif getDocComment(assign.parent): assignCommentNode = assign.parent break return assignValues[0], assignCommentNode or assignValues[0] return None, None
[docs]def assembleDot(node, result=None): """ Joins a dot node (cascaded supported, too) into a single string like "" """ if result == None: result = [] for child in node: if child.type == "identifier": result.append(child.value) elif child.type == "dot": assembleDot(child, result) else: return None return ".".join(result)