Source code for jasy.script.parse.Parser

# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.
# Copyright 2013-2014 Sebastian Werner

# License: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
# Authors:
#   - Brendan Eich <> (Original JavaScript) (2004-2010)
#   - Sebastian Werner <> (Python Port) (2010-2012)

import jasy.script.tokenize.Tokenizer
import jasy.script.parse.VanillaBuilder
import jasy.script.tokenize.Lang

__all__ = [ "parse", "parseExpression" ]

[docs]def parseExpression(source, fileId=None, line=1, builder=None): if builder == None: builder = jasy.script.parse.VanillaBuilder.VanillaBuilder() # Convert source into expression statement to be friendly to the Tokenizer if not source.endswith(";"): source = source + ";" tokenizer = jasy.script.tokenize.Tokenizer.Tokenizer(source, fileId, line) staticContext = StaticContext(False, builder) return Expression(tokenizer, staticContext)
[docs]def parse(source, fileId=None, line=1, builder=None): if builder == None: builder = jasy.script.parse.VanillaBuilder.VanillaBuilder() tokenizer = jasy.script.tokenize.Tokenizer.Tokenizer(source, fileId, line) staticContext = StaticContext(False, builder) node = Script(tokenizer, staticContext) # store fileId on top-level node node.fileId = tokenizer.fileId # add missing comments e.g. empty file with only a comment etc. # if there is something non-attached by an inner node it is attached to # the top level node, which is not correct, but might be better than # just ignoring the comment after all. if len(node) > 0: builder.COMMENTS_add(node[-1], None, tokenizer.getComments()) else: builder.COMMENTS_add(node, None, tokenizer.getComments()) if not tokenizer.done(): raise SyntaxError("Unexpected end of file", tokenizer) return node
class SyntaxError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, tokenizer): Exception.__init__(self, "Syntax error: %s\n%s:%s" % (message, tokenizer.fileId, tokenizer.line)) # Used as a status container during tree-building for every def body and the global body class StaticContext(object): # inFunction is used to check if a return stm appears in a valid context. def __init__(self, inFunction, builder): # Whether this is inside a function, mostly True, only for top-level scope it's False self.inFunction = inFunction self.hasEmptyReturn = False self.hasReturnWithValue = False self.isGenerator = False self.blockId = 0 self.builder = builder self.statementStack = [] # Sets to store variable uses # self.functions = set() # self.variables = set() # Status # self.needsHoisting = False self.bracketLevel = 0 self.curlyLevel = 0 self.parenLevel = 0 self.hookLevel = 0 # Configure strict ecmascript 3 mode self.ecma3OnlyMode = False # Status flag during parsing self.inForLoopInit = False def Script(tokenizer, staticContext): """Parses the toplevel and def bodies.""" node = Statements(tokenizer, staticContext) # change type from "block" to "script" for script root node.type = "script" # copy over data from compiler context # node.functions = staticContext.functions # node.variables = staticContext.variables return node def nest(tokenizer, staticContext, node, func, end=None): """Statement stack and nested statement handler.""" staticContext.statementStack.append(node) node = func(tokenizer, staticContext) staticContext.statementStack.pop() end and tokenizer.mustMatch(end) return node def Statements(tokenizer, staticContext): """Parses a list of Statements.""" builder = staticContext.builder node = builder.BLOCK_build(tokenizer, staticContext.blockId) staticContext.blockId += 1 builder.BLOCK_hoistLets(node) staticContext.statementStack.append(node) prevNode = None while not tokenizer.done() and tokenizer.peek(True) != "right_curly": comments = tokenizer.getComments() childNode = Statement(tokenizer, staticContext) builder.COMMENTS_add(childNode, prevNode, comments) builder.BLOCK_addStatement(node, childNode) prevNode = childNode staticContext.statementStack.pop() builder.BLOCK_finish(node) # if getattr(node, "needsHoisting", False): # # TODO # raise Exception("Needs hoisting went true!!!") # builder.setHoists(, node.variables) # # Propagate up to the function. # staticContext.needsHoisting = True return node def Block(tokenizer, staticContext): tokenizer.mustMatch("left_curly") node = Statements(tokenizer, staticContext) tokenizer.mustMatch("right_curly") return node def Statement(tokenizer, staticContext): """Parses a Statement.""" tokenType = tokenizer.get(True) builder = staticContext.builder # Cases for statements ending in a right curly return early, avoiding the # common semicolon insertion magic after this switch. if tokenType == "function": # "declared_form" extends functions of staticContext, "statement_form" doesn'tokenizer. if len(staticContext.statementStack) > 1: kind = "statement_form" else: kind = "declared_form" return FunctionDefinition(tokenizer, staticContext, True, kind) elif tokenType == "left_curly": node = Statements(tokenizer, staticContext) tokenizer.mustMatch("right_curly") return node elif tokenType == "if": node = builder.IF_build(tokenizer) builder.IF_setCondition(node, ParenExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) staticContext.statementStack.append(node) builder.IF_setThenPart(node, Statement(tokenizer, staticContext)) if tokenizer.match("else"): comments = tokenizer.getComments() elsePart = Statement(tokenizer, staticContext) builder.COMMENTS_add(elsePart, node, comments) builder.IF_setElsePart(node, elsePart) staticContext.statementStack.pop() builder.IF_finish(node) return node elif tokenType == "switch": # This allows CASEs after a "default", which is in the standard. node = builder.SWITCH_build(tokenizer) builder.SWITCH_setDiscriminant(node, ParenExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) staticContext.statementStack.append(node) tokenizer.mustMatch("left_curly") tokenType = tokenizer.get() while tokenType != "right_curly": if tokenType == "default": if node.defaultIndex >= 0: raise SyntaxError("More than one switch default", tokenizer) childNode = builder.DEFAULT_build(tokenizer) builder.SWITCH_setDefaultIndex(node, len(node)-1) tokenizer.mustMatch("colon") builder.DEFAULT_initializeStatements(childNode, tokenizer) while True: tokenType=tokenizer.peek(True) if tokenType == "case" or tokenType == "default" or tokenType == "right_curly": break builder.DEFAULT_addStatement(childNode, Statement(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.DEFAULT_finish(childNode) elif tokenType == "case": childNode = builder.CASE_build(tokenizer) builder.CASE_setLabel(childNode, Expression(tokenizer, staticContext)) tokenizer.mustMatch("colon") builder.CASE_initializeStatements(childNode, tokenizer) while True: tokenType=tokenizer.peek(True) if tokenType == "case" or tokenType == "default" or tokenType == "right_curly": break builder.CASE_addStatement(childNode, Statement(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.CASE_finish(childNode) else: raise SyntaxError("Invalid switch case", tokenizer) builder.SWITCH_addCase(node, childNode) tokenType = tokenizer.get() staticContext.statementStack.pop() builder.SWITCH_finish(node) return node elif tokenType == "for": node = builder.FOR_build(tokenizer) forBlock = None if tokenizer.match("identifier") and tokenizer.token.value == "each": builder.FOR_rebuildForEach(node) tokenizer.mustMatch("left_paren") tokenType = tokenizer.peek() childNode = None if tokenType != "semicolon": staticContext.inForLoopInit = True if tokenType == "var" or tokenType == "const": tokenizer.get() childNode = Variables(tokenizer, staticContext) elif tokenType == "let": tokenizer.get() if tokenizer.peek() == "left_paren": childNode = LetBlock(tokenizer, staticContext, False) else: # Let in for head, we need to add an implicit block # around the rest of the for. forBlock = builder.BLOCK_build(tokenizer, staticContext.blockId) staticContext.blockId += 1 staticContext.statementStack.append(forBlock) childNode = Variables(tokenizer, staticContext, forBlock) else: childNode = Expression(tokenizer, staticContext) staticContext.inForLoopInit = False if childNode and tokenizer.match("in"): builder.FOR_rebuildForIn(node) builder.FOR_setObject(node, Expression(tokenizer, staticContext), forBlock) if childNode.type == "var" or childNode.type == "let": if len(childNode) != 1: raise SyntaxError("Invalid left-hand side", tokenizer) builder.FOR_setIterator(node, childNode, forBlock) else: builder.FOR_setIterator(node, childNode, forBlock) else: builder.FOR_setSetup(node, childNode) tokenizer.mustMatch("semicolon") if node.isEach: raise SyntaxError("Invalid for loop", tokenizer) if tokenizer.peek() == "semicolon": builder.FOR_setCondition(node, None) else: builder.FOR_setCondition(node, Expression(tokenizer, staticContext)) tokenizer.mustMatch("semicolon") if tokenizer.peek() == "right_paren": builder.FOR_setUpdate(node, None) else: builder.FOR_setUpdate(node, Expression(tokenizer, staticContext)) tokenizer.mustMatch("right_paren") builder.FOR_setBody(node, nest(tokenizer, staticContext, node, Statement)) if forBlock: builder.BLOCK_finish(forBlock) staticContext.statementStack.pop() builder.FOR_finish(node) return node elif tokenType == "while": node = builder.WHILE_build(tokenizer) builder.WHILE_setCondition(node, ParenExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.WHILE_setBody(node, nest(tokenizer, staticContext, node, Statement)) builder.WHILE_finish(node) return node elif tokenType == "do": node = builder.DO_build(tokenizer) builder.DO_setBody(node, nest(tokenizer, staticContext, node, Statement, "while")) builder.DO_setCondition(node, ParenExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.DO_finish(node) if not staticContext.ecma3OnlyMode: # <script language="JavaScript"> (without version hints) may need # automatic semicolon insertion without a newline after do-while. # See tokenizer.match("semicolon") return node # NO RETURN elif tokenType == "break" or tokenType == "continue": if tokenType == "break": node = builder.BREAK_build(tokenizer) else: node = builder.CONTINUE_build(tokenizer) if tokenizer.peekOnSameLine() == "identifier": tokenizer.get() if tokenType == "break": builder.BREAK_setLabel(node, tokenizer.token.value) else: builder.CONTINUE_setLabel(node, tokenizer.token.value) statementStack = staticContext.statementStack i = len(statementStack) label = node.label if hasattr(node, "label") else None if label: while True: i -= 1 if i < 0: raise SyntaxError("Label not found", tokenizer) if getattr(statementStack[i], "label", None) == label: break # # Both break and continue to label need to be handled specially # within a labeled loop, so that they target that loop. If not in # a loop, then break targets its labeled statement. Labels can be # nested so we skip all labels immediately enclosing the nearest # non-label statement. # while i < len(statementStack) - 1 and statementStack[i+1].type == "label": i += 1 if i < len(statementStack) - 1 and getattr(statementStack[i+1], "isLoop", False): i += 1 elif tokenType == "continue": raise SyntaxError("Invalid continue", tokenizer) else: while True: i -= 1 if i < 0: if tokenType == "break": raise SyntaxError("Invalid break", tokenizer) else: raise SyntaxError("Invalid continue", tokenizer) if getattr(statementStack[i], "isLoop", False) or (tokenType == "break" and statementStack[i].type == "switch"): break if tokenType == "break": builder.BREAK_finish(node) else: builder.CONTINUE_finish(node) # NO RETURN elif tokenType == "try": node = builder.TRY_build(tokenizer) builder.TRY_setTryBlock(node, Block(tokenizer, staticContext)) while tokenizer.match("catch"): childNode = builder.CATCH_build(tokenizer) tokenizer.mustMatch("left_paren") nextTokenType = tokenizer.get() if nextTokenType == "left_bracket" or nextTokenType == "left_curly": # Destructured catch identifiers. tokenizer.unget() exception = DestructuringExpression(tokenizer, staticContext, True) elif nextTokenType == "identifier": exception = builder.CATCH_wrapException(tokenizer) else: raise SyntaxError("Missing identifier in catch", tokenizer) builder.CATCH_setException(childNode, exception) if tokenizer.match("if"): if staticContext.ecma3OnlyMode: raise SyntaxError("Illegal catch guard", tokenizer) if node.getChildrenLength() > 0 and not node.getUnrelatedChildren()[0].guard: raise SyntaxError("Guarded catch after unguarded", tokenizer) builder.CATCH_setGuard(childNode, Expression(tokenizer, staticContext)) else: builder.CATCH_setGuard(childNode, None) tokenizer.mustMatch("right_paren") builder.CATCH_setBlock(childNode, Block(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.CATCH_finish(childNode) builder.TRY_addCatch(node, childNode) builder.TRY_finishCatches(node) if tokenizer.match("finally"): builder.TRY_setFinallyBlock(node, Block(tokenizer, staticContext)) if node.getChildrenLength() == 0 and not hasattr(node, "finallyBlock"): raise SyntaxError("Invalid try statement", tokenizer) builder.TRY_finish(node) return node elif tokenType == "catch" or tokenType == "finally": raise SyntaxError(tokens[tokenType] + " without preceding try", tokenizer) elif tokenType == "throw": node = builder.THROW_build(tokenizer) builder.THROW_setException(node, Expression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.THROW_finish(node) # NO RETURN elif tokenType == "return": node = returnOrYield(tokenizer, staticContext) # NO RETURN elif tokenType == "with": node = builder.WITH_build(tokenizer) builder.WITH_setObject(node, ParenExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.WITH_setBody(node, nest(tokenizer, staticContext, node, Statement)) builder.WITH_finish(node) return node elif tokenType == "var" or tokenType == "const": node = Variables(tokenizer, staticContext) # NO RETURN elif tokenType == "let": if tokenizer.peek() == "left_paren": node = LetBlock(tokenizer, staticContext, True) else: node = Variables(tokenizer, staticContext) # NO RETURN elif tokenType == "debugger": node = builder.DEBUGGER_build(tokenizer) # NO RETURN elif tokenType == "newline" or tokenType == "semicolon": node = builder.SEMICOLON_build(tokenizer) builder.SEMICOLON_setExpression(node, None) builder.SEMICOLON_finish(tokenizer) return node else: if tokenType == "identifier": tokenType = tokenizer.peek() # Labeled statement. if tokenType == "colon": label = tokenizer.token.value statementStack = staticContext.statementStack i = len(statementStack)-1 while i >= 0: if getattr(statementStack[i], "label", None) == label: raise SyntaxError("Duplicate label", tokenizer) i -= 1 tokenizer.get() node = builder.LABEL_build(tokenizer) builder.LABEL_setLabel(node, label) builder.LABEL_setStatement(node, nest(tokenizer, staticContext, node, Statement)) builder.LABEL_finish(node) return node # Expression statement. # We unget the current token to parse the expression as a whole. node = builder.SEMICOLON_build(tokenizer) tokenizer.unget() builder.SEMICOLON_setExpression(node, Expression(tokenizer, staticContext)) node.end = node.expression.end builder.SEMICOLON_finish(node) # NO RETURN MagicalSemicolon(tokenizer) return node def MagicalSemicolon(tokenizer): if tokenizer.line == tokenizer.token.line: tokenType = tokenizer.peekOnSameLine() if tokenType != "end" and tokenType != "newline" and tokenType != "semicolon" and tokenType != "right_curly": raise SyntaxError("Missing ; before statement", tokenizer) tokenizer.match("semicolon") def returnOrYield(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder tokenType = tokenizer.token.type if tokenType == "return": if not staticContext.inFunction: raise SyntaxError("Return not in function", tokenizer) node = builder.RETURN_build(tokenizer) else: if not staticContext.inFunction: raise SyntaxError("Yield not in function", tokenizer) staticContext.isGenerator = True node = builder.YIELD_build(tokenizer) nextTokenType = tokenizer.peek(True) if nextTokenType != "end" and nextTokenType != "newline" and nextTokenType != "semicolon" and nextTokenType != "right_curly" and (tokenType != "yield" or (nextTokenType != tokenType and nextTokenType != "right_bracket" and nextTokenType != "right_paren" and nextTokenType != "colon" and nextTokenType != "comma")): if tokenType == "return": builder.RETURN_setValue(node, Expression(tokenizer, staticContext)) staticContext.hasReturnWithValue = True else: builder.YIELD_setValue(node, AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) elif tokenType == "return": staticContext.hasEmptyReturn = True # Disallow return v; in generator. if staticContext.hasReturnWithValue and staticContext.isGenerator: raise SyntaxError("Generator returns a value", tokenizer) if tokenType == "return": builder.RETURN_finish(node) else: builder.YIELD_finish(node) return node def FunctionDefinition(tokenizer, staticContext, requireName, functionForm): builder = staticContext.builder functionNode = builder.FUNCTION_build(tokenizer) if tokenizer.match("identifier"): builder.FUNCTION_setName(functionNode, tokenizer.token.value) elif requireName: raise SyntaxError("Missing def identifier", tokenizer) tokenizer.mustMatch("left_paren") if not tokenizer.match("right_paren"): builder.FUNCTION_initParams(functionNode, tokenizer) prevParamNode = None while True: tokenType = tokenizer.get() if tokenType == "left_bracket" or tokenType == "left_curly": # Destructured formal parameters. tokenizer.unget() paramNode = DestructuringExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) elif tokenType == "identifier": paramNode = builder.FUNCTION_wrapParam(tokenizer) else: raise SyntaxError("Missing formal parameter", tokenizer) builder.FUNCTION_addParam(functionNode, tokenizer, paramNode) builder.COMMENTS_add(paramNode, prevParamNode, tokenizer.getComments()) if not tokenizer.match("comma"): break prevParamNode = paramNode tokenizer.mustMatch("right_paren") # Do we have an expression closure or a normal body? tokenType = tokenizer.get() if tokenType != "left_curly": builder.FUNCTION_setExpressionClosure(functionNode, True) tokenizer.unget() childContext = StaticContext(True, builder) if staticContext.inFunction: # Inner functions don't reset block numbering, only functions at # the top level of the program do. childContext.blockId = staticContext.blockId if tokenType != "left_curly": builder.FUNCTION_setBody(functionNode, AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) if staticContext.isGenerator: raise SyntaxError("Generator returns a value", tokenizer) else: builder.FUNCTION_hoistVars(childContext.blockId) builder.FUNCTION_setBody(functionNode, Script(tokenizer, childContext)) if tokenType == "left_curly": tokenizer.mustMatch("right_curly") functionNode.end = tokenizer.token.end functionNode.functionForm = functionForm builder.COMMENTS_add(functionNode.body, functionNode.body, tokenizer.getComments()) builder.FUNCTION_finish(functionNode, staticContext) return functionNode def Variables(tokenizer, staticContext, letBlock=None): """Parses a comma-separated list of var declarations (and maybe initializations).""" builder = staticContext.builder if tokenizer.token.type == "var": build = builder.VAR_build addDecl = builder.VAR_addDecl finish = builder.VAR_finish childContext = staticContext elif tokenizer.token.type == "const": build = builder.CONST_build addDecl = builder.CONST_addDecl finish = builder.CONST_finish childContext = staticContext elif tokenizer.token.type == "let" or tokenizer.token.type == "left_paren": build = builder.LET_build addDecl = builder.LET_addDecl finish = builder.LET_finish if not letBlock: statementStack = staticContext.statementStack i = len(statementStack) - 1 # a BLOCK *must* be found. while statementStack[i].type != "block": i -= 1 # Lets at the def toplevel are just vars, at least in SpiderMonkey. if i == 0: build = builder.VAR_build addDecl = builder.VAR_addDecl finish = builder.VAR_finish childContext = staticContext else: childContext = statementStack[i] else: childContext = letBlock node = build(tokenizer) while True: tokenType = tokenizer.get() # Done in Python port! # FIXME Should have a special DECLARATION node instead of overloading # IDENTIFIER to mean both identifier declarations and destructured # declarations. childNode = builder.DECL_build(tokenizer) if tokenType == "left_bracket" or tokenType == "left_curly": # Pass in childContext if we need to add each pattern matched into # its variables, else pass in staticContext. # Need to unget to parse the full destructured expression. tokenizer.unget() builder.DECL_setNames(childNode, DestructuringExpression(tokenizer, staticContext, True, childContext)) if staticContext.inForLoopInit and tokenizer.peek() == "in": addDecl(node, childNode, childContext) if tokenizer.match("comma"): continue else: break tokenizer.mustMatch("assign") if tokenizer.token.assignOp: raise SyntaxError("Invalid variable initialization", tokenizer) # Parse the init as a normal assignment. builder.DECL_setInitializer(childNode, AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.DECL_finish(childNode) addDecl(node, childNode, childContext) # Copy over names for variable list # for nameNode in childNode.names: # childContext.variables.add(nameNode.value) if tokenizer.match("comma"): continue else: break if tokenType != "identifier": raise SyntaxError("Missing variable name", tokenizer) builder.DECL_setName(childNode, tokenizer.token.value) builder.DECL_setReadOnly(childNode, node.type == "const") addDecl(node, childNode, childContext) if tokenizer.match("assign"): if tokenizer.token.assignOp: raise SyntaxError("Invalid variable initialization", tokenizer) initializerNode = AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) builder.DECL_setInitializer(childNode, initializerNode) builder.DECL_finish(childNode) # If we directly use the node in "let" constructs # if not hasattr(childContext, "variables"): # childContext.variables = set() # childContext.variables.add( if not tokenizer.match("comma"): break finish(node) return node def LetBlock(tokenizer, staticContext, isStatement): """Does not handle let inside of for loop init.""" builder = staticContext.builder # tokenizer.token.type must be "let" node = builder.LETBLOCK_build(tokenizer) tokenizer.mustMatch("left_paren") builder.LETBLOCK_setVariables(node, Variables(tokenizer, staticContext, node)) tokenizer.mustMatch("right_paren") if isStatement and tokenizer.peek() != "left_curly": # If this is really an expression in let statement guise, then we # need to wrap the "let_block" node in a "semicolon" node so that we pop # the return value of the expression. childNode = builder.SEMICOLON_build(tokenizer) builder.SEMICOLON_setExpression(childNode, node) builder.SEMICOLON_finish(childNode) isStatement = False if isStatement: childNode = Block(tokenizer, staticContext) builder.LETBLOCK_setBlock(node, childNode) else: childNode = AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) builder.LETBLOCK_setExpression(node, childNode) builder.LETBLOCK_finish(node) return node def checkDestructuring(tokenizer, staticContext, node, simpleNamesOnly=None, data=None): if node.type == "array_comp": raise SyntaxError("Invalid array comprehension left-hand side", tokenizer) if node.type != "array_init" and node.type != "object_init": return builder = staticContext.builder for child in node: if child == None: continue if child.type == "property_init": lhs = child[0] rhs = child[1] else: lhs = None rhs = None if rhs and (rhs.type == "array_init" or rhs.type == "object_init"): checkDestructuring(tokenizer, staticContext, rhs, simpleNamesOnly, data) if lhs and simpleNamesOnly: # In declarations, lhs must be simple names if lhs.type != "identifier": raise SyntaxError("Missing name in pattern", tokenizer) elif data: childNode = builder.DECL_build(tokenizer) builder.DECL_setName(childNode, lhs.value) # Don't need to set initializer because it's just for # hoisting anyways. builder.DECL_finish(childNode) # Each pattern needs to be added to variables. # data.variables.add( # JavaScript 1.7 def DestructuringExpression(tokenizer, staticContext, simpleNamesOnly=None, data=None): node = PrimaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) checkDestructuring(tokenizer, staticContext, node, simpleNamesOnly, data) return node # JavsScript 1.7 def GeneratorExpression(tokenizer, staticContext, expression): builder = staticContext.builder node = builder.GENERATOR_build(tokenizer) builder.GENERATOR_setExpression(node, expression) builder.GENERATOR_setTail(node, comprehensionTail(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.GENERATOR_finish(node) return node # JavaScript 1.7 Comprehensions Tails (Generators / Arrays) def comprehensionTail(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder # tokenizer.token.type must be "for" body = builder.COMPTAIL_build(tokenizer) while True: node = builder.FOR_build(tokenizer) # Comprehension tails are always loops. builder.FOR_rebuildForIn(node) if tokenizer.match("identifier"): # But sometimes they're for if tokenizer.token.value == "each": builder.FOR_rebuildForEach(node) else: tokenizer.unget() tokenizer.mustMatch("left_paren") tokenType = tokenizer.get() if tokenType == "left_bracket" or tokenType == "left_curly": tokenizer.unget() # Destructured left side of for in comprehension tails. builder.FOR_setIterator(node, DestructuringExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) elif tokenType == "identifier": # Removed variable/declaration substructure in Python port. # Variable declarations are not allowed here. So why process them in such a way? # declaration = builder.DECL_build(tokenizer) # builder.DECL_setName(declaration, tokenizer.token.value) # builder.DECL_finish(declaration) # childNode = builder.VAR_build(tokenizer) # builder.VAR_addDecl(childNode, declaration) # builder.VAR_finish(childNode) # builder.FOR_setIterator(node, declaration) # Don't add to variables since the semantics of comprehensions is # such that the variables are in their own def when desugared. identifier = builder.PRIMARY_build(tokenizer, "identifier") builder.FOR_setIterator(node, identifier) else: raise SyntaxError("Missing identifier", tokenizer) tokenizer.mustMatch("in") builder.FOR_setObject(node, Expression(tokenizer, staticContext)) tokenizer.mustMatch("right_paren") builder.COMPTAIL_addFor(body, node) if not tokenizer.match("for"): break # Optional guard. if tokenizer.match("if"): builder.COMPTAIL_setGuard(body, ParenExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.COMPTAIL_finish(body) return body def ParenExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): tokenizer.mustMatch("left_paren") # Always accept the 'in' operator in a parenthesized expression, # where it's unambiguous, even if we might be parsing the init of a # for statement. oldLoopInit = staticContext.inForLoopInit staticContext.inForLoopInit = False node = Expression(tokenizer, staticContext) staticContext.inForLoopInit = oldLoopInit err = "expression must be parenthesized" if tokenizer.match("for"): if node.type == "yield" and not node.parenthesized: raise SyntaxError("Yield " + err, tokenizer) if node.type == "comma" and not node.parenthesized: raise SyntaxError("Generator " + err, tokenizer) node = GeneratorExpression(tokenizer, staticContext, node) tokenizer.mustMatch("right_paren") return node def Expression(tokenizer, staticContext): """Top-down expression parser matched against SpiderMonkey.""" builder = staticContext.builder node = AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) if tokenizer.match("comma"): childNode = builder.COMMA_build(tokenizer) builder.COMMA_addOperand(childNode, node) node = childNode while True: childNode = node[len(node)-1] if childNode.type == "yield" and not childNode.parenthesized: raise SyntaxError("Yield expression must be parenthesized", tokenizer) builder.COMMA_addOperand(node, AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) if not tokenizer.match("comma"): break builder.COMMA_finish(node) return node def AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder # Have to treat yield like an operand because it could be the leftmost # operand of the expression. if tokenizer.match("yield", True): return returnOrYield(tokenizer, staticContext) comments = tokenizer.getComments() node = builder.ASSIGN_build(tokenizer) lhs = ConditionalExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) builder.COMMENTS_add(lhs, None, comments) if not tokenizer.match("assign"): builder.ASSIGN_finish(node) return lhs if lhs.type == "object_init" or lhs.type == "array_init": checkDestructuring(tokenizer, staticContext, lhs) elif lhs.type == "identifier" or lhs.type == "dot" or lhs.type == "index" or lhs.type == "call": pass else: raise SyntaxError("Bad left-hand side of assignment", tokenizer) builder.ASSIGN_setAssignOp(node, tokenizer.token.assignOp) builder.ASSIGN_addOperand(node, lhs) builder.ASSIGN_addOperand(node, AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.ASSIGN_finish(node) return node def ConditionalExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder node = OrExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) if tokenizer.match("hook"): childNode = node node = builder.HOOK_build(tokenizer) builder.HOOK_setCondition(node, childNode) # Always accept the 'in' operator in the middle clause of a ternary, # where it's unambiguous, even if we might be parsing the init of a # for statement. oldLoopInit = staticContext.inForLoopInit staticContext.inForLoopInit = False builder.HOOK_setThenPart(node, AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) staticContext.inForLoopInit = oldLoopInit if not tokenizer.match("colon"): raise SyntaxError("Missing : after ?", tokenizer) builder.HOOK_setElsePart(node, AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.HOOK_finish(node) return node def OrExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder node = AndExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) while tokenizer.match("or"): childNode = builder.OR_build(tokenizer) builder.OR_addOperand(childNode, node) builder.OR_addOperand(childNode, AndExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.OR_finish(childNode) node = childNode return node def AndExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder node = BitwiseOrExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) while tokenizer.match("and"): childNode = builder.AND_build(tokenizer) builder.AND_addOperand(childNode, node) builder.AND_addOperand(childNode, BitwiseOrExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.AND_finish(childNode) node = childNode return node def BitwiseOrExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder node = BitwiseXorExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) while tokenizer.match("bitwise_or"): childNode = builder.BITWISEOR_build(tokenizer) builder.BITWISEOR_addOperand(childNode, node) builder.BITWISEOR_addOperand(childNode, BitwiseXorExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.BITWISEOR_finish(childNode) node = childNode return node def BitwiseXorExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder node = BitwiseAndExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) while tokenizer.match("bitwise_xor"): childNode = builder.BITWISEXOR_build(tokenizer) builder.BITWISEXOR_addOperand(childNode, node) builder.BITWISEXOR_addOperand(childNode, BitwiseAndExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.BITWISEXOR_finish(childNode) node = childNode return node def BitwiseAndExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder node = EqualityExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) while tokenizer.match("bitwise_and"): childNode = builder.BITWISEAND_build(tokenizer) builder.BITWISEAND_addOperand(childNode, node) builder.BITWISEAND_addOperand(childNode, EqualityExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.BITWISEAND_finish(childNode) node = childNode return node def EqualityExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder node = RelationalExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) while tokenizer.match("eq") or tokenizer.match("ne") or tokenizer.match("strict_eq") or tokenizer.match("strict_ne"): childNode = builder.EQUALITY_build(tokenizer) builder.EQUALITY_addOperand(childNode, node) builder.EQUALITY_addOperand(childNode, RelationalExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.EQUALITY_finish(childNode) node = childNode return node def RelationalExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder oldLoopInit = staticContext.inForLoopInit # Uses of the in operator in shiftExprs are always unambiguous, # so unset the flag that prohibits recognizing it. staticContext.inForLoopInit = False node = ShiftExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) while tokenizer.match("lt") or tokenizer.match("le") or tokenizer.match("ge") or tokenizer.match("gt") or (oldLoopInit == False and tokenizer.match("in")) or tokenizer.match("instanceof"): childNode = builder.RELATIONAL_build(tokenizer) builder.RELATIONAL_addOperand(childNode, node) builder.RELATIONAL_addOperand(childNode, ShiftExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.RELATIONAL_finish(childNode) node = childNode staticContext.inForLoopInit = oldLoopInit return node def ShiftExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder node = AddExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) while tokenizer.match("lsh") or tokenizer.match("rsh") or tokenizer.match("ursh"): childNode = builder.SHIFT_build(tokenizer) builder.SHIFT_addOperand(childNode, node) builder.SHIFT_addOperand(childNode, AddExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.SHIFT_finish(childNode) node = childNode return node def AddExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder node = MultiplyExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) while tokenizer.match("plus") or tokenizer.match("minus"): childNode = builder.ADD_build(tokenizer) builder.ADD_addOperand(childNode, node) builder.ADD_addOperand(childNode, MultiplyExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.ADD_finish(childNode) node = childNode return node def MultiplyExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder node = UnaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) while tokenizer.match("mul") or tokenizer.match("div") or tokenizer.match("mod"): childNode = builder.MULTIPLY_build(tokenizer) builder.MULTIPLY_addOperand(childNode, node) builder.MULTIPLY_addOperand(childNode, UnaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.MULTIPLY_finish(childNode) node = childNode return node def UnaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder tokenType = tokenizer.get(True) if tokenType in ["delete", "void", "typeof", "not", "bitwise_not", "plus", "minus"]: node = builder.UNARY_build(tokenizer) builder.UNARY_addOperand(node, UnaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) elif tokenType == "increment" or tokenType == "decrement": # Prefix increment/decrement. node = builder.UNARY_build(tokenizer) builder.UNARY_addOperand(node, MemberExpression(tokenizer, staticContext, True)) else: tokenizer.unget() node = MemberExpression(tokenizer, staticContext, True) # Don't look across a newline boundary for a postfix {in,de}crement. if tokenizer.tokens[(tokenizer.tokenIndex + tokenizer.lookahead - 1) & 3].line == tokenizer.line: if tokenizer.match("increment") or tokenizer.match("decrement"): childNode = builder.UNARY_build(tokenizer) builder.UNARY_setPostfix(childNode) builder.UNARY_finish(node) builder.UNARY_addOperand(childNode, node) node = childNode builder.UNARY_finish(node) return node def MemberExpression(tokenizer, staticContext, allowCallSyntax): builder = staticContext.builder if tokenizer.match("new"): node = builder.MEMBER_build(tokenizer) builder.MEMBER_addOperand(node, MemberExpression(tokenizer, staticContext, False)) if tokenizer.match("left_paren"): builder.MEMBER_rebuildNewWithArgs(node) builder.MEMBER_addOperand(node, ArgumentList(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.MEMBER_finish(node) else: node = PrimaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) while True: tokenType = tokenizer.get() if tokenType == "end": break if tokenType == "dot": childNode = builder.MEMBER_build(tokenizer) builder.MEMBER_addOperand(childNode, node) tokenizer.mustMatch("identifier") builder.MEMBER_addOperand(childNode, builder.MEMBER_build(tokenizer)) elif tokenType == "left_bracket": childNode = builder.MEMBER_build(tokenizer, "index") builder.MEMBER_addOperand(childNode, node) builder.MEMBER_addOperand(childNode, Expression(tokenizer, staticContext)) tokenizer.mustMatch("right_bracket") elif tokenType == "left_paren" and allowCallSyntax: childNode = builder.MEMBER_build(tokenizer, "call") builder.MEMBER_addOperand(childNode, node) builder.MEMBER_addOperand(childNode, ArgumentList(tokenizer, staticContext)) else: tokenizer.unget() return node builder.MEMBER_finish(childNode) node = childNode return node def ArgumentList(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder node = builder.LIST_build(tokenizer) if tokenizer.match("right_paren", True): return node while True: childNode = AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) if childNode.type == "yield" and not childNode.parenthesized and tokenizer.peek() == "comma": raise SyntaxError("Yield expression must be parenthesized", tokenizer) if tokenizer.match("for"): childNode = GeneratorExpression(tokenizer, staticContext, childNode) if len(node) > 1 or tokenizer.peek(True) == "comma": raise SyntaxError("Generator expression must be parenthesized", tokenizer) builder.LIST_addOperand(node, childNode) if not tokenizer.match("comma"): break tokenizer.mustMatch("right_paren") builder.LIST_finish(node) return node def PrimaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): builder = staticContext.builder tokenType = tokenizer.get(True) if tokenType == "function": node = FunctionDefinition(tokenizer, staticContext, False, "expressed_form") elif tokenType == "left_bracket": node = builder.ARRAYINIT_build(tokenizer) while True: tokenType = tokenizer.peek(True) if tokenType == "right_bracket": break if tokenType == "comma": tokenizer.get() builder.ARRAYINIT_addElement(node, None) continue builder.ARRAYINIT_addElement(node, AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) if tokenType != "comma" and not tokenizer.match("comma"): break # If we matched exactly one element and got a "for", we have an # array comprehension. if len(node) == 1 and tokenizer.match("for"): childNode = builder.ARRAYCOMP_build(tokenizer) builder.ARRAYCOMP_setExpression(childNode, node[0]) builder.ARRAYCOMP_setTail(childNode, comprehensionTail(tokenizer, staticContext)) node = childNode builder.COMMENTS_add(node, node, tokenizer.getComments()) tokenizer.mustMatch("right_bracket") builder.PRIMARY_finish(node) elif tokenType == "left_curly": node = builder.OBJECTINIT_build(tokenizer) if not tokenizer.match("right_curly"): while True: tokenType = tokenizer.get() tokenValue = getattr(tokenizer.token, "value", None) comments = tokenizer.getComments() if tokenValue in ("get", "set") and tokenizer.peek() == "identifier": if staticContext.ecma3OnlyMode: raise SyntaxError("Illegal property accessor", tokenizer) fd = FunctionDefinition(tokenizer, staticContext, True, "expressed_form") builder.OBJECTINIT_addProperty(node, fd) else: if tokenType == "identifier" or tokenType == "number" or tokenType == "string": id = builder.PRIMARY_build(tokenizer, "identifier") builder.PRIMARY_finish(id) elif tokenType == "right_curly": if staticContext.ecma3OnlyMode: raise SyntaxError("Illegal trailing ,", tokenizer) tokenizer.unget() break else: if tokenValue in jasy.script.tokenize.Lang.keywords: id = builder.PRIMARY_build(tokenizer, "identifier") builder.PRIMARY_finish(id) else: print("Value is '%s'" % tokenValue) raise SyntaxError("Invalid property name", tokenizer) if tokenizer.match("colon"): childNode = builder.PROPERTYINIT_build(tokenizer) builder.COMMENTS_add(childNode, node, comments) builder.PROPERTYINIT_addOperand(childNode, id) builder.PROPERTYINIT_addOperand(childNode, AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) builder.PROPERTYINIT_finish(childNode) builder.OBJECTINIT_addProperty(node, childNode) else: # Support, e.g., |var {staticContext, y} = o| as destructuring shorthand # for |var {staticContext: staticContext, y: y} = o|, per proposed JS2/ES4 for JS1.8. if tokenizer.peek() != "comma" and tokenizer.peek() != "right_curly": raise SyntaxError("Missing : after property", tokenizer) builder.OBJECTINIT_addProperty(node, id) if not tokenizer.match("comma"): break builder.COMMENTS_add(node, node, tokenizer.getComments()) tokenizer.mustMatch("right_curly") builder.OBJECTINIT_finish(node) elif tokenType == "left_paren": # ParenExpression does its own matching on parentheses, so we need to unget. tokenizer.unget() node = ParenExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) node.parenthesized = True elif tokenType == "let": node = LetBlock(tokenizer, staticContext, False) elif tokenType in ["null", "this", "true", "false", "identifier", "number", "string", "regexp"]: node = builder.PRIMARY_build(tokenizer, tokenType) builder.PRIMARY_finish(node) else: raise SyntaxError("Missing operand. Found type: %s" % tokenType, tokenizer) return node