Source code for jasy.script.clean.DeadCode

# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.
# Copyright 2013-2014 Sebastian Werner

This module is used to detect dead code branches and remove them.
This is escecially useful after injecting values from the outside
which might lead to simple truish equations which can be easily

This module is directly used by Class after Permutations have been
applied (code branches) but can be used more widely, too.

This acts somewhat like the optimizers you find under "optimizer",
but is dependency relevant (Permutations might remove whole blocks
of alternative code branches). It makes no sense to optimize this
just before compilation. It must be done pretty early during the
processing of classes.

The module currently support the following statements:

* if
* hook (?:)
* switch

and can detect good code based on:

* true
* false
* equal: ==
* strict equal: ===
* not equal: !=
* strict not equal: !==
* not: !
* and: &&
* or: ||

It supports the types "string" and "number" during comparisions. It
uses a simple equality operator in Python which behaves like strict
equal in JavaScript. This also means that number 42 is not equal to
string "42" during the dead code analysis.

It can figure out combined expressions as well like:

* 4 == 4 && !false


__all__ = ["cleanup"]

import jasy.core.Console as Console

[docs]def cleanup(node): """ Reprocesses JavaScript to remove dead paths """ Console.debug("Removing dead code branches...") Console.indent() result = __cleanup(node) Console.outdent() return result
def __cleanup(node): """ Reprocesses JavaScript to remove dead paths """ optimized = False # Process from inside to outside for child in reversed(node): # None children are allowed sometimes e.g. during array_init like [1,2,,,7,8] if child != None: if __cleanup(child): optimized = True # Optimize if cases if node.type == "if": check = __checkCondition(node.condition) if check is not None: optimized = True Console.debug("Optimizing if/else at line %s", node.line) if check is True: node.parent.replace(node, node.thenPart) elif check is False: if hasattr(node, "elsePart"): node.parent.replace(node, node.elsePart) else: node.parent.remove(node) # Optimize hook statement if node.type == "hook": check = __checkCondition(node[0]) if check is not None: Console.debug("Optimizing hook at line %s", node.line) optimized = True if check is True: node.parent.replace(node, node[1]) elif check is False: node.parent.replace(node, node[2]) # Optimize switch statement if node.type == "switch" and node.discriminant.type in ("string", "number"): discriminant = node.discriminant.value fallback = None matcher = None allowed = ["default", "case"] for child in node: # Require that every case block ends with a break (no fall-throughs) if child.type == "case": block = child[len(child)-1] if len(block) == 0 or block[len(block)-1].type != "break": Console.warn("Could not optimize switch statement (at line %s) because of fallthrough break statement.", node.line) return False if child.type == "default": fallback = child.statements elif child.type == "case" and child.label.value == discriminant: matcher = child.statements # Remove break statement matcher.pop() if matcher or fallback: if not matcher: matcher = fallback node.parent.replace(node, matcher) Console.debug("Optimizing switch at line %s", node.line) optimized = True return optimized # # Implementation # def __checkCondition(node): """ Checks a comparison for equality. Returns None when both, truely and falsy could not be deteted. """ if node.type == "false": return False elif node.type == "true": return True elif node.type == "eq" or node.type == "strict_eq": return __compareNodes(node[0], node[1]) elif node.type == "ne" or node.type == "strict_ne": return __invertResult(__compareNodes(node[0], node[1])) elif node.type == "not": return __invertResult(__checkCondition(node[0])) elif node.type == "and": first = __checkCondition(node[0]) if first != None and not first: return False second = __checkCondition(node[1]) if second != None and not second: return False if first and second: return True elif node.type == "or": first = __checkCondition(node[0]) second = __checkCondition(node[1]) if first != None and second != None: return first or second return None def __invertResult(result): """ Used to support the NOT operator. """ if type(result) == bool: return not result return result def __negateType(node): """ Negates the value inside a not-type """ child = node[0] if child.type == "false": return "true" elif child.type == "true": return "false" elif child.type == "number": if child.value == 0: return "true" else: return "false" elif child.type == "string": if len(child.value) > 0: return "false" else: return "true" else: return None def __compareNodes(a, b): """ This method compares two nodes from the tree regarding equality. It supports boolean, string and number type compares """ firstType = a.type if firstType == "not": firstType = __negateType(a) secondType = b.type if secondType == "not": secondType = __negateType(b) if firstType == secondType: if firstType in ("string", "number"): return a.value == b.value elif firstType == "true": return True elif secondType == "false": return False elif firstType in ("true", "false") and secondType in ("true", "false"): return False return None