Source code for jasy.script.api.Comment

# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.
# Copyright 2013-2014 Sebastian Werner

import re

import jasy.core.Text as Text
import jasy.core.Console as Console

from jasy import UserError
from jasy.script.util import *

# Used to measure the doc indent size (with leading stars in front of content)
docIndentReg = re.compile(r"^(\s*\*\s*)(\S*)")

# Used to split type lists as supported by throw, return and params
listSplit = re.compile("\s*\|\s*")

# Used to remove markup sequences after doc processing of comment text
stripMarkup = re.compile(r"<.*?>")

# Matches return blocks in comments
returnMatcher = re.compile(r"^\s*\{([a-zA-Z0-9_ \.\|\[\]]+)\}")

# Matches type definitions in comments
typeMatcher = re.compile(r"^\s*\{=([a-zA-Z0-9_ \.]+)\}")

# Matches tags
tagMatcher = re.compile(r"#([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\((\S+)\))?(\s|$)")

# Matches param declarations in own dialect
paramMatcher = re.compile(r"@([a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]|[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\s*\{([a-zA-Z0-9_ \.\|\[\]]+?)(\s*\.{3}\s*)?((\s*\?\s*(\S+))|(\s*\?\s*))?\})?")

# Matches links in own dialect
linkMatcher = re.compile(r"(\{((static|member|property|event)\:)?([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)?(\#([a-zA-Z0-9_]+))?\})")

# matches backticks and has a built-in failsafe for backticks which do not terminate on the same line
tickMatcher = re.compile(r"(`[^\n`]*?`)")

[docs]class CommentException(Exception): """ Thrown when errors during comment processing are detected. """ def __init__(self, message, lineNo=0): Exception.__init__(self, "Comment error: %s (line: %s)" % (message, lineNo+1))
[docs]class Comment(): """ Comment class is attached to parsed nodes and used to store all comment related information. The class supports a new Markdown and TomDoc inspired dialect to make developers life easier and work less repeative. """ # Relation to code context = None # Dictionary of tags tags = None # Dictionary of params params = None # List of return types returns = None # Static type type = None # Collected text of the comment (without the extracted doc relevant data) text = None # Text with extracted / parsed data __processedText = None # Text of the comment converted to HTML including highlighting (only for doc comment) __highlightedText = None # Text / Code Blocks in the comment __blocks = None def __init__(self, text, context=None, lineNo=0, indent="", fileId=None): # Store context (relation to code) self.context = context # Store fileId self.fileId = fileId # Figure out the type of the comment based on the starting characters # Inline comments if text.startswith("//"): # "// hello" => " hello" text = " " + text[2:] self.variant = "single" # Doc comments elif text.startswith("/**"): # "/** hello */" => " hello " text = " " + text[3:-2] self.variant = "doc" # Protected comments which should not be removed (e.g these are used for license blocks) elif text.startswith("/*!"): # "/*! hello */" => " hello " text = " " + text[3:-2] self.variant = "protected" # A normal multiline comment elif text.startswith("/*"): # "/* hello */" => " hello " text = " " + text[2:-2] self.variant = "multi" else: raise CommentException("Invalid comment text: %s" % text, lineNo) # Multi line comments need to have their indentation removed if "\n" in text: text = self.__outdent(text, indent, lineNo) # For single line comments strip the surrounding whitespace else: # " hello " => "hello" text = text.strip() # The text of the comment before any processing took place self.text = text # Perform annotation parsing, markdown conversion and code highlighting on doc blocks if self.variant == "doc": # Separate text and code blocks self.__blocks = self.__splitBlocks(text) # Re-combine everything and apply processing and formatting plainText = '' # text without annotations but with markdown for b in self.__blocks: if b["type"] == "comment": processed = self.__processDoc(b["text"], lineNo) b["processed"] = processed if "<" in processed: plainText += stripMarkup.sub("", processed) else: plainText += processed else: plainText += "\n\n" + b["text"] + "\n\n" # The without any annotations self.text = plainText.strip() def __splitBlocks(self, text): """ Splits up text and code blocks in comments. This will try to use hoedown for Markdown parsing if available and will fallback to a simpler implementation in order to allow processing of doc parameters and links without hoedown being installed. """ if not Text.supportsMarkdown: return self.__splitSimple(text) marked = Text.markdownToHtml(text) def unescape(html): html = html.replace('&lt;', '<') html = html.replace('&gt;', '>') html = html.replace('&amp;', '&') html = html.replace('&quot;', '"') return html.replace('&#39;', "'") parts = [] lineNo = 0 lines = text.split("\n") markedLines = marked.split("\n") i = 0 while i < len(markedLines): l = markedLines[i] # the original text of the line parsed = unescape(stripMarkup.sub("", l)) # start of a code block, grab all text before it and move it into a block if l.startswith('<pre><code>'): # everything since the last code block and before this one must be text comment = [] for s in range(lineNo, len(lines)): source = lines[s] if source.strip() == parsed.strip(): lineNo = s break comment.append(source) parts.append({ "type": "comment", "text": "\n".join(comment) }) # Find the end of the code block e = i while i < len(markedLines): l = markedLines[i] i += 1 if l.startswith('</code></pre>'): break lineCount = (i - e) - 1 # add the code block parts.append({ "type": "code", "text": "\n".join(lines[lineNo:lineNo + lineCount]) }) lineNo += lineCount else: i += 1 # append the rest of the comment as text parts.append({ "type": "comment", "text": "\n".join(lines[lineNo:]) }) return parts def __splitSimple(self, text): """Splits comment text and code blocks by manually parsing a subset of markdown""" inCode = False oldIndent = 0 parts = [] wasEmpty = False wasList = False lineNo = 0 lines = text.split("\n") for s, l in enumerate(lines): # ignore empty lines if not l.strip() == "": # get indentation value and change indent = len(l) - len(l.lstrip()) change = indent - oldIndent # detect code blocks if change >= 4 and wasEmpty: if not wasList: oldIndent = indent inCode = True parts.append({ "type": "comment", "text": "\n".join(lines[lineNo:s]) }) lineNo = s # detect outdents elif change < 0: inCode = False parts.append({ "type": "code", "text": "\n".join(lines[lineNo:s - 1]) }) lineNo = s # only keep track of old previous indentation outside of comments if not inCode: oldIndent = indent # remember whether this marked a list or not wasList = l.strip().startswith('-') or l.strip().startswith('*') wasEmpty = False else: wasEmpty = True parts.append({ "type": "code" if inCode else "comment", "text": "\n".join(lines[lineNo:]) }) return parts
[docs] def getHtml(self, highlight=True): """ Returns the comment text converted to HTML :param highlight: Whether to highlight the code :type highlight: bool """ if not Text.supportsMarkdown: raise UserError("Markdown is not supported by the system. Documentation comments could converted to HTML.") if highlight: if self.__highlightedText is None: highlightedText = "" for block in self.__blocks: if block["type"] == "comment": highlightedText += Text.highlightCodeBlocks(Text.markdownToHtml(block["processed"])) else: highlightedText += "\n%s" % Text.highlightCodeBlocks(Text.markdownToHtml(block["text"])) self.__highlightedText = highlightedText return self.__highlightedText else: if self.__processedText is None: processedText = "" for block in self.__blocks: if block["type"] == "comment": processedText += Text.markdownToHtml(block["processed"]) else: processedText += "\n%s\n\n" % block["text"] self.__processedText = processedText.strip() return self.__processedText
[docs] def hasContent(self): return self.variant == "doc" and len(self.text)
[docs] def getTags(self): return self.tags
[docs] def hasTag(self, name): if not self.tags: return False return name in self.tags
def __outdent(self, text, indent, startLineNo): """ Outdent multi line comment text and filtering empty lines """ lines = [] # First, split up the comments lines and remove the leading indentation for lineNo, line in enumerate((indent+text).split("\n")): if line.startswith(indent): lines.append(line[len(indent):].rstrip()) elif line.strip() == "": lines.append("") else: # Only warn for doc comments, otherwise it might just be code commented out # which is sometimes formatted pretty crazy when commented out if self.variant == "doc": Console.warn("Could not outdent doc comment at line %s in %s", startLineNo+lineNo, self.fileId) return text # Find first line with real content, then grab the one after it to get the # characters which need outdentString = "" for lineNo, line in enumerate(lines): if line != "" and line.strip() != "": matchedDocIndent = docIndentReg.match(line) if not matchedDocIndent: # As soon as we find a non doc indent like line we stop break elif != "": # otherwise we look for content behind the indent to get the # correct real indent (with spaces) outdentString = break lineNo += 1 # Process outdenting to all lines (remove the outdentString from the start of the lines) if outdentString != "": lineNo = 0 outdentStringLen = len(outdentString) for lineNo, line in enumerate(lines): if len(line) <= outdentStringLen: lines[lineNo] = "" else: if not line.startswith(outdentString): # Only warn for doc comments, otherwise it might just be code commented out # which is sometimes formatted pretty crazy when commented out if self.variant == "doc": Console.warn("Invalid indentation in doc comment at line %s in %s", startLineNo+lineNo, self.fileId) else: lines[lineNo] = line[outdentStringLen:] # Merge final lines and remove leading and trailing new lines return "\n".join(lines).strip("\n") def __processDoc(self, text, startLineNo): text = self.__extractStaticType(text) text = self.__extractReturns(text) text = self.__extractTags(text) # Collapse new empty lines at start/end text = text.strip("\n\t ") parsed = '' # Now parse only the text outside of backticks last = 0 def split(match): # Grab the text before the back tick and process any parameters in it nonlocal parsed nonlocal last start, end = match.span() before = text[last:start] parsed += self.__processParams(before) + last = end tickMatcher.sub(split, text) # add the rest of the text parsed += self.__processParams(text[last:]) text = self.__processLinks(parsed) return text def __splitTypeList(self, decl): if decl is None: return decl splitted = listSplit.split(decl.strip()) result = [] for entry in splitted: # Figure out if it is marked as array isArray = False if entry.endswith("[]"): isArray = True entry = entry[:-2] store = { "name" : entry } if isArray: store["array"] = True if entry in builtinTypes: store["builtin"] = True if entry in pseudoTypes: store["pseudo"] = True result.append(store) return result def __extractReturns(self, text): """ Extracts leading return defintion (when type is function) """ def collectReturn(match): self.returns = self.__splitTypeList( return "" return returnMatcher.sub(collectReturn, text) def __extractStaticType(self, text): """ Extracts leading type defintion (when value is a static type) """ def collectType(match): self.type = return "" return typeMatcher.sub(collectType, text) def __extractTags(self, text): """ Extract all tags inside the give doc comment. These are replaced from the text and collected inside the "tags" key as a dict. """ def collectTags(match): if not self.tags: self.tags = {} name = param = if name in self.tags: self.tags[name].add(param) elif param: self.tags[name] = set([param]) else: self.tags[name] = True return "" return tagMatcher.sub(collectTags, text) def __processParams(self, text): def collectParams(match): paramName = paramTypes = paramDynamic = is not None paramOptional = is not None paramDefault = if paramTypes: paramTypes = self.__splitTypeList(paramTypes) if self.params is None: self.params = {} params = self.params fullName = names = fullName.split('.') for i, mapName in enumerate(names): # Ensure we have the map object in the params if not mapName in params: params[mapName] = {} # Add new entries and overwrite if a type is defined in this entry if not mapName in params or paramTypes is not None: # Make sure to not overwrite something like @options {Object} with the type of @options.x {Number} if i == len(names) - 1: paramEntry = params[mapName] = {} if paramTypes is not None: paramEntry["type"] = paramTypes if paramDynamic: paramEntry["dynamic"] = paramDynamic if paramOptional: paramEntry["optional"] = paramOptional if paramDefault is not None: paramEntry["default"] = paramDefault else: paramEntry = params[mapName] else: paramEntry = params[mapName] # create fields for new map level if i + 1 < len(names): if not "fields" in paramEntry: paramEntry["fields"] = {} params = paramEntry["fields"] return '<code class="param">%s</code>' % fullName return paramMatcher.sub(collectParams, text) def __processLinks(self, text): def formatTypes(match): parsedSection = parsedFile = parsedItem = # Do not match {} if parsedSection is None and parsedFile is None and parsedItem is None: return # Minor corrections if parsedSection and not parsedItem: parsedSection = "" attr = "" link = "" label = "" if parsedSection: link += '%s:' % parsedSection if parsedFile: link += parsedFile label += parsedFile if parsedItem: link += "~%s" % parsedItem if label == "": label = parsedItem else: label += "#%s" % parsedItem # add link to attributes list attr += ' href="#%s"' % link # build final HTML return '<a%s><code>%s</code></a>' % (attr, label) return linkMatcher.sub(formatTypes, text)