Source code for jasy.core.Util

# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.
# Copyright 2013-2014 Sebastian Werner

import re, os, hashlib, tempfile, subprocess, sys, shlex

import jasy.core.Console as Console
import jasy.core.Base62 as Base62

[docs]def executeCommand(args, failMessage=None, path=None, wrapOutput=True): """ Executes the given process and outputs failMessage when errors happen. :param args: :type args: str or list :param failMessage: Message for exception when command fails :type failMessage: str :param path: Directory path where the command should be executed :type path: str :raise Exception: Raises an exception whenever the shell command fails in execution :type wrapOutput: bool :param wrapOutput: Whether shell output should be wrapped and returned (and passed through to Console.debug()) """ if type(args) == str: args = shlex.split(args) prevpath = os.getcwd() # Execute in custom directory if path: path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) os.chdir(path) Console.debug("Executing command: %s", " ".join(args)) Console.indent() # Using shell on Windows to resolve binaries like "git" if not wrapOutput: returnValue =, shell=sys.platform == "win32") result = returnValue else: output = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode="w+t") returnValue =, stdout=output, stderr=output, shell=sys.platform == "win32") result ="\n\r") output.close() # Change back to previous path os.chdir(prevpath) if returnValue != 0 and failMessage: raise Exception("Error during executing shell command: %s (%s)" % (failMessage, result)) if wrapOutput: for line in result.splitlines(): Console.debug(line) Console.outdent() return result
SIPHASH_SUPPORTED = False try: import siphash SIPHASH_SUPPORTED = True except: pass
[docs]def generateChecksum(key, method="base62"): """ Generates a unique SHA1 based hash/checksum encoded as Base62 or Hex depending on the given parameters. :param key: :type key: str :param method: :type method: str """ # Alternative hashing method using SIP keys: # # (Python library) # (Node/JS library - for Core) # # if SIPHASH_SUPPORTED: # sipkey = ("JASY" * 4).encode("ascii") # self.__checksum2 = siphash.SipHash_2_4(sipkey).update(self.__key.encode("ascii")).hexdigest() # print("SIP Checksum: %s" % self.__checksum2.decode("ascii")) sha1 = hashlib.sha1(key.encode("ascii")) if method == "base62": return Base62.encodeArrayToString(sha1.digest()) else: return sha1.hexdigest()
[docs]def getKey(data, key, default=None): """ Returns the key from the data if available or the given default :param data: Data structure to inspect :type data: dict :param key: Key to lookup in dictionary :type key: str :param default: Default value to return when key is not set :type default: any """ if key in data: return data[key] else: return default
__REGEXP_DASHES = re.compile(r"\-+([\S]+)?") __REGEXP_HYPHENATE = re.compile(r"([A-Z])") def __camelizeHelper(match): result = return result[0].upper() + result[1:].lower() def __hyphenateHelper(match): return "-%s" %
[docs]def camelize(str): """ Returns a camelized version of the incoming string: foo-bar-baz => fooBarBaz :param str: Input string """ return __REGEXP_DASHES.sub(__camelizeHelper, str)
[docs]def hyphenate(str): """Returns a hyphenated version of the incoming string: fooBarBaz => foo-bar-baz :param str: Input string """ return __REGEXP_HYPHENATE.sub(__hyphenateHelper, str)