Source code for jasy.core.Project

# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.
# Copyright 2012-2014 Sebastian Werner

import os, re, fnmatch, copy

import jasy.core.Cache
import jasy.core.Config as Config
import jasy.core.File as File
import jasy.core.Console as Console
import jasy.core.Util as Util

import jasy.vcs.Repository as Repository

from jasy import UserError

__all__ = ["Project", "getProjectFromPath", "getProjectDependencies"]

repositoryHashPostfix = re.compile(r"^(.*)-([a-zA-Z0-9]{27,28})$")

projects = {}
structures = {}

def addStructure(name, structure):
    structures[name] = structure

addStructure("application", {
    "source/class/*.js" : {
        "type" : "jasy.Script"
    "source/style/*.style" : {
        "type" : "jasy.Style"
    "source/template/*.tmpl" : {
        "type" : "jasy.Template"
    "source/translation/*.po" : {
        "type" : "jasy.Translation"
    "source/asset/*" : {
        "type" : "jasy.Asset"
    "source/class/*{,}" : {
        "type" : "jasy.Doc"

addStructure("resource", {
    "src/*.js" : {
        "type" : "jasy.Script"
    "src/*.style" : {
        "type" : "jasy.Style"
    "src/*.tmpl" : {
        "type" : "jasy.Template"
    "src/*" : {
        "type" : "jasy.Asset"

addStructure("flat", {
    "class/*.js" : {
        "type" : "jasy.Script"
    "style/*.style" : {
        "type" : "jasy.Style"
    "template/*.tmpl" : {
        "type" : "jasy.Template"
    "asset/*" : {
        "type" : "jasy.Asset"
    "translation/*.po" : {
        "type" : "jasy.Translation"

[docs]def getProjectFromPath(path, session, config=None, version=None): global projects if not path in projects: projects[path] = Project(path, session, config, version) return projects[path]
[docs]def getProjectDependencies(project, checkoutDirectory="external", updateRepositories=True): """ Returns a sorted list of projects depending on the given project (including the given one) """ def __resolve(project): name = project.getName() # List of required projects"Getting requirements of %s...", Console.colorize(name, "bold")) Console.indent() requires = project.getRequires(checkoutDirectory, updateRepositories) Console.outdent() if not requires: return Console.debug("Processing %s requirements...", len(requires)) Console.indent() # Adding all project in reverse order. # Adding all local ones first before going down to their requirements childProjects = [] for requiredProject in reversed(requires): requiredName = requiredProject.getName() if not requiredName in names: Console.debug("Adding: %s %s (via %s)", requiredName, requiredProject.version, project.getName()) names[requiredName] = True result.append(requiredProject) childProjects.append(requiredProject) elif not requiredProject in result: Console.debug("Blocking: %s %s (via %s)", requiredName, requiredProject.version, project.getName()) requiredProject.pause() # Process all requirements of added projects for requiredProject in reversed(childProjects): if requiredProject.hasRequires(): __resolve(requiredProject) Console.outdent() result = [project] names = { project.getName() : True } __resolve(project) return result
def getProjectNameFromPath(path, fromurl=False): name = os.path.basename(path) # Remove folder SHA1-Base62 postfix when project is auto-cloned if fromurl: clone = repositoryHashPostfix.match(name) if clone is not None: name = # Slashes are often used as a separator to optional data. # Let's remove the last one if "-" in name: name = name[:name.rindex("-")] return name
[docs]class Project(): kind = "none" scanned = False def __init__(self, path, session, config=None, version=None, fromurl=False): """ Constructor call of the project. - First param is the path of the project relative to the current working directory. - Config can be read from jasyproject.json or using constructor parameter @config - Parent is used for structural debug messages (dependency trees) """ if not os.path.isdir(path): raise UserError("Invalid project path: %s" % path) # Only store and work with full path self.__path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) # Store given params self.version = version # Intialize item registry self.items = {} self.__session = session # Load project configuration self.__config = Config.Config(config) self.__config.loadValues(os.path.join(self.__path, "jasyproject"), optional=True) # Initialize cache try: File.mkdir(os.path.join(self.__path, ".jasy")) self.__cache = jasy.core.Cache.Cache(self.__path, filename=".jasy/cache") except IOError as err: raise UserError("Could not initialize project. Cache file in %s could not be initialized! %s" % (self.__path, err)) # Detect version changes if version is None: self.__modified = True else: cachedVersion ="project[version]") self.__modified = cachedVersion != version"project[version]", version) # Read name from manifest or use the basename of the project's path self.__name = self.__config.get("name", getProjectNameFromPath(self.__path, fromurl)) # Read requires self.__requires = self.__config.get("requires", {}) # Defined whenever no package is defined and classes/styles/assets are not stored in the toplevel structure. self.__package = self.__config.get("package", self.__name if self.__config.has("name") else None) # Read fields (for injecting data into the project and build permutations) self.__fields = self.__config.get("fields", {}) # Read setup for running command pre-scan self.__setup = self.__config.get("setup") # # Project Scan/Init #
[docs] def scan(self): if self.scanned: return updatemsg = "[updated]" if self.__modified else "[cached]" if self.version:"Scanning %s @ %s %s...", Console.colorize(self.getName(), "bold"), Console.colorize(self.version, "magenta"), Console.colorize(updatemsg, "grey")) else:"Scanning %s %s...", Console.colorize(self.getName(), "bold"), Console.colorize(updatemsg, "grey")) Console.indent() # Support for pre-initialize projects... setup = self.__setup if setup and self.__modified:"Running setup...") Console.indent() for cmd in setup:"Executing %s...", cmd) result = None try: result = None result = Util.executeCommand(cmd, "Failed to execute setup command %s" % cmd, path=self.__path) except Exception as ex: if result: Console.error(result) raise UserError("Could not scan project %s: %s" % (self.__name, ex)) Console.outdent() # Processing custom content section. Only supports classes and assets. if self.__config.has("content"): self.kind = "manual" self.__addContent(self.__config.get("content")) else: # Read scan path from config if not self.__config.has("scan"): if self.__hasDir("source"): self.kind = "application" scan = self.__resolveScanConfig(structures[self.kind]) elif self.__hasDir("src"): self.kind = "resource" scan = self.__resolveScanConfig(structures[self.kind]) else: self.kind = "flat" scan = self.__resolveScanConfig(structures[self.kind]) else: scan = self.__resolveScanConfig(self.__config.get("scan")) for config in scan: if type(config["paths"]) == str: self.__addDir(config["paths"], config["regex"], config["type"], config["package"]) else: for path in config["paths"]: self.__addDir(path, config["regex"], config["type"], config["package"]) # Generate summary summary = [] for section in self.items.keys(): content = self.items[section] name, constructor = self.__resolveConstructor(section) if content: summary.append(Console.colorize("%s %s" % (len(content), name), "magenta")) # Print out if summary:"Content: %s" % (", ".join(summary))) self.scanned = True Console.outdent()
def __createPathRe(self, path): if not "{" in path: return fnmatch.translate(path), os.path.dirname(path) start = path.index("{") end = path.index("}") expanders = [p.strip() for p in path[start+1:end].split(",")] prefix = path[:start] postfix = path[end+1:] pathres = [self.__createPathRe(prefix + element + postfix) for element in expanders] regex = "|".join(["(" + pathel + ")" for pathel, path in pathres]) paths = set([path for pathel, path in pathres]) return regex, paths def __resolveScanConfig(self, configs): scan = [] for path, config in configs.items(): if type(config) == str: config = { "type": config, "package": self.__package } else: config = copy.deepcopy(config) if not "type" in config: raise UserError("No type configured in jasyproject configuration (scan section)") if not "package" in config: config["package"] = self.__package if config["package"] == "": config["package"] = None config["origpath"] = path config["regex"], config["paths"] = self.__createPathRe(path) scan.append(config) def specificitySort(item): """ Sorts for specificy of given scan path """ origPath = item["origpath"] if not "*" in origPath: num = 10000 elif not origPath.endswith("*"): num = 1000 else: num = 0 num += len(origPath) return -num scan.sort(key=specificitySort) return scan def __resolveConstructor(self, itemType): construct = self.__session.getItemType(itemType) if not construct: raise UserError("Could not resolve item type %s" % itemType) return construct # # FILE SYSTEM INDEXER # def __hasDir(self, directory): full = os.path.join(self.__path, directory) if os.path.exists(full): if not os.path.isdir(full): raise UserError("Expecting %s to be a directory: %s" % full) return True return False def __addContent(self, content):"Adding manual content") Console.indent() for fileId in content: entry = content[fileId] if type(entry) is not dict: raise UserError("Invalid manual content section for file %s. Requires a dict with type and source definition!" % fileId) itemType = entry["type"] fileContent = entry["source"] if len(fileContent) == 0: raise UserError("Empty content!") # Support for joining text content if len(fileContent) == 1: filePath = os.path.join(self.__path, fileContent[0]) else: filePath = [os.path.join(self.__path, filePart) for filePart in fileContent] name, construct = self.__resolveConstructor(itemType) item = construct(self, fileId).attach(filePath) Console.debug("Registering %s %s" % (item.kind, fileId)) if not itemType in self.items: self.items[itemType] = {} # Check for duplication if fileId in self.items[itemType]: raise UserError("Item ID was registered before: %s" % fileId) self.items[itemType][fileId] = item Console.outdent() def __addDir(self, directory, regex, type, package): check = re.compile(regex) path = os.path.join(self.__path, directory) if not os.path.exists(path): return Console.debug("Scanning directory: %s" % directory) Console.indent() for dirPath, dirNames, fileNames in os.walk(path): for dirName in dirNames: # Filter dotted directories like .git, .bzr, .hg, .svn, etc. if dirName.startswith("."): dirNames.remove(dirName) relDirPath = os.path.relpath(dirPath, path) for fileName in fileNames: if fileName[0] == ".": continue relPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(relDirPath, fileName)).replace(os.sep, "/") if not check.match(os.path.join(directory, relPath).replace(os.sep, "/")): continue fullPath = os.path.join(dirPath, fileName) self.addFile(relPath, fullPath, type, package) Console.outdent()
[docs] def addFile(self, relPath, fullPath, itemType, package, override=False): fileName = os.path.basename(relPath) fileExtension = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1] name, construct = self.__resolveConstructor(itemType) item = construct.fromPath(self, relPath, package).attach(fullPath) fileId = item.getId() Console.debug("Registering %s %s" % (item.kind, fileId)) if not itemType in self.items: self.items[itemType] = {} # Check for duplication if fileId in self.items[itemType] and not override: raise UserError("Item ID was registered before: %s" % fileId) self.items[itemType][fileId] = item # # ESSENTIALS #
[docs] def getSession(self): return self.__session
[docs] def hasRequires(self): return len(self.__requires) > 0
[docs] def getRequires(self, checkoutDirectory="external", updateRepositories=True): """ Return the project requirements as project instances """ global projects result = [] for entry in self.__requires: if type(entry) is dict: source = entry["source"] config = Util.getKey(entry, "config") version = Util.getKey(entry, "version") kind = Util.getKey(entry, "kind") else: source = entry config = None version = None kind = None # Versions are expected being string type if version is not None: version = str(version) revision = None if Repository.isUrl(source): kind = kind or Repository.getType(source) path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(checkoutDirectory, Repository.getTargetFolder(source, version))) # Only clone and update when the folder is unique in this session # This reduces git/hg/svn calls which are typically quite expensive if not path in projects: revision = Repository.update(source, version, path, updateRepositories) if revision is None: raise UserError("Could not update repository %s" % source) else: kind = "local" if not source.startswith(("/", "~")): path = os.path.join(self.__path, source) else: path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(source)) path = os.path.normpath(path) if path in projects: project = projects[path] else: fullversion = [] # Produce user readable version when non is defined if version is None and revision is not None: version = "master" if version is not None: if "/" in version: fullversion.append(version[version.rindex("/")+1:]) else: fullversion.append(version) if revision is not None: # Shorten typical long revisions as used by e.g. Git if type(revision) is str and len(revision) > 20: fullversion.append(revision[:10]) else: fullversion.append(revision) if fullversion: fullversion = "-".join(fullversion) else: fullversion = None project = Project(path, self.__session, config=config, version=fullversion, fromurl=Repository.isUrl(source)) projects[path] = project result.append(project) return result
[docs] def getFields(self): """ Return the project defined fields which may be configured by the build script """ return self.__fields
[docs] def getScriptByName(self, className): """ Finds a class by its name.""" try: return self.getScripts()[className] except KeyError: return None
[docs] def getName(self): return self.__name
[docs] def getPath(self): return self.__path
[docs] def getPackage(self): return self.__package
[docs] def getConfigValue(self, key, default=None): return self.__config.get(key, default)
[docs] def toRelativeUrl(self, path, prefix="", subpath="source"): root = os.path.join(self.__path, subpath) relpath = os.path.relpath(path, root) if prefix: if not prefix[-1] == os.sep: prefix += os.sep relpath = os.path.normpath(prefix + relpath) return relpath.replace(os.sep, "/")
[docs] def getRevision(self): """ Returns the current revision of the project """ return Repository.getRevision(self.__path) or "unknown" # # CACHE API #
[docs] def getCache(self): """Returns the cache instance""" return self.__cache
[docs] def clean(self): """Clears the cache of the project""""Clearing cache of %s..." % self.__name) self.__cache.clear()
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the project which deletes the internal caches""" if self.__cache: self.__cache.close() self.__cache = None self.classes = None self.assets = None = None self.translations = None
[docs] def pause(self): """Pauses the project so that other processes could modify/access it""" self.__cache.close()
[docs] def resume(self): """Resumes the paused project"""
[docs] def isReady(self): return self.__cache is not None # # LIST ACCESSORS #
[docs] def getItems(self, type): """ Returns all items of given type. """ if not self.scanned: self.scan() if not type in self.items: return None return self.items[type]
[docs] def getItem(self, type, name): """ Return item of given type and name """ items = self.getItems(type) if items and name in items: return items[name] return None
[docs] def addItem(self, type, item): """ Add item to item list of given type """ if not type in self.items: self.items[type] = {} self.items[type][item.getId()] = item
[docs] def getDocs(self): """Returns all package docs""" return self.getItems("jasy.Doc") or {}
[docs] def getScripts(self): """ Returns all project classes. Requires all files to have a "js" extension. """ return self.getItems("jasy.Script") or {}
[docs] def getStyles(self): """ Returns all project style styles. Requires all files to have a "sht" extension. """ return self.getItems("jasy.Style") or {}
[docs] def getTranslations(self): """ Returns all translation objects """ return self.getItems("jasy.Translation") or {}
[docs] def getAssets(self): """ Returns all project asssets (images, stylesheets, static data, etc.). """ return self.getItems("jasy.Asset") or {}