# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.
# Copyright 2013-2014 Sebastian Werner
from jasy.asset.ImageInfo import ImgInfo
from jasy.asset.sprite.Block import Block
from jasy.asset.sprite.BlockPacker import BlockPacker
from jasy.asset.sprite.File import SpriteFile
from jasy.asset.sprite.Sheet import SpriteSheet
from jasy.core.Config import writeConfig
import jasy.core.Console as Console
import os, itertools, math
[docs]class PackerScore():
def __init__(self, sheets, external):
self.sheets = sheets
self.external = external
# TODO choose quadratic over non??
self.sizes = ['%dx%dpx' % (s.width, s.height) for s in sheets]
self.indexSize = sum([s.width / 128 + s.height / 128 for s in sheets])
# the total area used
self.area = int(sum([s.area for s in sheets]) * 0.0001)
self.exArea = sum([s.area for s in external]) * 0.0001
self.usedArea = int(sum([s.usedArea for s in sheets]) * 0.0001)
self.count = len(sheets)
# we only factor in left out images
# if their size is less than 50% of the total spritesheet size we have right now
# everything else is included as it would blow up the sheet way too much
self.excount = len([i for i in external if i.w * i.h * 0.0001 < self.area * 0.5]) + 1
# Calculate in efficiency
self.efficency = (100 / self.area) * self.usedArea
self.value = self.efficency / (self.area * (self.excount * self.excount)) / (self.count ** self.count)
[docs] def data(self):
return (self.sheets, self.external)
def __lt__(self, other):
# Merge index sizes! if less images
# Only go with bigger index size (n^2 more space taken) if we're score at least
# 10% better
if self.value > other.value * 1.1:
return True
# Otherwise sort against the index size
elif self.value >= other.value:
if self.indexSize < other.indexSize:
return True
elif self.indexSize == other.indexSize and self.sheets[0].width > other.sheets[0].width:
return True
return False
if other.area == 1 and self.area > 1:
return True
return False
def __gt__(self, other):
return not self < other
def __repr__(self):
return '<PackerScore %d sheets #%d (%s) Area: %d Used: %d (%2.f%%) External: %d Count: %d Value: %2.5f>' % (self.count, self.indexSize, ', '.join(self.sizes), self.area, self.usedArea, self.efficency, self.excount - 1, self.count ** self.count, self.value)
[docs]class SpritePacker():
"""Packs single images into sprite images automatically"""
def __init__(self, base, types = ('png'), width=1024, height=1024):
self.base = base
self.files = []
self.types = types
self.dataFormat = 'yaml';
[docs] def clear(self):
Removes all generated sprite files found in the base directory
Console.info("Cleaning sprite files...")
for dirPath, dirNames, fileNames in os.walk(self.base):
for fileName in fileNames:
if fileName.startswith("jasysprite"):
filePath = os.path.join(dirPath, fileName)
Console.debug("Removing file: %s", filePath)
[docs] def addDir(self, directory, recursive=False):
"""Adds all images within a directory to the sprite packer."""
path = os.path.join(self.base, directory)
if not os.path.exists(path):
if recursive:
dirs = os.walk(path)
dirs = [(os.path.join(self.base, directory), os.listdir(path), [])]
# Iteratre over all directories
for dirPath, dirNames, fileNames in dirs:
Console.debug('Scanning directory for images: %s' % dirPath)
# go through all dirs
for dirName in dirNames:
# Filter dotted directories like .git, .bzr, .hg, .svn, etc.
if dirName.startswith("."):
relDirPath = os.path.relpath(dirPath, path)
# Add all the files within the dir
for fileName in fileNames:
if fileName[0] == "." or fileName.split('.')[-1] not in self.types or fileName.startswith('jasysprite'):
relPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(relDirPath, fileName)).replace(os.sep, "/")
fullPath = os.path.join(dirPath, fileName)
self.addFile(relPath, fullPath)
[docs] def addFile(self, relPath, fullPath):
"""Adds the specific file to the sprite packer."""
fileType = relPath.split('.')[-1]
if fileType not in self.types:
raise Exception('Unsupported image format: %s' % fileType)
# Load image and grab required information
img = ImgInfo(fullPath)
width, height = img.getSize()
checksum = img.getChecksum()
self.files.append(SpriteFile(width, height, relPath, fullPath, checksum))
Console.debug('- Found image "%s" (%dx%dpx)' % (relPath, width, height))
[docs] def packBest(self):
"""Pack blocks into a sprite sheet by trying multiple settings."""
sheets, extraBlocks = [], []
score = 0
best = {
'score': 0,
'area': 10000000000000000000,
'count': 10000000000000,
'eff': 0
# Sort Functions
def sortHeight(block):
return (block.w, block.h, block.image.checksum)
def sortWidth(block):
return (block.h, block.w, block.image.checksum)
def sortArea(block):
return (block.w * block.h, block.w, block.h, block.image.checksum)
sorts = [sortHeight, sortWidth, sortArea]
# Determine minimum size for spritesheet generation
# by averaging the widths and heights of all images
# while taking the ones in the sorted middile higher into account
# then the ones at the outer edges of the spectirum
l = len(self.files)
mw = [(l - abs(i - l / 2)) / l * v for i, v in enumerate(sorted([i.width for i in self.files]))]
mh = [(l - abs(i - l / 2)) / l * v for i, v in enumerate(sorted([i.height for i in self.files]))]
minWidth = max(128, math.pow(2, math.ceil(math.log(sum(mw) / l, 2))))
minHeight = max(128, math.pow(2, math.ceil(math.log(sum(mh) / l, 2))))
# try to skip senseless generation of way to small sprites
baseArea = sum([minWidth * minHeight for i in self.files])
while baseArea / (minWidth * minHeight) >= 20: # basically an estimate of the number of sheets needed
minWidth *= 2
minHeight *= 2
Console.debug('Minimal size is %dx%dpx' % (minWidth, minHeight))
sizes = list(itertools.product([w for w in [128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048] if w >= minWidth],
[h for h in [128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048] if h >= minHeight]))
methods = list(itertools.product(sorts, sizes))
Console.debug('Packing sprite sheet variants...')
scores = []
for sort, size in methods:
# pack with current settings
sh, ex, _ = self.pack(size[0], size[1], sort, silent=True)
if len(sh):
score = PackerScore(sh, ex)
# Determine score, highest wins
Console.debug('No sprite sheets generated, no image fit into the sheet')
Console.debug('Generated the following sheets:')
for i in scores:
Console.debug('- ' + str(i))
sheets, external = scores[0].data()
if external:
for block in external:
Console.info('Ignored file %s (%dx%dpx)' % (block.image.relPath, block.w, block.h))
return sheets, len(scores)
[docs] def pack(self, width=1024, height=1024, sort=None, silent=False):
"""Packs all sprites within the pack into sheets of the given size."""
Console.debug('Packing %d images...' % len(self.files))
allBlocks = []
duplicateCount = 0
checkBlocks = {}
for f in self.files:
f.block = None
if not f.checksum in checkBlocks:
checkBlocks[f.checksum] = f.block = Block(f.width, f.height, f)
src = checkBlocks[f.checksum]
Console.debug('Detected duplicate of "%s" (using "%s" as reference)' % (f.relPath, src.image.relPath))
duplicateCount += 1
f.block = checkBlocks[f.checksum]
Console.debug('Found %d unique blocks (mapping %d duplicates)' % (len(allBlocks), duplicateCount))
# Sort Functions
def sortHeight(img):
return (img.w, img.h)
def sortWidth(img):
return (img.w, img.h)
def sortArea(img):
return (img.w * img.h, img.w, img.h)
# Filter out blocks which are too big
blocks = []
extraBlocks = []
for b in allBlocks:
if b.w > width or b.h > height:
sheets = []
fitted = 0
while len(blocks):
Console.debug('Sorting %d blocks...' % len(blocks))
sortedSprites = sorted(blocks, key=sort if sort is not None else sortHeight)
# Pack stuff
packer = BlockPacker(width, height)
# Filter fit vs non-fit blocks
blocks = [s for s in sortedSprites if not s.fit]
fitBlocks = [s for s in sortedSprites if s.fit]
fitted += len(fitBlocks)
# Create a new sprite sheet with the given blocks
if len(fitBlocks) > 1:
sheet = SpriteSheet(packer, fitBlocks)
Console.debug('Created new sprite sheet (%dx%dpx, %d%% used)' % (sheet.width, sheet.height, sheet.used))
Console.debug('Only one image fit into sheet, ignoring.')
Console.debug('Packed %d images into %d sheets. %d images were found to be too big and did not fit.' % (fitted, len(sheets), len(extraBlocks)))
return (sheets, extraBlocks, 0)
[docs] def generate(self, path='', debug=False):
"""Generate sheets/variants"""
Console.info('Generating sprite sheet variants...')
sheets, count = self.packBest()
# Write PNG files
data = {}
for pos, sheet in enumerate(sheets):
Console.info('Writing image (%dx%dpx) with %d images' % (sheet.width, sheet.height, len(sheet)))
name = 'jasysprite_%d.png' % pos
# Export
sheet.write(os.path.join(self.base, path, name), debug)
data[name] = sheet.export()
# Generate config file
Console.info('Exporting data...')
script = os.path.join(self.base, path, 'jasysprite.%s' % self.dataFormat)
writeConfig(data, script)
[docs] def packDir(self, path='', recursive=True, debug=False):
"""Pack images inside a dir into sprite sheets"""
Console.info('Packing sprites in: %s' % os.path.join(self.base, path))
self.files = []
self.addDir(path, recursive=recursive)
Console.info('Found %d images' % len(self.files))
if len(self.files) > 0:
self.generate(path, debug)