n : integer
Number of primal variables.
m : integer
problem_obj: object :
An object with the following attributes (holding the problam’s callbacks)
- ‘objective’ : function pointer
Callback function for evaluating objective function.
The callback functions accepts one parameter: x (value of the
optimization variables at which the objective is to be evaluated).
The function should return the objective function value at the point x.
- ‘constraints’ : function pointer
Callback function for evaluating constraint functions.
The callback functions accepts one parameter: x (value of the
optimization variables at which the constraints are to be evaluated).
The function should return the constraints values at the point x.
- ‘gradient’ : function pointer
Callback function for evaluating gradient of objective function.
The callback functions accepts one parameter: x (value of the
optimization variables at which the gradient is to be evaluated).
The function should return the gradient of the objective function at the
point x.
- ‘jacobian’ : function pointer
Callback function for evaluating Jacobian of constraint functions.
The callback functions accepts one parameter: x (value of the
optimization variables at which the jacobian is to be evaluated).
The function should return the values of the jacobian as calculated
using x. The values should be returned as a 1-dim numpy array (using
the same order as you used when specifying the sparsity structure)
- ‘jacobianstructure’ : function pointer
Optional. Callback function that accepts no parameters and returns the
sparsity structure of the Jacobian (the row and column indices only).
If None, the Jacobian is assumed to be dense.
- ‘hessian’ : function pointer
Optional. Callback function for evaluating Hessian of the Lagrangian
The callback functions accepts three parameters x (value of the
optimization variables at which the hessian is to be evaluated), lambda
(values for the constraint multipliers at which the hessian is to be
evaluated) objective_factor the factor in front of the objective term
in the Hessian.
The function should return the values of the Hessian as calculated using
x, lambda and objective_factor. The values should be returned as a 1-dim
numpy array (using the same order as you used when specifying the
sparsity structure).
If None, the Hessian is calculated numerically.
- ‘hessianstructure’ : function pointer
Optional. Callback function that accepts no parameters and returns the
sparsity structure of the Hessian of the lagrangian (the row and column
indices only). If None, the Hessian is assumed to be dense.
- ‘intermediate’ : function pointer
Optional. Callback function that is called once per iteration (during
the convergence check), and can be used to obtain information about the
optimization status while IPOPT solves the problem.
If this callback returns False, IPOPT will terminate with the
User_Requested_Stop status.
The information below corresponeds to the argument list passed to this
- ‘alg_mod’:
Algorithm phase: 0 is for regular, 1 is restoration.
- ‘iter_count’:
The current iteration count.
- ‘obj_value’:
The unscaled objective value at the current point
- ‘inf_pr’:
The scaled primal infeasibility at the current point.
- ‘inf_du’:
The scaled dual infeasibility at the current point.
- ‘mu’:
The value of the barrier parameter.
- ‘d_norm’:
The infinity norm (max) of the primal step.
- ‘regularization_size’:
The value of the regularization term for the Hessian
of the Lagrangian in the augmented system.
- ‘alpha_du’:
The stepsize for the dual variables.
- ‘alpha_pr’:
The stepsize for the primal variables.
- ‘ls_trials’:
The number of backtracking line search steps.
more information can be found in the following link:
lb : array-like, shape = [n]
Lower bounds on variables, where n is the dimension of x.
To assume no lower bounds pass values lower then 10^-19.
ub : array-like, shape = [n]
Upper bounds on variables, where n is the dimension of x..
To assume no upper bounds pass values higher then 10^-19.
cl : array-like, shape = [m]
Lower bounds on constraints, where m is the number of constraints.
Equality constraints can be specified by setting cl[i] = cu[i].
cu : array-like, shape = [m]
Upper bounds on constraints, where m is the number of constraints.
Equality constraints can be specified by setting cl[i] = cu[i].