The Finder

A set of functions to generate filenames, lines in files, lines in sub-sections of files, or count of lines that match an expression for each subsection within files.


The find takes a glob and finds all matching files.


The find is recursive so it will match files in sub-folders as well.

find(glob[, start]) Generates files matching the glob

Example Use:

for name in find("*.iperf"):


The concatenate generates all lines from files that match the given glob. It uses the find function so it is recursive.

concatenate(glob[, start]) Generates lines from all files that match the glob.

Example Use:

for line in concatenate('*csv'):


the idea behind the concatenate is that it allows you to process files that can be grouped by glob, e.g. all files that have cisco_1250 in their name


sections(glob, start, end[, top]) Generates section generators

The sections generator traverses lines from files matching the globs, yielding a generator of lines every time the regular-expression represting the start of the section is matched.

Section Generator

The section generator generates a subset of lines from an iterator, stopping when a line matches the regular expression representing an end-of-section line.

Line Counter

Traverses a sections within lines, yielding the count of lines that match the interesting regular expression for each section.