Source code for invenio_webhooks.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
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"""Models for webhook receivers."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

import re
import uuid

from celery import shared_task
from flask import current_app, request, url_for
from invenio_accounts.models import User
from invenio_db import db
from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
from sqlalchemy.orm import validates
from sqlalchemy_utils.models import Timestamp
from sqlalchemy_utils.types import JSONType, UUIDType

from . import signatures
from .proxies import current_webhooks

# Errors
[docs]class WebhookError(Exception): """General webhook error."""
[docs]class ReceiverDoesNotExist(WebhookError): """Raised when receiver does not exist."""
[docs]class InvalidPayload(WebhookError): """Raised when the payload is invalid."""
[docs]class InvalidSignature(WebhookError): """Raised when the signature does not match."""
# # Models #
[docs]class Receiver(object): """Base class for a webhook receiver. A receiver is responsible for receiving and extracting a payload from a request. You must implement ``run`` method that accepts the event instance. """ signature = '' """Default signature.""" def __init__(self, receiver_id): """Initialize a receiver identifier.""" self.receiver_id = receiver_id def __call__(self, event): """Proxy to ```` method.""" return
[docs] def run(self, event): """Implement method accepting the ``Event`` instance.""" raise NotImplemented()
[docs] def get_hook_url(self, access_token): """Get URL for webhook. In debug and testing mode the hook URL can be overwritten using ``WEBHOOKS_DEBUG_RECEIVER_URLS`` configuration variable to allow testing webhooks via services such as e.g. Ultrahook. .. code-block:: python WEBHOOKS_DEBUG_RECEIVER_URLS = dict( github='', ) """ # Allow overwriting hook URL in debug mode. if (current_app.debug or current_app.testing) and \ current_app.config.get('WEBHOOKS_DEBUG_RECEIVER_URLS', None): url_pattern = current_app.config[ 'WEBHOOKS_DEBUG_RECEIVER_URLS'].get(self.receiver_id, None) if url_pattern: return url_pattern % dict(token=access_token) return url_for( 'invenio_webhooks.event_list', receiver_id=self.receiver_id, access_token=access_token, _external=True )
# # Instance methods (override if needed) #
[docs] def check_signature(self): """Check signature of signed request.""" if not self.signature: return True signature_value = request.headers.get(self.signature, None) if signature_value: validator = 'check_' + re.sub(r'[-]', '_', self.signature).lower() check_signature = getattr(signatures, validator) if check_signature(signature_value, return True return False
[docs] def extract_payload(self): """Extract payload from request.""" if not self.check_signature(): raise InvalidSignature('Invalid Signature') if request.content_type == 'application/json': return request.get_json() elif request.content_type == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': return dict(request.form) raise InvalidPayload(request.content_type)
@shared_task(ignore_results=True) def process_event(event_id): """Process event in Celery.""" with db.session.begin_nested(): event = Event.query.get(event_id) # call run directly to avoild circular calls db.session.add(event) db.session.commit()
[docs]class CeleryReceiver(Receiver): """Asynchronous receiver. Receiver which will fire a celery task to handle payload instead of running it synchronously during the request. """ def __call__(self, event): """Fire a celery task.""" process_event.apply_async(args=[])
def _json_column(**kwargs): """Return JSON column.""" return db.Column( JSONType().with_variant( postgresql.JSON(none_as_null=True), 'postgresql', ), nullable=True, **kwargs )
[docs]class Event(db.Model, Timestamp): """Incoming webhook event data. Represents webhook event data which consists of a payload and a user id. """ __tablename__ = 'webhooks_events' id = db.Column( UUIDType, primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, ) """Event identifier.""" receiver_id = db.Column(db.String(255), index=True, nullable=False) """Receiver identifier.""" user_id = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(, nullable=True, ) """User identifier.""" payload = _json_column() """Store payload in JSON format.""" payload_headers = _json_column() """Store payload headers in JSON format.""" response = _json_column( default=lambda: {'status': 202, 'message': 'Accepted.'} ) """Store response in JSON format.""" response_headers = _json_column() """Store response headers in JSON format.""" response_code = db.Column(db.Integer, default=202) @validates('receiver_id')
[docs] def validate_receiver(self, key, value): """Validate receiver identifier.""" if value not in current_webhooks.receivers: raise ReceiverDoesNotExist(self.receiver_id) return value
[docs] def create(cls, receiver_id, user_id=None): """Create an event instance.""" event = cls(id=uuid.uuid4(), receiver_id=receiver_id, user_id=user_id) event.payload = event.receiver.extract_payload() return event
@property def receiver(self): """Return registered receiver.""" try: return current_webhooks.receivers[self.receiver_id] except KeyError: raise ReceiverDoesNotExist(self.receiver_id) @receiver.setter def receiver(self, value): """Set receiver instance.""" assert isinstance(value, Receiver) self.receiver_id = value.receiver_id
[docs] def process(self): """Process current event.""" try: self.receiver(self) # TODO RESTException except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception('Could not process event.') self.response_code = 500 self.response = dict(status=500, message=str(e)) return self