Invenio module for HTML5 server-sent events support.
The main goal of this module is to provide a channel of communication between the server and the client user the Server-sent event (SSE) protocol.
First create a Flask application:
>>> from flask import Flask
>>> app = Flask('myapp')
>>> app.config['SSE_REDIS_URL'] = 'redis://localhost:6379/0'
You initialize Invenio SSE like a normal Flask extension:
>>> from invenio_sse import InvenioSSE
>>> ext_sse = InvenioSSE(app)
>>> from flask import Blueprint, Flask, current_app, render_template, request
>>> blueprint = Blueprint(
... 'invenio_sse',
... 'invenio_sse',
... )
>>> @blueprint.route("/sse")
... def sse():
... channel = request.args.get('channel', 'sse')
... return current_app.response_class(
... current_sse.messages(channel=channel),
... mimetype='text/event-stream',
... )
>>> app.register_blueprint(blueprint)
In order for the following examples to work, you need to work within an Flask application context so let’s push one:
>>> ctx = app.app_context()
>>> ctx.push()
Also, for the examples to work you need Redis running.
Publish messages¶
This should put a message in Redis in the general channel with no additional information:
>>> from invenio_sse import current_sse
>>> current_sse.publish({'code':'COOL', 'msg':'cool message'})
Now we can subscribe to receive the messages:
>>> with app.test_client() as client:
... res = client.get('/sse')
>>> res.status_code
>>> res.mimetype
There is also the possibility to specify the type of the event, the id, the retry time in case the connection gets lost and also if you want the particular channel to publish the message:
>>> current_sse.publish(
... {'code':'ACK', 'msg':'cool message'},
... type_='cool',
... id_=12345,
... retry=6000,
... channel='cool_channel'
... )
>>> with app.test_client() as client:
... res = client.get('/sse?channel=cool_channel')
>>> res.status_code
Publishing messages from the command line:¶
You can also publish messages using the CLI that this package provides (we will use the example app):
$ cd examples
$ export
$ echo '{"code": "ACK", "msg": "cool message"}' | \
flask sse publish --channel cool_channel
To see more about the CLI flask sse publish --help
Receiving messages¶
Receiving messages in the web browser is rather simple, this is an example of the javascript code that you could use to subscribe to messages like the ones we send in the examples above:
window.onload = function setDataSource() {
if (!!window.EventSource) {
var source = new EventSource(
source.onmessage = function(msg) {
source.addEventListener('cool', function(msg){
var li = document.createElement('li');
var type = msg.type;
var data =;
document.createTextNode("type: "+type+" data: "+data));
} else {
document.getElementById("notSupported").style.display = "block";
You can find a complete example on how to use Invenio-SSE in the examples folder.