Source code for invenio_records_rest.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
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"""Implementention of various utility functions."""

from functools import partial

import six
from flask import abort, current_app, jsonify, make_response, request, url_for
from invenio_pidstore.errors import PIDDeletedError, PIDDoesNotExistError, \
    PIDMissingObjectError, PIDRedirectedError, PIDUnregistered
from invenio_pidstore.resolver import Resolver
from invenio_records.api import Record
from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter, BuildError, PathConverter
from werkzeug.utils import cached_property, import_string

from .errors import PIDDeletedRESTError, PIDDoesNotExistRESTError, \
    PIDMissingObjectRESTError, PIDRedirectedRESTError, \
from .proxies import current_records_rest

[docs]def build_default_endpoint_prefixes(records_rest_endpoints): """Build the default_endpoint_prefixes map.""" pid_types = set() guessed = set() endpoint_prefixes = {} for key, endpoint in records_rest_endpoints.items(): pid_type = endpoint['pid_type'] pid_types.add(pid_type) is_guessed = key == pid_type is_default = endpoint.get('default_endpoint_prefix', False) if is_default: if pid_type in endpoint_prefixes and pid_type not in guessed: raise ValueError('More than one "{0}" defined.'.format( pid_type )) endpoint_prefixes[pid_type] = key guessed -= {pid_type} elif is_guessed and pid_type not in endpoint_prefixes: endpoint_prefixes[pid_type] = key guessed |= {pid_type} not_found = pid_types - set(endpoint_prefixes.keys()) if not_found: raise ValueError('No endpoint-prefix for {0}.'.format( ', '.join(not_found) )) return endpoint_prefixes
[docs]def obj_or_import_string(value, default=None): """Import string or return object. :params value: Import path or class object to instantiate. :params default: Default object to return if the import fails. :returns: The imported object. """ if isinstance(value, six.string_types): return import_string(value) elif value: return value return default
[docs]def load_or_import_from_config(key, app=None, default=None): """Load or import value from config. :returns: The loaded value. """ app = app or current_app imp = app.config.get(key) return obj_or_import_string(imp, default=default)
[docs]def allow_all(*args, **kwargs): """Return permission that always allow an access. :returns: A object instance with a ``can()`` method. """ return type('Allow', (), {'can': lambda self: True})()
[docs]def deny_all(*args, **kwargs): """Return permission that always deny an access. :returns: A object instance with a ``can()`` method. """ return type('Deny', (), {'can': lambda self: False})()
[docs]def check_elasticsearch(record, *args, **kwargs): """Return permission that check if the record exists in ES index. :params record: A record object. :returns: A object instance with a ``can()`` method. """ def can(self): """Try to search for given record.""" search = request._methodview.search_class() search = search.get_record(str( return search.count() == 1 return type('CheckES', (), {'can': can})()
[docs]class LazyPIDValue(object): """Lazy resolver for PID value.""" def __init__(self, resolver, value): """Initialize with resolver and URL value. :params resolver: Used to resolve PID value and return a record. :params value: PID value. """ self.resolver = resolver self.value = value @cached_property
[docs] def data(self): """Resolve PID value and return tuple with PID and record. :returns: A tuple with the PID and the record resolved. """ try: return self.resolver.resolve(self.value) except PIDDoesNotExistError: raise PIDDoesNotExistRESTError() except PIDUnregistered: raise PIDUnregisteredRESTError() except PIDDeletedError: raise PIDDeletedRESTError() except PIDMissingObjectError as e: current_app.logger.exception( 'No object assigned to {0}.'.format(, extra={'pid':}) raise PIDMissingObjectRESTError( except PIDRedirectedError as e: try: location = url_for( '.{0}_item'.format( current_records_rest.default_endpoint_prefixes[ e.destination_pid.pid_type]), pid_value=e.destination_pid.pid_value) data = dict( status=301, message='Moved Permanently', location=location, ) response = make_response(jsonify(data), data['status']) response.headers['Location'] = location abort(response) except (BuildError, KeyError): current_app.logger.exception( 'Invalid redirect - pid_type "{0}" ' 'endpoint missing.'.format( e.destination_pid.pid_type), extra={ 'pid':, 'destination_pid': e.destination_pid, }) raise PIDRedirectedRESTError(e.destination_pid.pid_type)
[docs]class PIDConverter(BaseConverter): """Resolve PID value.""" def __init__(self, url_map, pid_type, getter=None, record_class=None): """Initialize PID resolver.""" super(PIDConverter, self).__init__(url_map) getter = obj_or_import_string(getter, default=partial( obj_or_import_string(record_class, default=Record).get_record, with_deleted=True )) self.resolver = Resolver(pid_type=pid_type, object_type='rec', getter=getter)
[docs] def to_python(self, value): """Resolve PID value.""" return LazyPIDValue(self.resolver, value)
[docs]class PIDPathConverter(PIDConverter, PathConverter): """Resolve PID path value."""