Source code for invenio_records_rest.query

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"""Query factories for REST API."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

from functools import partial

from elasticsearch_dsl.query import Q
from flask import current_app, request

from .errors import InvalidQueryRESTError

[docs]def default_search_factory(self, search, query_parser=None): """Parse query using Invenio-Query-Parser. :param self: REST view. :param search: Elastic search DSL search instance. :returns: Tuple with search instance and URL arguments. """ from invenio_query_parser.contrib.elasticsearch import IQ from .facets import default_facets_factory from .sorter import default_sorter_factory query_parser = query_parser or IQ query_string = request.values.get('q', '') try: search = search.query(query_parser(query_string)) except SyntaxError: current_app.logger.debug( "Failed parsing query: {0}".format( request.values.get('q', '')), exc_info=True) raise InvalidQueryRESTError() search_index = search._index[0] search, urlkwargs = default_facets_factory(search, search_index) search, sortkwargs = default_sorter_factory(search, search_index) for key, value in sortkwargs.items(): urlkwargs.add(key, value) urlkwargs.add('q', query_string) return search, urlkwargs
es_search_factory = partial( default_search_factory, query_parser=lambda qstr: Q('query_string', query=qstr) if qstr else Q() )