# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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"""Facets factory for REST API."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
from elasticsearch_dsl import Q
from elasticsearch_dsl.query import Range
from flask import current_app, request
from invenio_rest.errors import FieldError, RESTValidationError
from werkzeug.datastructures import MultiDict
[docs]def terms_filter(field):
"""Create a term filter.
:param field: Field name.
:returns: Function that returns the Terms query.
def inner(values):
return Q('terms', **{field: values})
return inner
[docs]def range_filter(field, start_date_math=None, end_date_math=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a range filter.
:param field: Field name.
:param start_date_math: Starting date.
:param end_date_math: Ending date.
:param kwargs: Addition arguments passed to the Range query.
:returns: Function that returns the Range query.
def inner(values):
if len(values) != 1 or values[0].count('--') != 1 or values[0] == '--':
raise RESTValidationError(
errors=[FieldError(field, 'Invalid range format.')])
range_ends = values[0].split('--')
range_args = dict()
ineq_opers = [{'strict': 'gt', 'nonstrict': 'gte'},
{'strict': 'lt', 'nonstrict': 'lte'}]
date_maths = [start_date_math, end_date_math]
# Add the proper values to the dict
for (range_end, strict, opers,
date_math) in zip(range_ends, ['>', '<'], ineq_opers, date_maths):
if range_end != '':
# If first char is '>' for start or '<' for end
if range_end[0] == strict:
dict_key = opers['strict']
range_end = range_end[1:]
dict_key = opers['nonstrict']
if date_math:
range_end = '{0}||{1}'.format(range_end, date_math)
range_args[dict_key] = range_end
args = kwargs.copy()
return Range(**{field: args})
return inner
def _create_filter_dsl(urlkwargs, definitions):
"""Create a filter DSL expression."""
filters = []
for name, filter_factory in definitions.items():
values = request.values.getlist(name, type=str)
if values:
for v in values:
urlkwargs.add(name, v)
return (filters, urlkwargs)
def _post_filter(search, urlkwargs, definitions):
"""Ingest post filter in query."""
filters, urlkwargs = _create_filter_dsl(urlkwargs, definitions)
for filter_ in filters:
search = search.post_filter(filter_)
return (search, urlkwargs)
def _query_filter(search, urlkwargs, definitions):
"""Ingest query filter in query."""
filters, urlkwargs = _create_filter_dsl(urlkwargs, definitions)
for filter_ in filters:
search = search.filter(filter_)
return (search, urlkwargs)
def _aggregations(search, definitions):
"""Add aggregations to query."""
if definitions:
for name, agg in definitions.items():
search.aggs[name] = agg
return search
[docs]def default_facets_factory(search, index):
"""Add a default facets to query.
:param search: Basic search object.
:param index: Index name.
:returns: A tuple containing the new search object and a dictionary with
all fields and values used.
urlkwargs = MultiDict()
facets = current_app.config['RECORDS_REST_FACETS'].get(index)
if facets is not None:
# Aggregations.
search = _aggregations(search, facets.get("aggs", {}))
# Query filter
search, urlkwargs = _query_filter(
search, urlkwargs, facets.get("filters", {}))
# Post filter
search, urlkwargs = _post_filter(
search, urlkwargs, facets.get("post_filters", {}))
return (search, urlkwargs)