Source code for invenio_records_rest.errors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
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"""Search errors."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

from flask import request
from invenio_rest.errors import RESTException

# Search
[docs]class MaxResultWindowRESTError(RESTException): """Maximum number of results have been reached.""" code = 400 description = 'Maximum number of results have been reached.'
# # Query #
[docs]class InvalidQueryRESTError(RESTException): """Invalid query syntax.""" code = 400 description = 'Invalid query syntax.'
# # CiteProc #
[docs]class StyleNotFoundRESTError(RESTException): """No such style.""" code = 400 def __init__(self, style=None, **kwargs): """Initialize exception.""" super(RESTException, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.description = 'Style{0}could not be found.'.format( ' "{0}" '.format(style) if style else ' ')
# # PID #
[docs]class PIDDoesNotExistRESTError(RESTException): """Non-existent PID.""" code = 404 description = 'PID does not exist.'
[docs]class PIDUnregisteredRESTError(RESTException): """Unregistered PID.""" code = 404 description = 'PID is not registered.'
[docs]class PIDDeletedRESTError(RESTException): """Deleted PID.""" code = 410 description = 'PID has been deleted.'
[docs]class PIDMissingObjectRESTError(RESTException): """PID missing object.""" code = 500 def __init__(self, pid, **kwargs): """Initialize exception.""" super(RESTException, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.description = 'No object assigned to {0}.'.format(pid)
[docs]class PIDRedirectedRESTError(RESTException): """Invalid redirect for destination.""" code = 500 def __init__(self, pid_type=None, **kwargs): """Initialize exception.""" super(RESTException, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.description = ( 'Invalid redirect - pid_type{0}endpoint missing.'.format( ' "{0}" '.format(pid_type) if pid_type else ' ') )
# # Views #
[docs]class PIDResolveRESTError(RESTException): """Invalid PID.""" code = 500 def __init__(self, pid=None, **kwargs): """Initialize exception.""" super(RESTException, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.description = 'PID{0}could not be resolved.'.format( ' #{0} '.format(pid) if pid else ' ')
[docs]class UnsupportedMediaRESTError(RESTException): """Creating record with unsupported media type.""" code = 415 def __init__(self, content_type=None, **kwargs): """Initialize exception.""" super(RESTException, self).__init__(**kwargs) content_type = content_type or request.mimetype self.description = 'Unsupported media type "{0}".'.format(content_type)
[docs]class InvalidDataRESTError(RESTException): """Invalid request body.""" code = 400 description = 'Could not load data.'
[docs]class PatchJSONFailureRESTError(RESTException): """Failed to patch JSON.""" code = 400 description = 'Could not patch JSON.'
[docs]class SuggestMissingContextRESTError(RESTException): """Missing a context value when getting record suggestions.""" code = 400 def __init__(self, ctx_field=None, **kwargs): """Initialize exception.""" super(RESTException, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.description = 'Missing{0}context'.format( ' "{0}" '.format(ctx_field) if ctx_field else ' ')
[docs]class SuggestNoCompletionsRESTError(RESTException): """No completion requested when getting record suggestions.""" code = 400 def __init__(self, options=None, **kwargs): """Initialize exception.""" super(RESTException, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.description = 'No completions requested.{0}'.format( ' (options: {0})'.format(options) if options else '')