Source code for invenio_records_files.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
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"""Implementention of various utility functions."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

from flask import abort
from invenio_files_rest.models import ObjectVersion
from invenio_files_rest.views import ObjectResource
from invenio_records.errors import MissingModelError

[docs]def sorted_files_from_bucket(bucket, keys=None): """Return files from bucket sorted by given keys. :param bucket: :class:`~invenio_files_rest.models.Bucket` containing the files. :param keys: Keys order to be used. :returns: Sorted list of bucket items. """ keys = keys or [] total = len(keys) sortby = dict(zip(keys, range(total))) values = ObjectVersion.get_by_bucket(bucket).all() return sorted(values, key=lambda x: sortby.get(x.key, total))
[docs]def record_file_factory(pid, record, filename): """Get file from a record. :param pid: Not used. It keeps the function signature. :param record: Record which contains the files. :param filename: Name of the file to be returned. :returns: File object or ``None`` if not found. """ try: if not (hasattr(record, 'files') and record.files): return None except MissingModelError: return None try: return record.files[filename] except KeyError: return None
[docs]def file_download_ui(pid, record, _record_file_factory=None, **kwargs): """File download view for a given record. Plug this method into your ``RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS`` configuration: .. code-block:: python RECORDS_UI_ENDPOINTS = dict( recid=dict( # ... route='/records/<pid_value/files/<filename>', view_imp='invenio_records_files.utils:file_download_ui', record_class='invenio_records_files.api:Record', ) ) :param pid: The :class:`invenio_pidstore.models.PersistentIdentifier` instance. :param record: The record metadata. """ _record_file_factory = _record_file_factory or record_file_factory # Extract file from record. fileobj = _record_file_factory( pid, record, kwargs.get('filename') ) if not fileobj: abort(404) obj = fileobj.obj # Check permissions ObjectResource.check_object_permission(obj) # Send file. return ObjectResource.send_object( obj.bucket, obj, expected_chksum=fileobj.get('checksum'), logger_data={ 'bucket_id': obj.bucket_id, 'pid_type': pid.pid_type, 'pid_value': pid.pid_value, }, )