Source code for invenio_pidstore.cli

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"""Click command-line interface for PIDStore management."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import click
from flask.cli import with_appcontext
from invenio_db import db

from .proxies import current_pidstore

[docs]def process_status(ctx, param, value): """Return status value.""" from .models import PIDStatus # Allow empty status if value is None: return None if not hasattr(PIDStatus, value): raise click.BadParameter('Status needs to be one of {0}.'.format( ', '.join([ for s in PIDStatus]) )) return getattr(PIDStatus, value)
# # PIDStore management commands # def pid(): """PID-Store management commands.""" @pid.command() @click.argument('pid_type') @click.argument('pid_value') @click.option('-s', '--status', default='NEW', callback=process_status) @click.option('-t', '--type', 'object_type', default=None) @click.option('-i', '--uuid', 'object_uuid', default=None) @with_appcontext def create(pid_type, pid_value, status, object_type, object_uuid): """Create new persistent identifier.""" from .models import PersistentIdentifier if bool(object_type) ^ bool(object_uuid): raise click.BadParameter('Speficy both or any of --type and --uuid.') new_pid = PersistentIdentifier.create( pid_type, pid_value, status=status, object_type=object_type, object_uuid=object_uuid, ) db.session.commit() click.echo( '{0.pid_type} {0.pid_value} {0.pid_provider}'.format(new_pid) ) @pid.command() @click.argument('pid_type') @click.argument('pid_value') @click.option('-s', '--status', default=None, callback=process_status) @click.option('-t', '--type', 'object_type', required=True) @click.option('-i', '--uuid', 'object_uuid', required=True) @click.option('--overwrite', is_flag=True, default=False) @with_appcontext def assign(pid_type, pid_value, status, object_type, object_uuid, overwrite): """Assign persistent identifier.""" from .models import PersistentIdentifier obj = PersistentIdentifier.get(pid_type, pid_value) if status is not None: obj.status = status obj.assign(object_type, object_uuid, overwrite=overwrite) db.session.commit() click.echo(obj.status) @pid.command() @click.argument('pid_type') @click.argument('pid_value') @with_appcontext def unassign(pid_type, pid_value): """Unassign persistent identifier.""" from .models import PersistentIdentifier obj = PersistentIdentifier.get(pid_type, pid_value) obj.unassign() db.session.commit() click.echo(obj.status) @pid.command('get') @click.argument('pid_type') @click.argument('pid_value') @with_appcontext def get_object(pid_type, pid_value): """Get an object behind persistent identifier.""" from .models import PersistentIdentifier obj = PersistentIdentifier.get(pid_type, pid_value) if obj.has_object(): click.echo('{0.object_type} {0.object_uuid} {0.status}'.format(obj)) @pid.command('dereference') @click.argument('object_type') @click.argument('object_uuid') @click.option('-s', '--status', default=None, callback=process_status) @with_appcontext def dereference_object(object_type, object_uuid, status): """Show linked persistent identifier(s).""" from .models import PersistentIdentifier pids = PersistentIdentifier.query.filter_by( object_type=object_type, object_uuid=object_uuid ) if status: pids = pids.filter_by(status=status) for found_pid in pids.all(): click.echo( '{0.pid_type} {0.pid_value} {0.pid_provider}'.format(found_pid) )