# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""Utility methods to help find, authenticate or register a remote user."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import six
from flask import after_this_request, current_app, request
from flask_security import login_user, logout_user
from flask_security.confirmable import requires_confirmation
from flask_security.registerable import register_user
from invenio_accounts.models import User
from invenio_db import db
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from uritools import urisplit
from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy
from werkzeug.utils import import_string
from wtforms.fields.core import FormField
from .errors import AlreadyLinkedError
from .models import RemoteAccount, RemoteToken, UserIdentity
_security = LocalProxy(lambda: current_app.extensions['security'])
_datastore = LocalProxy(lambda: _security.datastore)
def _commit(response=None):
return response
def _get_external_id(account_info):
"""Get external id from account info."""
if all(k in account_info for k in ('external_id', 'external_method')):
return dict(id=account_info['external_id'],
return None
[docs]def oauth_get_user(client_id, account_info=None, access_token=None):
"""Retrieve user object for the given request.
Uses either the access token or extracted account information to retrieve
the user object.
:param client_id: The client id.
:param account_info: The dictionary with the account info.
(Default: ``None``)
:param access_token: The access token. (Default: ``None``)
:returns: A :class:`invenio_accounts.models.User` instance or ``None``.
if access_token:
token = RemoteToken.get_by_token(client_id, access_token)
if token:
return token.remote_account.user
if account_info:
external_id = _get_external_id(account_info)
if external_id:
user_identity = UserIdentity.query.filter_by(
id=external_id['id'], method=external_id['method']).first()
if user_identity:
return user_identity.user
email = account_info.get('user', {}).get('email')
if email:
return User.query.filter_by(email=email).one_or_none()
return None
[docs]def oauth_authenticate(client_id, user, require_existing_link=False,
"""Authenticate an oauth authorized callback.
:param client_id: The client id.
:param user: A user instance.
:param require_existing_link: If ``True``, check if remote account exists.
(Default: ``False``)
:returns: ``True`` if the user is successfully authenticated.
# Authenticate via the access token (access token used to get user_id)
if not requires_confirmation(user):
if login_user(user):
if require_existing_link:
account = RemoteAccount.get(user.id, client_id)
if account is None:
return False
return True
return False
[docs]def oauth_register(form):
"""Register user if possible.
:param form: A form instance.
:returns: A :class:`invenio_accounts.models.User` instance.
if form.validate():
data = form.to_dict()
if not data.get('password'):
data['password'] = ''
user = register_user(**data)
if not data['password']:
user.password = None
return user
[docs]def oauth_link_external_id(user, external_id=None):
"""Link a user to an external id.
:param user: A :class:`invenio_accounts.models.User` instance.
:param external_id: The external id associated with the user.
(Default: ``None``)
:raises invenio_oauthclient.errors.AlreadyLinkedError: Raised if already
exists a link.
with db.session.begin_nested():
except IntegrityError:
raise AlreadyLinkedError(user, external_id)
[docs]def oauth_unlink_external_id(external_id):
"""Unlink a user from an external id.
:param external_id: The external id associated with the user.
with db.session.begin_nested():
[docs]def is_local_url(target):
"""Determine if URL is a local.
:param target: The URL to check.
:returns: ``True`` if the target is a local url.
server_name = current_app.config['SERVER_NAME']
test_url = urisplit(target)
return not test_url.host or test_url.scheme in ('http', 'https') and \
server_name == test_url.host
[docs]def get_safe_redirect_target(arg='next'):
"""Get URL to redirect to and ensure that it is local.
:param arg: URL argument.
:returns: The redirect target or ``None``.
for target in request.args.get(arg), request.referrer:
if target and is_local_url(target):
return target
return None
[docs]def obj_or_import_string(value, default=None):
"""Import string or return object."""
if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
return import_string(value)
elif value:
return value
return default
[docs]def load_or_import_from_config(key, app=None, default=None):
"""Load or import value from config."""
app = app or current_app
imp = app.config.get(key)
return obj_or_import_string(imp, default=default)
[docs]def disable_csrf(form):
"""Disable CSRF protection."""
form.csrf_enabled = False
for f in form:
if isinstance(f, FormField):
return form