Source code for invenio_oauth2server.models

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"""OAuth2Server models."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import six
from flask import current_app
from flask_babelex import lazy_gettext as _
from flask_login import current_user
from invenio_accounts.models import User
from invenio_db import db
from sqlalchemy.schema import Index
from sqlalchemy_utils.types import URLType
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.encrypted import AesEngine, EncryptedType
from import gen_salt
from wtforms import validators

from .errors import ScopeDoesNotExists
from .proxies import current_oauth2server
from .validators import validate_redirect_uri, validate_scopes

[docs]def secret_key(): """Return secret key as bytearray.""" return current_app.config['SECRET_KEY'].encode('utf-8')
[docs]class NoneAesEngine(AesEngine): """Filter None values from encrypting."""
[docs] def encrypt(self, value): """Encrypt a value on the way in.""" if value is not None: return super(NoneAesEngine, self).encrypt(value)
[docs] def decrypt(self, value): """Decrypt value on the way out.""" if value is not None: return super(NoneAesEngine, self).decrypt(value)
[docs]class OAuthUserProxy(object): """Proxy object to an Invenio User.""" def __init__(self, user): """Initialize proxy object with user instance.""" self._user = user def __getattr__(self, name): """Pass any undefined attribute to the underlying object.""" return getattr(self._user, name) def __getstate__(self): """Return the id.""" return def __setstate__(self, state): """Set user info.""" self._user = current_app.extensions['security'].datastore.get_user( state) @property def id(self): """Return user identifier.""" return self._user.get_id()
[docs] def check_password(self, password): """Check user password.""" return self.password == password
[docs] def get_current_user(cls): """Return an instance of current user object.""" return cls(current_user._get_current_object())
[docs]class Scope(object): """OAuth scope definition.""" def __init__(self, id_, help_text='', group='', internal=False): """Initialize scope values.""" = id_ = group self.help_text = help_text self.is_internal = internal
[docs]class Client(db.Model): """A client is the app which want to use the resource of a user. It is suggested that the client is registered by a user on your site, but it is not required. The client should contain at least these information: client_id: A random string client_secret: A random string client_type: A string represents if it is confidential redirect_uris: A list of redirect uris default_redirect_uri: One of the redirect uris default_scopes: Default scopes of the client But it could be better, if you implemented: allowed_grant_types: A list of grant types allowed_response_types: A list of response types validate_scopes: A function to validate scopes """ __tablename__ = 'oauth2server_client' name = db.Column( db.String(40), info=dict( label=_('Name'), description=_('Name of application (displayed to users).'), validators=[validators.DataRequired()] ) ) """Human readable name of the application.""" description = db.Column( db.Text(), default=u'', info=dict( label=_('Description'), description=_('Optional. Description of the application' ' (displayed to users).'), ) ) """Human readable description.""" website = db.Column( URLType(), info=dict( label=_('Website URL'), description=_('URL of your application (displayed to users).'), ), default=u'', ) user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, nullable=True) """Creator of the client application.""" client_id = db.Column(db.String(255), primary_key=True) """Client application ID.""" client_secret = db.Column( db.String(255), unique=True, index=True, nullable=False ) """Client application secret.""" is_confidential = db.Column( db.Boolean(name='is_confidential'), default=True ) """Determine if client application is public or not.""" is_internal = db.Column(db.Boolean(name='is_internal'), default=False) """Determins if client application is an internal application.""" _redirect_uris = db.Column(db.Text) """A newline-separated list of redirect URIs. First is the default URI.""" _default_scopes = db.Column(db.Text) """A space-separated list of default scopes of the client. The value of the scope parameter is expressed as a list of space-delimited, case-sensitive strings. """ user = db.relationship( User, backref=db.backref( "oauth2clients", cascade="all, delete-orphan", ) ) """Relationship to user.""" @property def allowed_grant_types(self): """Return allowed grant types.""" return current_app.config['OAUTH2SERVER_ALLOWED_GRANT_TYPES'] @property def allowed_response_types(self): """Return allowed response types.""" return current_app.config['OAUTH2SERVER_ALLOWED_RESPONSE_TYPES'] # def validate_scopes(self, scopes): # return self._validate_scopes @property def client_type(self): """Return client type.""" if self.is_confidential: return 'confidential' return 'public' @property def redirect_uris(self): """Return redirect uris.""" if self._redirect_uris: return self._redirect_uris.splitlines() return [] @redirect_uris.setter def redirect_uris(self, value): """Validate and store redirect URIs for client.""" if isinstance(value, six.text_type): value = value.split("\n") value = [v.strip() for v in value] for v in value: validate_redirect_uri(v) self._redirect_uris = "\n".join(value) or "" @property def default_redirect_uri(self): """Return default redirect uri.""" try: return self.redirect_uris[0] except IndexError: pass @property def default_scopes(self): """List of default scopes for client.""" if self._default_scopes: return self._default_scopes.split(" ") return [] @default_scopes.setter def default_scopes(self, scopes): """Set default scopes for client.""" validate_scopes(scopes) self._default_scopes = " ".join(set(scopes)) if scopes else ""
[docs] def validate_scopes(self, scopes): """Validate if client is allowed to access scopes.""" try: validate_scopes(scopes) return True except ScopeDoesNotExists: return False
[docs] def gen_salt(self): """Generate salt.""" self.reset_client_id() self.reset_client_secret()
[docs] def reset_client_id(self): """Reset client id.""" self.client_id = gen_salt( current_app.config.get('OAUTH2SERVER_CLIENT_ID_SALT_LEN') )
[docs] def reset_client_secret(self): """Reset client secret.""" self.client_secret = gen_salt( current_app.config.get('OAUTH2SERVER_CLIENT_SECRET_SALT_LEN') )
[docs]class Token(db.Model): """A bearer token is the final token that can be used by the client.""" __tablename__ = 'oauth2server_token' __table_args__ = ( Index('ix_oauth2server_token_access_token', 'access_token', unique=True, mysql_length=255), Index('ix_oauth2server_token_refresh_token', 'refresh_token', unique=True, mysql_length=255), ) id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) """Object ID.""" client_id = db.Column( db.String(255), db.ForeignKey(Client.client_id), nullable=False, ) """Foreign key to client application.""" client = db.relationship( 'Client', backref=db.backref( 'oauth2tokens', cascade="all, delete-orphan" )) """SQLAlchemy relationship to client application.""" user_id = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(, nullable=True ) """Foreign key to user.""" user = db.relationship( User, backref=db.backref( "oauth2tokens", cascade="all, delete-orphan", ) ) """SQLAlchemy relationship to user.""" token_type = db.Column(db.String(255), default='bearer') """Token type - only bearer is supported at the moment.""" access_token = db.Column( EncryptedType( type_in=db.String(255), key=secret_key, ), ) refresh_token = db.Column( EncryptedType( type_in=db.String(255), key=secret_key, engine=NoneAesEngine, ), nullable=True, ) expires = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=True) _scopes = db.Column(db.Text) is_personal = db.Column(db.Boolean(name='is_personal'), default=False) """Personal accesss token.""" is_internal = db.Column(db.Boolean(name='is_internal'), default=False) """Determines if token is an internally generated token.""" @property def scopes(self): """Return all scopes. :returns: A list of scopes. """ if self._scopes: return self._scopes.split() return [] @scopes.setter def scopes(self, scopes): """Set scopes. :param scopes: The list of scopes. """ validate_scopes(scopes) self._scopes = " ".join(set(scopes)) if scopes else ""
[docs] def get_visible_scopes(self): """Get list of non-internal scopes for token. :returns: A list of scopes. """ return [k for k, s in current_oauth2server.scope_choices() if k in self.scopes]
[docs] def create_personal(cls, name, user_id, scopes=None, is_internal=False): """Create a personal access token. A token that is bound to a specific user and which doesn't expire, i.e. similar to the concept of an API key. :param name: Client name. :param user_id: User ID. :param scopes: The list of permitted scopes. (Default: ``None``) :param is_internal: If ``True`` it's a internal access token. (Default: ``False``) :returns: A new access token. """ with db.session.begin_nested(): scopes = " ".join(scopes) if scopes else "" c = Client( name=name, user_id=user_id, is_internal=True, is_confidential=False, _default_scopes=scopes ) c.gen_salt() t = Token( client_id=c.client_id, user_id=user_id, access_token=gen_salt( current_app.config.get( 'OAUTH2SERVER_TOKEN_PERSONAL_SALT_LEN') ), expires=None, _scopes=scopes, is_personal=True, is_internal=is_internal, ) db.session.add(c) db.session.add(t) return t