Source code for invenio_oaiserver.verbs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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"""OAI-PMH verbs."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

from flask import current_app, request
from marshmallow import Schema, ValidationError, fields, validates_schema

from .resumption_token import ResumptionTokenSchema

[docs]def validate_metadata_prefix(value): """Check metadataPrefix. :param value: One of the metadata identifiers configured in ``OAISERVER_METADATA_FORMATS``. """ metadataFormats = current_app.config['OAISERVER_METADATA_FORMATS'] if value not in metadataFormats: raise ValidationError('metadataPrefix does not exist', field_names=['metadataPrefix'])
[docs]class OAISchema(Schema): """Base OAI argument schema.""" verb = fields.Str(required=True, load_only=True)
[docs] class Meta: """Schema configuration.""" strict = True
[docs] def validate(self, data): """Check range between dates under keys ``from_`` and ``until``.""" if 'verb' in data and data['verb'] != self.__class__.__name__: raise ValidationError( # FIXME encode data 'This is not a valid OAI-PMH verb:{0}'.format(data['verb']), field_names=['verb'], ) if 'from_' in data and 'until' in data and \ data['from_'] > data['until']: raise ValidationError('Date "from" must be before "until".') extra = set(request.values.keys()) - set([ f.load_from or for f in self.fields.values() ]) if extra: raise ValidationError('You have passed too many arguments.')
[docs]class Verbs(object): """List valid verbs and its arguments."""
[docs] class GetRecord(OAISchema): """Arguments for GetRecord verb.""" identifier = fields.Str(required=True) metadataPrefix = fields.Str(required=True, validate=validate_metadata_prefix)
[docs] class GetMetadata(OAISchema): """Arguments for GetMetadata verb.""" identifier = fields.Str(required=True) metadataPrefix = fields.Str(required=True, validate=validate_metadata_prefix)
[docs] class Identify(OAISchema): """Arguments for Identify verb."""
[docs] class ListIdentifiers(OAISchema): """Arguments for ListIdentifiers verb.""" from_ = fields.DateTime(load_from='from', dump_to='from') until = fields.DateTime() set = fields.Str() metadataPrefix = fields.Str(required=True, validate=validate_metadata_prefix)
[docs] class ListMetadataFormats(OAISchema): """Arguments for ListMetadataFormats verb.""" identifier = fields.Str()
[docs] class ListRecords(OAISchema): """Arguments for ListRecords verb.""" from_ = fields.DateTime(load_from='from', dump_to='from') until = fields.DateTime() set = fields.Str() metadataPrefix = fields.Str(required=True, validate=validate_metadata_prefix)
[docs] class ListSets(OAISchema): """Arguments for ListSets verb."""
[docs]class ResumptionVerbs(Verbs): """List valid verbs when resumtion token is defined."""
[docs] class ListIdentifiers(OAISchema, ResumptionTokenSchema): """Arguments for ListIdentifiers verb."""
[docs] class ListRecords(OAISchema, ResumptionTokenSchema): """Arguments for ListRecords verb.""" metadataPrefix = fields.Str(load_only=True, validate=validate_metadata_prefix)
[docs] class ListSets(OAISchema, ResumptionTokenSchema): """Arguments for ListSets verb."""
[docs]def make_request_validator(request): """Validate arguments in incomming request.""" verb = request.values.get('verb', '', type=str) resumption_token = request.values.get('resumptionToken', None) schema = Verbs if resumption_token is None else ResumptionVerbs return getattr(schema, verb, OAISchema)(partial=False)