Source code for invenio_oaiserver.query

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2016 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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"""Query parser."""

import pypeg2
from elasticsearch_dsl import Q
from flask import current_app
from invenio_query_parser.walkers.match_unit import MatchUnit
from invenio_search import RecordsSearch, current_search_client
from invenio_search.walkers.elasticsearch import ElasticSearchDSL
from werkzeug.utils import cached_property

from .utils import parser, query_walkers

[docs]class Query(object): """Query object.""" def __init__(self, query=None): """Parse query string using given grammar. :param query: The query to parse. (Default: ``None``) """ tree = pypeg2.parse(query or '', parser(), whitespace='') for walker in query_walkers(): tree = tree.accept(walker) self.query = tree
[docs] def match(self, record): """Return True if record match the query. :param record: The record in which to look for matches. """ return self.query.accept(MatchUnit(record))
[docs]class OAIServerSearch(RecordsSearch): """Define default filter for quering OAI server."""
[docs] class Meta: """Configuration for OAI server search.""" default_filter = Q('exists', field='')
[docs]def get_affected_records(spec=None, search_pattern=None): """Get list of affected records. :param spec: The record spec. :param search_pattern: The search pattern. :returns: An iterator to lazily find results. """ # spec pattern query # ---------- ---------- ------- # None None None # None Y Y # X None X # X '' X # X Y X OR Y if spec is None and search_pattern is None: raise StopIteration queries = [] if spec is not None: queries.append(Q('match', **{'_oai.sets': spec})) if search_pattern: queries.append(Query(search_pattern).query.accept(ElasticSearchDSL())) search = OAIServerSearch( index=current_app.config['OAISERVER_RECORD_INDEX'], ).query(Q('bool', should=queries)) for result in search.scan(): yield
[docs]def get_records(**kwargs): """Get recordsi paginated.""" page_ = kwargs.get('resumptionToken', {}).get('page', 1) size_ = current_app.config['OAISERVER_PAGE_SIZE'] scroll = current_app.config['OAISERVER_RESUMPTION_TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME'] scroll_id = kwargs.get('resumptionToken', {}).get('scroll_id') if scroll_id is None: search = OAIServerSearch( index=current_app.config['OAISERVER_RECORD_INDEX'], ).params( scroll='{0}s'.format(scroll), ).extra( version=True, )[(page_-1)*size_:page_*size_] if 'set' in kwargs: search = search.query('match', **{'_oai.sets': kwargs['set']}) time_range = {} if 'from_' in kwargs: time_range['gte'] = kwargs['from_'] if 'until' in kwargs: time_range['lte'] = kwargs['until'] if time_range: search = search.filter('range', **{'_oai.updated': time_range}) response = search.execute().to_dict() else: response = current_search_client.scroll( scroll_id=scroll_id, scroll='{0}s'.format(scroll), ) class Pagination(object): """Dummy pagination class.""" page = page_ per_page = size_ def __init__(self, response): """Initilize pagination.""" self.response = response = response['hits']['total'] self._scroll_id = response.get('_scroll_id') # clean descriptor on last page if not self.has_next: current_search_client.clear_scroll( scroll_id=self._scroll_id ) self._scroll_id = None @cached_property def has_next(self): """Return True if there is next page.""" return * self.per_page <= @cached_property def next_num(self): """Return next page number.""" return + 1 if self.has_next else None @property def items(self): """Return iterator.""" from datetime import datetime for result in self.response['hits']['hits']: if '_oai' in result['_source']: yield { 'id': result['_id'], 'json': result, 'updated': datetime.strptime( result['_source']['_oai']['updated'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' ), } return Pagination(response)