Source code for invenio_oaiserver.models

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"""Models for storing information about OAIServer state."""

from datetime import datetime

from flask_babelex import lazy_gettext as _
from invenio_db import db
from sqlalchemy.event import listen
from sqlalchemy.orm import validates
from sqlalchemy_utils import Timestamp

from .errors import OAISetSpecUpdateError
from .proxies import current_oaiserver
from .utils import datetime_to_datestamp

[docs]class OAISet(db.Model, Timestamp): """Information about OAI set.""" __tablename__ = 'oaiserver_set' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) spec = db.Column( db.String(255), nullable=False, unique=True, info=dict( label=_('Identifier'), description=_('Identifier of the set.'), ), ) """Set identifier.""" name = db.Column( db.String(255), info=dict( label=_('Long name'), description=_('Long name of the set.'), ), index=True, ) """Human readable name of the set.""" description = db.Column( db.Text, nullable=True, info=dict( label=_('Description'), description=_('Description of the set.'), ), ) """Human readable description.""" search_pattern = db.Column( db.Text, nullable=True, info=dict( label=_('Search pattern'), description=_('Search pattern to select records'), ) ) """Search pattern to get records.""" @validates('spec')
[docs] def validate_spec(self, key, value): """Forbit updates of set identifier.""" if self.spec and self.spec != value: raise OAISetSpecUpdateError("Updating spec is not allowed.") return value
[docs] def add_record(self, record): """Add a record to the OAISet. :param record: Record to be added. :type record: `invenio_records.api.Record` or derivative. """ record.setdefault('_oai', {}).setdefault('sets', []) assert not self.has_record(record) record['_oai']['sets'].append(self.spec) record['_oai']['updated'] = datetime_to_datestamp(datetime.utcnow())
[docs] def remove_record(self, record): """Remove a record from the OAISet. :param record: Record to be removed. :type record: `invenio_records.api.Record` or derivative. """ assert self.has_record(record) record['_oai']['sets'] = [ s for s in record['_oai']['sets'] if s != self.spec] record['_oai']['updated'] = datetime_to_datestamp(datetime.utcnow())
[docs] def has_record(self, record): """Check if the record blongs to the OAISet. :param record: Record to be checked. :type record: `invenio_records.api.Record` or derivative. """ return self.spec in record.get('_oai', {}).get('sets', [])
def oaiset_removed_or_inserted(mapper, connection, target): """Invalidate cache on collection insert or delete.""" current_oaiserver.sets = None def oaiset_attribute_changed(target, value, oldvalue, initiator): """Invalidate cache if dbquery change.""" if value != oldvalue: current_oaiserver.sets = None # update cache with list of collections listen(OAISet, 'after_insert', oaiset_removed_or_inserted) listen(OAISet, 'after_delete', oaiset_removed_or_inserted) listen(OAISet.search_pattern, 'set', oaiset_attribute_changed) __all__ = ('OAISet', )