import warnings
import re
import csv
import mimetypes
import time
from math import ceil
from werkzeug import secure_filename
from flask import (current_app, request, redirect, flash, abort, json,
Response, get_flashed_messages, stream_with_context)
from jinja2 import contextfunction
import tablib
except ImportError:
tablib = None
from wtforms.fields import HiddenField
from wtforms.fields.core import UnboundField
from wtforms.validators import ValidationError, InputRequired
from flask_admin.babel import gettext
from flask_admin.base import BaseView, expose
from flask_admin.form import BaseForm, FormOpts, rules
from flask_admin.model import filters, typefmt, template
from flask_admin.actions import ActionsMixin
from flask_admin.helpers import (get_form_data, validate_form_on_submit,
get_redirect_target, flash_errors)
from import rec_getattr
from flask_admin._backwards import ObsoleteAttr
from flask_admin._compat import (iteritems, itervalues, OrderedDict,
as_unicode, csv_encode, text_type)
from .helpers import prettify_name, get_mdict_item_or_list
from .ajax import AjaxModelLoader
# Used to generate filter query string name
filter_char_re = re.compile('[^a-z0-9 ]')
filter_compact_re = re.compile(' +')
class ViewArgs(object):
List view arguments.
def __init__(self, page=None, sort=None, sort_desc=None, search=None, filters=None, extra_args=None): = page
self.sort = sort
self.sort_desc = bool(sort_desc) = search
self.filters = filters
if not = None
self.extra_args = extra_args or dict()
def clone(self, **kwargs):
if self.filters:
flt = list(self.filters)
flt = None
kwargs.setdefault('sort', self.sort)
kwargs.setdefault('sort_desc', self.sort_desc)
kwargs.setdefault('filters', flt)
kwargs.setdefault('extra_args', dict(self.extra_args))
return ViewArgs(**kwargs)
class FilterGroup(object):
def __init__(self, label):
self.label = label
self.filters = []
def append(self, filter):
def non_lazy(self):
filters = []
for item in self.filters:
copy = dict(item)
copy['operation'] = as_unicode(copy['operation'])
options = copy['options']
if options:
copy['options'] = [(k, text_type(v)) for k, v in options]
return as_unicode(self.label), filters
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.filters)
class BaseModelView(BaseView, ActionsMixin):
Base model view.
This view does not make any assumptions on how models are stored or managed, but expects the following:
1. The provided model is an object
2. The model contains properties
3. Each model contains an attribute which uniquely identifies it (i.e. a primary key for a database model)
4. It is possible to retrieve a list of sorted models with pagination applied from a data source
5. You can get one model by its identifier from the data source
Essentially, if you want to support a new data store, all you have to do is:
1. Derive from the `BaseModelView` class
2. Implement various data-related methods (`get_list`, `get_one`, `create_model`, etc)
3. Implement automatic form generation from the model representation (`scaffold_form`)
# Permissions
can_create = True
"""Is model creation allowed"""
can_edit = True
"""Is model editing allowed"""
can_delete = True
"""Is model deletion allowed"""
can_view_details = False
Setting this to true will enable the details view. This is recommended
when there are too many columns to display in the list_view.
can_export = False
"""Is model list export allowed"""
# Templates
list_template = 'admin/model/list.html'
"""Default list view template"""
edit_template = 'admin/model/edit.html'
"""Default edit template"""
create_template = 'admin/model/create.html'
"""Default create template"""
details_template = 'admin/model/details.html'
"""Default details view template"""
# Modal Templates
edit_modal_template = 'admin/model/modals/edit.html'
"""Default edit modal template"""
create_modal_template = 'admin/model/modals/create.html'
"""Default create modal template"""
details_modal_template = 'admin/model/modals/details.html'
"""Default details modal view template"""
# Modals
edit_modal = False
"""Setting this to true will display the edit_view as a modal dialog."""
create_modal = False
"""Setting this to true will display the create_view as a modal dialog."""
details_modal = False
"""Setting this to true will display the details_view as a modal dialog."""
# Customizations
column_list = ObsoleteAttr('column_list', 'list_columns', None)
Collection of the model field names for the list view.
If set to `None`, will get them from the model.
For example::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_list = ('name', 'last_name', 'email')
(Added in 1.4.0) SQLAlchemy model attributes can be used instead of strings::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_list = ('name', User.last_name)
When using SQLAlchemy models, you can reference related columns like this::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_list = ('<relationship>.<related column name>',)
column_exclude_list = ObsoleteAttr('column_exclude_list',
'excluded_list_columns', None)
Collection of excluded list column names.
For example::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_exclude_list = ('last_name', 'email')
column_details_list = None
Collection of the field names included in the details view.
If set to `None`, will get them from the model.
column_details_exclude_list = None
Collection of fields excluded from the details view.
column_export_list = None
Collection of the field names included in the export.
If set to `None`, will get them from the model.
column_export_exclude_list = None
Collection of fields excluded from the export.
column_formatters = ObsoleteAttr('column_formatters', 'list_formatters', dict())
Dictionary of list view column formatters.
For example, if you want to show price multiplied by
two, you can do something like this::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_formatters = dict(price=lambda v, c, m, p: m.price*2)
or using Jinja2 `macro` in template::
from flask_admin.model.template import macro
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_formatters = dict(price=macro('render_price'))
# in template
{% macro render_price(model, column) %}
{{ model.price * 2 }}
{% endmacro %}
The Callback function has the prototype::
def formatter(view, context, model, name):
# `view` is current administrative view
# `context` is instance of jinja2.runtime.Context
# `model` is model instance
# `name` is property name
column_formatters_export = None
Dictionary of list view column formatters to be used for export.
Defaults to column_formatters when set to None.
Functions the same way as column_formatters except
that macros are not supported.
column_type_formatters = ObsoleteAttr('column_type_formatters', 'list_type_formatters', None)
Dictionary of value type formatters to be used in the list view.
By default, three types are formatted:
1. ``None`` will be displayed as an empty string
2. ``bool`` will be displayed as a checkmark if it is ``True``
3. ``list`` will be joined using ', '
If you don't like the default behavior and don't want any type formatters
applied, just override this property with an empty dictionary::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_type_formatters = dict()
If you want to display `NULL` instead of an empty string, you can do
something like this. Also comes with bonus `date` formatter::
from datetime import date
from flask_admin.model import typefmt
def date_format(view, value):
return value.strftime('%d.%m.%Y')
type(None): typefmt.null_formatter,
date: date_format
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_type_formatters = MY_DEFAULT_FORMATTERS
Type formatters have lower priority than list column formatters.
The callback function has following prototype::
def type_formatter(view, value):
# `view` is current administrative view
# `value` value to format
column_type_formatters_export = None
Dictionary of value type formatters to be used in the export.
By default, two types are formatted:
1. ``None`` will be displayed as an empty string
2. ``list`` will be joined using ', '
Functions the same way as column_type_formatters.
column_labels = ObsoleteAttr('column_labels', 'rename_columns', None)
Dictionary where key is column name and value is string to display.
For example::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_labels = dict(name='Name', last_name='Last Name')
column_descriptions = None
Dictionary where key is column name and
value is description for `list view` column or add/edit form field.
For example::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_descriptions = dict(
full_name='First and Last name'
column_sortable_list = ObsoleteAttr('column_sortable_list',
Collection of the sortable columns for the list view.
If set to `None`, will get them from the model.
For example::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_sortable_list = ('name', 'last_name')
If you want to explicitly specify field/column to be used while
sorting, you can use a tuple::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_sortable_list = ('name', ('user', 'user.username'))
When using SQLAlchemy models, model attributes can be used instead
of strings::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_sortable_list = ('name', ('user', User.username))
column_default_sort = None
Default sort column if no sorting is applied.
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_default_sort = 'user'
You can use tuple to control ascending descending order. In following example, items
will be sorted in descending order::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_default_sort = ('user', True)
column_searchable_list = ObsoleteAttr('column_searchable_list',
A collection of the searchable columns. It is assumed that only
text-only fields are searchable, but it is up to the model
implementation to decide.
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_searchable_list = ('name', 'email')
column_editable_list = None
Collection of the columns which can be edited from the list view.
For example::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_editable_list = ('name', 'last_name')
column_choices = None
Map choices to columns in list view
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_choices = {
'my_column': [
('db_value', 'display_value'),
column_filters = None
Collection of the column filters.
Can contain either field names or instances of :class:`~flask_admin.model.filters.BaseFilter` classes.
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_filters = ('user', 'email')
named_filter_urls = False
Set to True to use human-readable names for filters in URL parameters.
False by default so as to be robust across translations.
Changing this parameter will break any existing URLs that have filters.
column_display_pk = ObsoleteAttr('column_display_pk',
Controls if the primary key should be displayed in the list view.
column_display_actions = True
Controls the display of the row actions (edit, delete, details, etc.)
column in the list view.
Useful for preventing a blank column from displaying if your view does
not use any build-in or custom row actions.
This column is not hidden automatically due to backwards compatibility.
Note: This only affects display and does not control whether the row
actions endpoints are accessible.
column_extra_row_actions = None
List of row actions (instances of :class:`~flask_admin.model.template.BaseListRowAction`).
Flask-Admin will generate standard per-row actions (edit, delete, etc)
and will append custom actions from this list right after them.
For example::
from flask_admin.model.template import EndpointLinkRowAction, LinkRowAction
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
column_extra_row_actions = [
LinkRowAction('glyphicon glyphicon-off', '{row_id}'),
EndpointLinkRowAction('glyphicon glyphicon-test', 'my_view.index_view')
simple_list_pager = False
Enable or disable simple list pager.
If enabled, model interface would not run count query and will only show prev/next pager buttons.
form = None
Form class. Override if you want to use custom form for your model.
Will completely disable form scaffolding functionality.
For example::
class MyForm(Form):
name = StringField('Name')
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
form = MyForm
form_base_class = BaseForm
Base form class. Will be used by form scaffolding function when creating model form.
Useful if you want to have custom constructor or override some fields.
class MyBaseForm(Form):
def do_something(self):
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
form_base_class = MyBaseForm
form_args = None
Dictionary of form field arguments. Refer to WTForms documentation for
list of possible options.
from wtforms.validators import DataRequired
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
form_args = dict(
name=dict(label='First Name', validators=[DataRequired()])
form_columns = None
Collection of the model field names for the form. If set to `None` will
get them from the model.
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
form_columns = ('name', 'email')
(Added in 1.4.0) SQLAlchemy model attributes can be used instead of
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
form_columns = ('name', User.last_name)
SQLA Note: Model attributes must be on the same model as your ModelView
or you will need to use `inline_models`.
form_excluded_columns = ObsoleteAttr('form_excluded_columns',
Collection of excluded form field names.
For example::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
form_excluded_columns = ('last_name', 'email')
form_overrides = None
Dictionary of form column overrides.
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
form_overrides = dict(name=wtf.FileField)
form_widget_args = None
Dictionary of form widget rendering arguments.
Use this to customize how widget is rendered without using custom template.
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
form_widget_args = {
'description': {
'rows': 10,
'style': 'color: black'
'other_field': {
'disabled': True
Changing the format of a DateTimeField will require changes to both form_widget_args and form_args.
form_args = dict(
start=dict(format='%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p') # changes how the input is parsed by strptime (12 hour time)
form_widget_args = dict(
start={'data-date-format': u'yyyy-mm-dd HH:ii P', 'data-show-meridian': 'True'} # changes how the DateTimeField displays the time
form_extra_fields = None
Dictionary of additional fields.
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
form_extra_fields = {
'password': PasswordField('Password')
You can control order of form fields using ``form_columns`` property. For example::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
form_columns = ('name', 'email', 'password', 'secret')
form_extra_fields = {
'password': PasswordField('Password')
In this case, password field will be put between email and secret fields that are autogenerated.
form_ajax_refs = None
Use AJAX for foreign key model loading.
Should contain dictionary, where key is field name and value is either a dictionary which
configures AJAX lookups or backend-specific `AjaxModelLoader` class instance.
For example, it can look like::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
form_ajax_refs = {
'user': {
'fields': ('first_name', 'last_name', 'email'),
'page_size': 10
Or with SQLAlchemy backend like this::
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
form_ajax_refs = {
'user': QueryAjaxModelLoader('user', db.session, User, fields=['email'], page_size=10)
If you need custom loading functionality, you can implement your custom loading behavior
in your `AjaxModelLoader` class.
form_rules = None
List of rendering rules for model creation form.
This property changed default form rendering behavior and makes possible to rearrange order
of rendered fields, add some text between fields, group them, etc. If not set, will use
default Flask-Admin form rendering logic.
Here's simple example which illustrates how to use::
from flask_admin.form import rules
class MyModelView(ModelView):
form_rules = [
# Define field set with header text and four fields
rules.FieldSet(('first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'phone'), 'User'),
# ... and it is just shortcut for:
# ...
# It is possible to create custom rule blocks:
MyBlock('Hello World'),
# It is possible to call macros from current context
rules.Macro('my_macro', foobar='baz')
form_edit_rules = None
Customized rules for the edit form. Override `form_rules` if present.
form_create_rules = None
Customized rules for the create form. Override `form_rules` if present.
# Actions
action_disallowed_list = ObsoleteAttr('action_disallowed_list',
Set of disallowed action names. For example, if you want to disable
mass model deletion, do something like this:
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
action_disallowed_list = ['delete']
# Export settings
export_max_rows = 0
Maximum number of rows allowed for export.
Unlimited by default. Uses `page_size` if set to `None`.
export_types = ['csv']
A list of available export filetypes. `csv` only is default, but any
filetypes supported by tablib can be used.
Check tablib for
for supported types.
# Various settings
page_size = 20
Default page size for pagination.
def __init__(self, model,
name=None, category=None, endpoint=None, url=None, static_folder=None,
menu_class_name=None, menu_icon_type=None, menu_icon_value=None):
:param model:
Model class
:param name:
View name. If not provided, will use the model class name
:param category:
View category
:param endpoint:
Base endpoint. If not provided, will use the model name.
:param url:
Base URL. If not provided, will use endpoint as a URL.
:param menu_class_name:
Optional class name for the menu item.
:param menu_icon_type:
Optional icon. Possible icon types:
- `flask_admin.consts.ICON_TYPE_GLYPH` - Bootstrap glyph icon
- `flask_admin.consts.ICON_TYPE_FONT_AWESOME` - Font Awesome icon
- `flask_admin.consts.ICON_TYPE_IMAGE` - Image relative to Flask static directory
- `flask_admin.consts.ICON_TYPE_IMAGE_URL` - Image with full URL
:param menu_icon_value:
Icon glyph name or URL, depending on `menu_icon_type` setting
self.model = model
# If name not provided, it is model name
if name is None:
name = '%s' % self._prettify_class_name(model.__name__)
super(BaseModelView, self).__init__(name, category, endpoint, url, static_folder,
# Actions
# Scaffolding
# Endpoint
def _get_endpoint(self, endpoint):
if endpoint:
return super(BaseModelView, self)._get_endpoint(endpoint)
return self.model.__name__.lower()
# Caching
def _refresh_forms_cache(self):
# Forms
self._form_ajax_refs = self._process_ajax_references()
if self.form_widget_args is None:
self.form_widget_args = {}
self._create_form_class = self.get_create_form()
self._edit_form_class = self.get_edit_form()
self._delete_form_class = self.get_delete_form()
# List View In-Line Editing
if self.column_editable_list:
self._list_form_class = self.get_list_form()
self.column_editable_list = {}
def _refresh_filters_cache(self):
self._filters = self.get_filters()
if self._filters:
self._filter_groups = OrderedDict()
self._filter_args = {}
for i, flt in enumerate(self._filters):
key = as_unicode(
if key not in self._filter_groups:
self._filter_groups[key] = FilterGroup(
'index': i,
'arg': self.get_filter_arg(i, flt),
'operation': flt.operation(),
'options': flt.get_options(self) or None,
'type': flt.data_type
self._filter_args[self.get_filter_arg(i, flt)] = (i, flt)
self._filter_groups = None
self._filter_args = None
def _refresh_form_rules_cache(self):
if self.form_create_rules:
self._form_create_rules = rules.RuleSet(self, self.form_create_rules)
self._form_create_rules = None
if self.form_edit_rules:
self._form_edit_rules = rules.RuleSet(self, self.form_edit_rules)
self._form_edit_rules = None
if self.form_rules:
form_rules = rules.RuleSet(self, self.form_rules)
if not self._form_create_rules:
self._form_create_rules = form_rules
if not self._form_edit_rules:
self._form_edit_rules = form_rules
def _refresh_cache(self):
Refresh various cached variables.
# List view
self._list_columns = self.get_list_columns()
self._sortable_columns = self.get_sortable_columns()
# Details view
self._details_columns = self.get_details_columns()
# Export view
self._export_columns = self.get_export_columns()
# Labels
if self.column_labels is None:
self.column_labels = {}
# Forms
# Search
self._search_supported = self.init_search()
# Choices
if self.column_choices:
self._column_choices_map = dict([
(column, dict(choices))
for column, choices in self.column_choices.items()
self.column_choices = self._column_choices_map = dict()
# Column formatters
if self.column_formatters_export is None:
self.column_formatters_export = self.column_formatters
# Type formatters
if self.column_type_formatters is None:
self.column_type_formatters = dict(typefmt.BASE_FORMATTERS)
if self.column_type_formatters_export is None:
self.column_type_formatters_export = dict(typefmt.EXPORT_FORMATTERS)
if self.column_descriptions is None:
self.column_descriptions = dict()
# Filters
# Form rendering rules
# Process form rules
self._validate_form_class(self._form_edit_rules, self._edit_form_class)
self._validate_form_class(self._form_create_rules, self._create_form_class)
# Primary key
def get_pk_value(self, model):
Return PK value from a model object.
raise NotImplementedError()
# List view
def scaffold_list_columns(self):
Return list of the model field names. Must be implemented in
the child class.
Expected return format is list of tuples with field name and
display text. For example::
['name', 'first_name', 'last_name']
raise NotImplementedError('Please implement scaffold_list_columns method')
def get_column_name(self, field):
Return a human-readable column name.
:param field:
Model field name.
if self.column_labels and field in self.column_labels:
return self.column_labels[field]
return self._prettify_name(field)
def get_list_row_actions(self):
Return list of row action objects, each is instance of :class:`~flask_admin.model.template.BaseListRowAction`
actions = []
if self.can_view_details:
if self.details_modal:
if self.can_edit:
if self.edit_modal:
if self.can_delete:
return actions + (self.column_extra_row_actions or [])
def get_column_names(self, only_columns, excluded_columns):
Returns a list of tuples with the model field name and formatted
field name.
:param only_columns:
List of columns to include in the results. If not set,
`scaffold_list_columns` will generate the list from the model.
:param excluded_columns:
List of columns to exclude from the results if `only_columns`
is not set.
if excluded_columns:
only_columns = [c for c in only_columns if c not in excluded_columns]
return [(c, self.get_column_name(c)) for c in only_columns]
def get_list_columns(self):
Uses `get_column_names` to get a list of tuples with the model
field name and formatted name for the columns in `column_list`
and not in `column_exclude_list`. If `column_list` is not set,
the columns from `scaffold_list_columns` will be used.
return self.get_column_names(
only_columns=self.column_list or self.scaffold_list_columns(),
def get_details_columns(self):
Uses `get_column_names` to get a list of tuples with the model
field name and formatted name for the columns in `column_details_list`
and not in `column_details_exclude_list`. If `column_details_list`
is not set, it will attempt to use the columns from `column_list`
or finally the columns from `scaffold_list_columns` will be used.
only_columns = (self.column_details_list or self.column_list or
return self.get_column_names(
def get_export_columns(self):
Uses `get_column_names` to get a list of tuples with the model
field name and formatted name for the columns in `column_export_list`
and not in `column_export_exclude_list`. If `column_export_list` is
not set, it will attempt to use the columns from `column_list`
or finally the columns from `scaffold_list_columns` will be used.
only_columns = (self.column_export_list or self.column_list or
return self.get_column_names(
def scaffold_sortable_columns(self):
Returns dictionary of sortable columns. Must be implemented in
the child class.
Expected return format is a dictionary, where keys are field names and
values are property names.
raise NotImplementedError('Please implement scaffold_sortable_columns method')
def get_sortable_columns(self):
Returns a dictionary of the sortable columns. Key is a model
field name and value is sort column (for example - attribute).
If `column_sortable_list` is set, will use it. Otherwise, will call
`scaffold_sortable_columns` to get them from the model.
if self.column_sortable_list is None:
return self.scaffold_sortable_columns() or dict()
result = dict()
for c in self.column_sortable_list:
if isinstance(c, tuple):
result[c[0]] = c[1]
result[c] = c
return result
def init_search(self):
Initialize search. If data provider does not support search,
`init_search` will return `False`.
return False
# Filter helpers
def scaffold_filters(self, name):
Generate filter object for the given name
:param name:
Name of the field
return None
def is_valid_filter(self, filter):
Verify that the provided filter object is valid.
Override in model backend implementation to verify if
the provided filter type is allowed.
:param filter:
Filter object to verify.
return isinstance(filter, filters.BaseFilter)
def handle_filter(self, filter):
Postprocess (add joins, etc) for a filter.
:param filter:
Filter object to postprocess
return filter
def get_filters(self):
Return a list of filter objects.
If your model backend implementation does not support filters,
override this method and return `None`.
if self.column_filters:
collection = []
for n in self.column_filters:
if self.is_valid_filter(n):
flt = self.scaffold_filters(n)
if flt:
raise Exception('Unsupported filter type %s' % n)
return collection
return None
def get_filter_arg(self, index, flt):
Given a filter `flt`, return a unique name for that filter in
this view.
Does not include the `flt[n]_` portion of the filter name.
:param index:
Filter index in _filters array
:param flt:
Filter instance
if self.named_filter_urls:
name = ('%s %s' % (, as_unicode(flt.operation()))).lower()
name = filter_char_re.sub('', name)
name = filter_compact_re.sub('_', name)
return name
return str(index)
def _get_filter_groups(self):
Returns non-lazy version of filter strings
if self._filter_groups:
results = OrderedDict()
for group in itervalues(self._filter_groups):
key, items = group.non_lazy()
results[key] = items
return results
return None
# Form helpers
def scaffold_form(self):
Create `form.BaseForm` inherited class from the model. Must be
implemented in the child class.
raise NotImplementedError('Please implement scaffold_form method')
def scaffold_list_form(self, widget=None, validators=None):
Create form for the `index_view` using only the columns from
:param widget:
WTForms widget class. Defaults to `XEditableWidget`.
:param validators:
`form_args` dict with only validators
{'name': {'validators': [DataRequired()]}}
Must be implemented in the child class.
raise NotImplementedError('Please implement scaffold_list_form method')
def get_form(self):
Get form class.
If ``self.form`` is set, will return it and will call
``self.scaffold_form`` otherwise.
Override to implement customized behavior.
if self.form is not None:
return self.form
return self.scaffold_form()
def get_list_form(self):
Get form class for the editable list view.
Uses only validators from `form_args` to build the form class.
Allows overriding the editable list view field/widget. For example::
from flask_admin.model.widgets import XEditableWidget
class CustomWidget(XEditableWidget):
def get_kwargs(self, subfield, kwargs):
if subfield.type == 'TextAreaField':
kwargs['data-type'] = 'textarea'
kwargs['data-rows'] = '20'
# elif: kwargs for other fields
return kwargs
class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
def get_list_form(self):
return self.scaffold_list_form(widget=CustomWidget)
if self.form_args:
# get only validators, other form_args can break FieldList wrapper
validators = dict(
(key, {'validators': value["validators"]})
for key, value in iteritems(self.form_args)
if value.get("validators")
validators = None
return self.scaffold_list_form(validators=validators)
def get_create_form(self):
Create form class for model creation view.
Override to implement customized behavior.
return self.get_form()
def get_edit_form(self):
Create form class for model editing view.
Override to implement customized behavior.
return self.get_form()
def get_delete_form(self):
Create form class for model delete view.
Override to implement customized behavior.
class DeleteForm(self.form_base_class):
id = HiddenField(validators=[InputRequired()])
url = HiddenField()
return DeleteForm
def create_form(self, obj=None):
Instantiate model creation form and return it.
Override to implement custom behavior.
return self._create_form_class(get_form_data(), obj=obj)
def edit_form(self, obj=None):
Instantiate model editing form and return it.
Override to implement custom behavior.
return self._edit_form_class(get_form_data(), obj=obj)
def delete_form(self):
Instantiate model delete form and return it.
Override to implement custom behavior.
The delete form originally used a GET request, so delete_form
accepts both GET and POST request for backwards compatibility.
if request.form:
return self._delete_form_class(request.form)
elif request.args:
# allow request.args for backward compatibility
return self._delete_form_class(request.args)
return self._delete_form_class()
def list_form(self, obj=None):
Instantiate model editing form for list view and return it.
Override to implement custom behavior.
return self._list_form_class(get_form_data(), obj=obj)
def validate_form(self, form):
Validate the form on submit.
:param form:
Form to validate
return validate_form_on_submit(form)
def get_save_return_url(self, model, is_created=False):
Return url where user is redirected after successful form save.
:param model:
Saved object
:param is_created:
Whether new object was created or existing one was updated
For example, redirect use to object details view after form save::
class MyModelView(ModelView):
can_view_details = True
def get_save_return_url(self, model, is_created):
return self.get_url('.details_view',
return get_redirect_target() or self.get_url('.index_view')
def _get_ruleset_missing_fields(self, ruleset, form):
missing_fields = []
if ruleset:
visible_fields = ruleset.visible_fields
for field in form:
if not in visible_fields:
return missing_fields
def _show_missing_fields_warning(self, text):
def _validate_form_class(self, ruleset, form_class, remove_missing=True):
form_fields = []
for name, obj in iteritems(form_class.__dict__):
if isinstance(obj, UnboundField):
missing_fields = []
if ruleset:
visible_fields = ruleset.visible_fields
for field_name in form_fields:
if field_name not in visible_fields:
if missing_fields:
self._show_missing_fields_warning('Fields missing from ruleset: %s' % (','.join(missing_fields)))
if remove_missing:
self._remove_fields_from_form_class(missing_fields, form_class)
def _validate_form_instance(self, ruleset, form, remove_missing=True):
missing_fields = self._get_ruleset_missing_fields(ruleset=ruleset, form=form)
if missing_fields:
self._show_missing_fields_warning('Fields missing from ruleset: %s' % (','.join(missing_fields)))
if remove_missing:
self._remove_fields_from_form_instance(missing_fields, form)
def _remove_fields_from_form_instance(self, field_names, form):
for field_name in field_names:
def _remove_fields_from_form_class(self, field_names, form_class):
for field_name in field_names:
delattr(form_class, field_name)
# Helpers
def is_sortable(self, name):
Verify if column is sortable.
Not case-sensitive.
:param name:
Column name.
return name.lower() in (x.lower() for x in self._sortable_columns)
def is_editable(self, name):
Verify if column is editable.
:param name:
Column name.
return name in self.column_editable_list
def _get_column_by_idx(self, idx):
Return column index by
if idx is None or idx < 0 or idx >= len(self._list_columns):
return None
return self._list_columns[idx]
def _get_default_order(self):
Return default sort order
if self.column_default_sort:
if isinstance(self.column_default_sort, tuple):
return self.column_default_sort
return self.column_default_sort, False
return None
# Database-related API
def get_list(self, page, sort_field, sort_desc, search, filters,
Return a paginated and sorted list of models from the data source.
Must be implemented in the child class.
:param page:
Page number, 0 based. Can be set to None if it is first page.
:param sort_field:
Sort column name or None.
:param sort_desc:
If set to True, sorting is in descending order.
:param search:
Search query
:param filters:
List of filter tuples. First value in a tuple is a search
index, second value is a search value.
:param page_size:
Number of results. Defaults to ModelView's page_size. Can be
overriden to change the page_size limit. Removing the page_size
limit requires setting page_size to 0 or False.
raise NotImplementedError('Please implement get_list method')
def get_one(self, id):
Return one model by its id.
Must be implemented in the child class.
:param id:
Model id
raise NotImplementedError('Please implement get_one method')
# Exception handler
def handle_view_exception(self, exc):
if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
flash(as_unicode(exc), 'error')
return True
if current_app.config.get('ADMIN_RAISE_ON_VIEW_EXCEPTION'):
if self._debug:
return False
# Model event handlers
def on_model_change(self, form, model, is_created):
Perform some actions before a model is created or updated.
Called from create_model and update_model in the same transaction
(if it has any meaning for a store backend).
By default does nothing.
:param form:
Form used to create/update model
:param model:
Model that will be created/updated
:param is_created:
Will be set to True if model was created and to False if edited
def _on_model_change(self, form, model, is_created):
Compatibility helper.
self.on_model_change(form, model, is_created)
except TypeError:
msg = ('%s.on_model_change() now accepts third ' +
'parameter is_created. Please update your code') % self.model
self.on_model_change(form, model)
def after_model_change(self, form, model, is_created):
Perform some actions after a model was created or updated and
committed to the database.
Called from create_model after successful database commit.
By default does nothing.
:param form:
Form used to create/update model
:param model:
Model that was created/updated
:param is_created:
True if model was created, False if model was updated
def on_model_delete(self, model):
Perform some actions before a model is deleted.
Called from delete_model in the same transaction
(if it has any meaning for a store backend).
By default do nothing.
def after_model_delete(self, model):
Perform some actions after a model was deleted and
committed to the database.
Called from delete_model after successful database commit
(if it has any meaning for a store backend).
By default does nothing.
:param model:
Model that was deleted
def on_form_prefill (self, form, id):
Perform additional actions to pre-fill the edit form.
Called from edit_view, if the current action is rendering
the form rather than receiving client side input, after
default pre-filling has been performed.
By default does nothing.
You only need to override this if you have added custom
fields that depend on the database contents in a way that
Flask-admin can't figure out by itself. Fields that were
added by name of a normal column or relationship should
work out of the box.
:param form:
Form instance
:param id:
id of the object that is going to be edited
def create_model(self, form):
Create model from the form.
Returns the model instance if operation succeeded.
Must be implemented in the child class.
:param form:
Form instance
raise NotImplementedError()
def update_model(self, form, model):
Update model from the form.
Returns `True` if operation succeeded.
Must be implemented in the child class.
:param form:
Form instance
:param model:
Model instance
raise NotImplementedError()
def delete_model(self, model):
Delete model.
Returns `True` if operation succeeded.
Must be implemented in the child class.
:param model:
Model instance
raise NotImplementedError()
# Various helpers
def _prettify_name(self, name):
Prettify pythonic variable name.
For example, 'hello_world' will be converted to 'Hello World'
:param name:
Name to prettify
return prettify_name(name)
def get_empty_list_message(self):
return gettext('There are no items in the table.')
# URL generation helpers
def _get_list_filter_args(self):
if self._filters:
filters = []
for n in request.args:
if not n.startswith('flt'):
if '_' not in n:
pos, key = n[3:].split('_', 1)
if key in self._filter_args:
idx, flt = self._filter_args[key]
value = request.args[n]
if flt.validate(value):
filters.append((pos, (idx, as_unicode(, value)))
flash(gettext('Invalid Filter Value: %(value)s', value=value), 'error')
# Sort filters
return [v[1] for v in sorted(filters, key=lambda n: n[0])]
return None
def _get_list_extra_args(self):
Return arguments from query string.
return ViewArgs(page=request.args.get('page', 0, type=int),
sort=request.args.get('sort', None, type=int),
sort_desc=request.args.get('desc', None, type=int),
search=request.args.get('search', None),
# URL generation helpers
def _get_list_url(self, view_args):
Generate page URL with current page, sort column and
other parameters.
:param view:
View name
:param view_args:
ViewArgs object with page number, filters, etc.
page = or None
desc = 1 if view_args.sort_desc else None
kwargs = dict(page=page, sort=view_args.sort, desc=desc,
if view_args.filters:
for i, pair in enumerate(view_args.filters):
idx, flt_name, value = pair
key = 'flt%d_%s' % (i, self.get_filter_arg(idx, self._filters[idx]))
kwargs[key] = value
return self.get_url('.index_view', **kwargs)
# Actions
def is_action_allowed(self, name):
Override this method to allow or disallow actions based
on some condition.
The default implementation only checks if the particular action
is not in `action_disallowed_list`.
return name not in self.action_disallowed_list
def _get_field_value(self, model, name):
Get unformatted field value from the model
return rec_getattr(model, name)
def _get_list_value(self, context, model, name, column_formatters,
Returns the value to be displayed.
:param context:
:py:class:`jinja2.runtime.Context` if available
:param model:
Model instance
:param name:
Field name
:param column_formatters:
column_formatters to be used.
:param column_type_formatters:
column_type_formatters to be used.
column_fmt = column_formatters.get(name)
if column_fmt is not None:
value = column_fmt(self, context, model, name)
value = self._get_field_value(model, name)
choices_map = self._column_choices_map.get(name, {})
if choices_map:
return choices_map.get(value) or value
type_fmt = None
for typeobj, formatter in column_type_formatters.items():
if isinstance(value, typeobj):
type_fmt = formatter
if type_fmt is not None:
value = type_fmt(self, value)
return value
def get_list_value(self, context, model, name):
Returns the value to be displayed in the list view
:param context:
:param model:
Model instance
:param name:
Field name
return self._get_list_value(
def get_export_value(self, model, name):
Returns the value to be displayed in export.
Allows export to use different (non HTML) formatters.
:param model:
Model instance
:param name:
Field name
return self._get_list_value(
def get_export_name(self, export_type='csv'):
:return: The exported csv file name.
filename = '%s_%s.%s' % (,
return filename
# AJAX references
def _process_ajax_references(self):
Process `form_ajax_refs` and generate model loaders that
will be used by the `ajax_lookup` view.
result = {}
if self.form_ajax_refs:
for name, options in iteritems(self.form_ajax_refs):
if isinstance(options, dict):
result[name] = self._create_ajax_loader(name, options)
elif isinstance(options, AjaxModelLoader):
result[name] = options
raise ValueError('%s.form_ajax_refs can not handle %s types' % (self, type(options)))
return result
def _create_ajax_loader(self, name, options):
Model backend will override this to implement AJAX model loading.
raise NotImplementedError()
# Views
def index_view(self):
List view
if self.can_delete:
delete_form = self.delete_form()
delete_form = None
# Grab parameters from URL
view_args = self._get_list_extra_args()
# Map column index to column name
sort_column = self._get_column_by_idx(view_args.sort)
if sort_column is not None:
sort_column = sort_column[0]
# Get count and data
count, data = self.get_list(, sort_column, view_args.sort_desc,, view_args.filters)
list_forms = {}
if self.column_editable_list:
for row in data:
list_forms[self.get_pk_value(row)] = self.list_form(obj=row)
# Calculate number of pages
if count is not None and self.page_size:
num_pages = int(ceil(count / float(self.page_size)))
elif not self.page_size:
num_pages = 0 # hide pager for unlimited page_size
num_pages = None # use simple pager
# Various URL generation helpers
def pager_url(p):
# Do not add page number if it is first page
if p == 0:
p = None
return self._get_list_url(view_args.clone(page=p))
def sort_url(column, invert=False):
desc = None
if invert and not view_args.sort_desc:
desc = 1
return self._get_list_url(view_args.clone(sort=column, sort_desc=desc))
# Actions
actions, actions_confirmation = self.get_actions_list()
clear_search_url = self._get_list_url(view_args.clone(page=0,
return self.render(
# List
# Pagination
# Sorting
# Search
# Filters
# Actions
# Misc
@expose('/new/', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
def create_view(self):
Create model view
return_url = get_redirect_target() or self.get_url('.index_view')
if not self.can_create:
return redirect(return_url)
form = self.create_form()
if not hasattr(form, '_validated_ruleset') or not form._validated_ruleset:
self._validate_form_instance(ruleset=self._form_create_rules, form=form)
if self.validate_form(form):
# in versions 1.1.0 and before, this returns a boolean
# in later versions, this is the model itself
model = self.create_model(form)
if model:
flash(gettext('Record was successfully created.'), 'success')
if '_add_another' in request.form:
return redirect(request.url)
elif '_continue_editing' in request.form:
# if we have a valid model, try to go to the edit view
if model is not True:
url = self.get_url('.edit_view', id=self.get_pk_value(model), url=return_url)
url = return_url
return redirect(url)
# save button
return redirect(self.get_save_return_url(model, is_created=True))
form_opts = FormOpts(widget_args=self.form_widget_args,
if self.create_modal and request.args.get('modal'):
template = self.create_modal_template
template = self.create_template
return self.render(template,
@expose('/edit/', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
def edit_view(self):
Edit model view
return_url = get_redirect_target() or self.get_url('.index_view')
if not self.can_edit:
return redirect(return_url)
id = get_mdict_item_or_list(request.args, 'id')
if id is None:
return redirect(return_url)
model = self.get_one(id)
if model is None:
flash(gettext('Record does not exist.'), 'error')
return redirect(return_url)
form = self.edit_form(obj=model)
if not hasattr(form, '_validated_ruleset') or not form._validated_ruleset:
self._validate_form_instance(ruleset=self._form_edit_rules, form=form)
if self.validate_form(form):
if self.update_model(form, model):
flash(gettext('Record was successfully saved.'), 'success')
if '_add_another' in request.form:
return redirect(self.get_url('.create_view', url=return_url))
elif '_continue_editing' in request.form:
return redirect(request.url)
# save button
return redirect(self.get_save_return_url(model, is_created=False))
if request.method == 'GET':
self.on_form_prefill(form, id)
form_opts = FormOpts(widget_args=self.form_widget_args,
if self.edit_modal and request.args.get('modal'):
template = self.edit_modal_template
template = self.edit_template
return self.render(template,
def details_view(self):
Details model view
return_url = get_redirect_target() or self.get_url('.index_view')
if not self.can_view_details:
return redirect(return_url)
id = get_mdict_item_or_list(request.args, 'id')
if id is None:
return redirect(return_url)
model = self.get_one(id)
if model is None:
flash(gettext('Record does not exist.'), 'error')
return redirect(return_url)
if self.details_modal and request.args.get('modal'):
template = self.details_modal_template
template = self.details_template
return self.render(template,
@expose('/delete/', methods=('POST',))
def delete_view(self):
Delete model view. Only POST method is allowed.
return_url = get_redirect_target() or self.get_url('.index_view')
if not self.can_delete:
return redirect(return_url)
form = self.delete_form()
if self.validate_form(form):
# id is InputRequired()
id =
model = self.get_one(id)
if model is None:
flash(gettext('Record does not exist.'), 'error')
return redirect(return_url)
# message is flashed from within delete_model if it fails
if self.delete_model(model):
flash(gettext('Record was successfully deleted.'), 'success')
return redirect(return_url)
flash_errors(form, message='Failed to delete record. %(error)s')
return redirect(return_url)
@expose('/action/', methods=('POST',))
def action_view(self):
Mass-model action view.
return self.handle_action()
def _export_data(self):
# Macros in column_formatters are not supported.
# Macros will have a function name 'inner'
# This causes non-macro functions named 'inner' not work.
for col, func in iteritems(self.column_formatters_export):
# skip checking columns not being exported
if col not in [col for col, _ in self._export_columns]:
if func.__name__ == 'inner':
raise NotImplementedError(
'Macros are not implemented in export. Exclude column in'
' column_formatters_export, column_export_list, or '
' column_export_exclude_list. Column: %s' % (col,)
# Grab parameters from URL
view_args = self._get_list_extra_args()
# Map column index to column name
sort_column = self._get_column_by_idx(view_args.sort)
if sort_column is not None:
sort_column = sort_column[0]
# Get count and data
count, data = self.get_list(0, sort_column, view_args.sort_desc,, view_args.filters,
return count, data
def export(self, export_type):
return_url = get_redirect_target() or self.get_url('.index_view')
if not self.can_export or (export_type not in self.export_types):
flash(gettext('Permission denied.'), 'error')
return redirect(return_url)
if export_type == 'csv':
return self._export_csv(return_url)
return self._export_tablib(export_type, return_url)
def _export_csv(self, return_url):
Export a CSV of records as a stream.
count, data = self._export_data()
class Echo(object):
An object that implements just the write method of the file-like
def write(self, value):
Write the value by returning it, instead of storing
in a buffer.
return value
writer = csv.writer(Echo())
def generate():
# Append the column titles at the beginning
titles = [csv_encode(c[1]) for c in self._export_columns]
yield writer.writerow(titles)
for row in data:
vals = [csv_encode(self.get_export_value(row, c[0]))
for c in self._export_columns]
yield writer.writerow(vals)
filename = self.get_export_name(export_type='csv')
disposition = 'attachment;filename=%s' % (secure_filename(filename),)
return Response(
headers={'Content-Disposition': disposition},
def _export_tablib(self, export_type, return_url):
Exports a variety of formats using the tablib library.
if tablib is None:
flash(gettext('Tablib dependency not installed.'), 'error')
return redirect(return_url)
filename = self.get_export_name(export_type)
disposition = 'attachment;filename=%s' % (secure_filename(filename),)
mimetype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
if not mimetype:
mimetype = 'application/octet-stream'
if encoding:
mimetype = '%s; charset=%s' % (mimetype, encoding)
ds = tablib.Dataset(headers=[c[1] for c in self._export_columns])
count, data = self._export_data()
for row in data:
vals = [self.get_export_value(row, c[0]) for c in self._export_columns]
response_data = ds.export(format=export_type)
except AttributeError:
response_data = getattr(ds, export_type)
except (AttributeError, tablib.UnsupportedFormat):
flash(gettext('Export type "%(type)s not supported.',
type=export_type), 'error')
return redirect(return_url)
return Response(
headers={'Content-Disposition': disposition},
def ajax_lookup(self):
name = request.args.get('name')
query = request.args.get('query')
offset = request.args.get('offset', type=int)
limit = request.args.get('limit', 10, type=int)
loader = self._form_ajax_refs.get(name)
if not loader:
data = [loader.format(m) for m in loader.get_list(query, offset, limit)]
return Response(json.dumps(data), mimetype='application/json')
@expose('/ajax/update/', methods=('POST',))
def ajax_update(self):
Edits a single column of a record in list view.
if not self.column_editable_list:
form = self.list_form()
# prevent validation issues due to submitting a single field
# delete all fields except the submitted fields and csrf token
for field in list(form):
if ( in request.form) or ( == 'csrf_token'):
if self.validate_form(form):
pk =
record = self.get_one(pk)
if record is None:
return gettext('Record does not exist.'), 500
if self.update_model(form, record):
# Success
return gettext('Record was successfully saved.')
# Error: No records changed, or problem saving to database.
msgs = ", ".join([msg for msg in get_flashed_messages()])
return gettext('Failed to update record. %(error)s',
error=msgs), 500
for field in form:
for error in field.errors:
# return validation error to x-editable
if isinstance(error, list):
return gettext('Failed to update record. %(error)s',
error=", ".join(error)), 500
return gettext('Failed to update record. %(error)s',
error=error), 500