Source code for invenio_files_rest.serializer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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"""REST API serializers."""

import json
from time import sleep

from flask import current_app, request, url_for
from marshmallow import Schema, fields, missing, post_dump

from .errors import FilesException
from .models import Bucket, MultipartObject, ObjectVersion, Part

[docs]class BaseSchema(Schema): """Base schema for all serializations.""" created = fields.DateTime(dump_only=True) updated = fields.DateTime(dump_only=True) links = fields.Method('dump_links', dump_only=True)
[docs]class BucketSchema(BaseSchema): """Schema for bucket.""" id = fields.UUID() size = fields.Integer() quota_size = fields.Integer() max_file_size = fields.Integer() locked = fields.Boolean()
[docs]class ObjectVersionSchema(BaseSchema): """Schema for ObjectVersions.""" key = fields.Str() version_id = fields.UUID() is_head = fields.Boolean() mimetype = fields.Str() size = fields.Integer(attribute='file.size') checksum = fields.String(attribute='file.checksum') delete_marker = fields.Boolean(attribute='deleted') @post_dump(pass_many=True)
[docs] def wrap(self, data, many): """Wrap response in envelope.""" if not many: return data else: data = {'contents': data} bucket = self.context.get('bucket') if bucket: data.update(BucketSchema().dump(bucket).data) return data
[docs]class MultipartObjectSchema(BaseSchema): """Schema for ObjectVersions.""" _endpoint = '.object_api' id = fields.UUID(attribute='upload_id', dump_only=True) bucket = fields.UUID(attribute='bucket_id', dump_only=True) key = fields.Str(dump_only=True) completed = fields.Boolean(dump_only=True) size = fields.Integer() part_size = fields.Integer(attribute='chunk_size') last_part_number = fields.Integer(dump_only=True) last_part_size = fields.Integer(dump_only=True)
[docs]class PartSchema(BaseSchema): """Schema for parts.""" part_number = fields.Integer() start_byte = fields.Integer() end_byte = fields.Integer() checksum = fields.Str() links = None @post_dump(pass_many=True)
[docs] def wrap(self, data, many): """Wrap response in envelope.""" if not many: return data else: data = {'parts': data} multipart = self.context.get('multipart') if multipart: data.update(MultipartObjectSchema(context={ 'bucket': multipart.bucket}).dump(multipart).data) return data
serializer_mapping = { Bucket: BucketSchema, ObjectVersion: ObjectVersionSchema, MultipartObject: MultipartObjectSchema, Part: PartSchema, }
[docs]def schema_from_context(context): """Determine which schema to use.""" item_class = context.get('class') return ( serializer_mapping[item_class] if item_class else BaseSchema, context.get('many', False) )
def _format_args(): try: pretty_format = \ current_app.config['JSONIFY_PRETTYPRINT_REGULAR'] and \ not request.is_xhr except RuntimeError: pretty_format = False if pretty_format: return dict( indent=2, separators=(', ', ': '), ) else: return dict( indent=None, separators=(',', ':'), )
[docs]def wait_for_taskresult(task_result, content, interval, max_rounds): """Get helper to wait for async task result to finish. The task will periodically send whitespace to prevent the connection from being closed. :param task_result: The async task to wait for. :param content: The content to return when the task is ready. :param interval: The duration of a sleep period before check again if the task is ready. :param max_rounds: The maximum number of intervals the function check before returning an Exception. :returns: An iterator on the content or a :class:`invenio_files_rest.errors.FilesException` exception if the timeout happened or the job failed. """ assert max_rounds > 0 def _whitespace_waiting(): current = 0 while current < max_rounds and current != -1: if task_result.ready(): # Task is done and we return current = -1 if task_result.successful(): yield content else: yield FilesException( description='Job failed.' ).get_body() else: # Send whitespace to prevent connection from closing. current += 1 sleep(interval) yield b' ' # Timed-out reached if current == max_rounds: yield FilesException( description='Job timed out.' ).get_body() return _whitespace_waiting()
[docs]def json_serializer(data=None, code=200, headers=None, context=None, etag=None, task_result=None): """Build a json flask response using the given data. :param data: The data to serialize. (Default: ``None``) :param code: The HTTP status code. (Default: ``200``) :param headers: The HTTP headers to include. (Default: ``None``) :param context: The schema class context. (Default: ``None``) :param etag: The ETag header. (Default: ``None``) :param task_result: Optionally you can pass async task to wait for. (Default: ``None``) :returns: A Flask response with json data. :rtype: :py:class:`flask.Response` """ schema_class, many = schema_from_context(context or {}) if data is not None: # Generate JSON response data = json.dumps( schema_class(context=context).dump(data, many=many).data, **_format_args() ) interval = current_app.config['FILES_REST_TASK_WAIT_INTERVAL'] max_rounds = int( current_app.config['FILES_REST_TASK_WAIT_MAX_SECONDS'] // interval ) response = current_app.response_class( # Stream response if waiting for task result. data if task_result is None else wait_for_taskresult( task_result, data, interval, max_rounds, ), mimetype='application/json' ) else: response = current_app.response_class(mimetype='application/json') response.status_code = code if headers is not None: response.headers.extend(headers) if etag: response.set_etag(etag) return response