Source code for infpy.utils

# Copyright John Reid 2006

import scipy, numpy, math

[docs]def index_filter(predicate, iterable): for i, x in enumerate(iterable): if predicate(i, x): yield x
[docs]def k_fold_cross_validation(X, K, randomise = False): """ Generates K (training, validation) pairs from the items in X. The validation iterables are a partition of X, and each validation iterable is of length len(X)/K. Each training iterable is the complement (within X) of the validation iterable, and so each training iterable is of length (K-1)*len(X)/K. For example:: X = [i for i in xrange(97)] for training, validation in k_fold_cross_validation(X, K=7): for x in X: assert (x in training) ^ (x in validation), x """ if K < 2: raise ValueError('Must use at least 2 cross-validation groups.') if randomise: from random import shuffle; X=list(X); shuffle(X) for k in xrange(K): training = [x for i, x in enumerate(X) if i % K != k] validation = [x for i, x in enumerate(X) if i % K == k] yield training, validation
[docs]def lu_inv( L ): from numpy.linalg import solve from numpy import eye n = L.shape[0] K_inv = solve( L.T, solve( L, eye(n) ) ) return K_inv
[docs]def matrix_from_function( f, shape, dtype, symmetric = False ): from numpy import zeros, matrix result = zeros( shape, dtype ) for i in range( shape[0] ): for j in range( symmetric and i+1 or shape[1] ): result[i,j] = f( i, j ) if symmetric and i != j: result[j,i] = result[i,j] return matrix(result)
[docs]def zero_mean_unity_variance( y ): """Scales the data to make the variance 1 and the mean 0 Returns (scaled, revert) where scaled: the scaled and shifted data revert: a unary function that converts back to original data """ m = numpy.mean( y ) std = numpy.std( y ) def revert( y_prime ): return y_prime * std + m return (y - m) / std, revert
[docs]def norm2( x ): """Calculates the L2 norm of the vector""" return math.sqrt( numpy.sum( ( x * x ) / len( x ) ) )
[docs]def calc_grad_approx_differences( f, dfdx, x0 ): from scipy.optimize import approx_fprime from scipy.optimize.optimize import _epsilon return dfdx(x0) - approx_fprime(x0, f, _epsilon)
[docs]def check_is_close_2( left, right, tol = 1e-4, strong_or_weak = True ): import math if left == right: return True diff = math.fabs( left - right ) try: d1 = diff / math.fabs( right ) except ZeroDivisionError: d1 = tol + 1 try: d2 = diff / abs( left ) except ZeroDivisionError: d2 = tol + 1 if strong_or_weak: return d1 <= tol and d2 <= tol else: return d1 <= tol or d2 <= tol
[docs]def check_is_close( f1, f2, tol = 1e-6, strong_check = True ): import math abs1 = math.fabs( f1 ) abs2 = math.fabs( f2 ) abs_diff = math.fabs( f1 - f2 ) check1 = 0.0 == abs1 or abs_diff / abs1 <= tol check2 = 0.0 == abs2 or abs_diff / abs2 <= tol if strong_check: return check1 and check2 else: return check1 or check2
[docs]def matrix_is_close( A, B, eps = 1e-3 ): """Simple test that A and B differ by at most eps in any position""" if A.shape != B.shape: raise RuntimeError( 'A and B must have same shape: %s, %s' % ( str(A.shape), str(B.shape) ) ) for i in xrange( A.shape[0] ): for j in xrange( A.shape[1] ): if not check_is_close( A[i,j], B[i,j], tol = eps ): return False return True
[docs]def array_is_close( A, B, eps = 1e-3 ): """Checks if two numpy arrays are close""" return ( numpy.fabs(A-B).max() / max( numpy.fabs(A).max(), numpy.fabs(B).max() ) < eps )
[docs]def check_matrix_is_close( A, B, message, eps = 1e-3 ): """Raises error and prints message if matrices are not close""" if not matrix_is_close( A, B, eps ): print '%s:\n%s\nand\n%s\ndiffer by:\n%s' % ( message, str( A ), str( B ), str( A - B ) ) raise RuntimeError( '%s' % message )
[docs]def check_gradients( f, fprime, x, eps = 1e-4 ): """Check the approximation to the gradient of the function matches the supplied gradient f is a function fprime is a function describing the gradient of f The gradient will be approximated by expansion of f around x and compared with the value of fprime at x """ from scipy.optimize import approx_fprime from scipy.optimize.optimize import _epsilon calculated = fprime(x) approximation = approx_fprime(x, f, _epsilon) diff = calculated - approximation norm = scipy.sqrt( diff, diff ) ) if norm > eps: raise \ RuntimeError, \ ( 'Gradient does not match approximation from function\n' + 'Difference (norm): %f\n' + 'x: %s\n' + 'Approximation: %s\n' + 'Calculated: %s\n' + 'differences: %s' ) % ( norm, x, calculated, approximation, diff )
[docs]def plot_line( start, end, *arguments, **keywords ): """Plot a line from start to end""" import pylab pylab.plot( [ start[0], end[0] ], [ start[1], end[1] ], *arguments, **keywords )
[docs]def plot_gaussian( mu, sigma, *args, **kwds ): """Plot a gaussian with given mu and sigma (first 2 dimensions only) """ import pylab, numpy mu = numpy.asarray( mu ).reshape( (2,) ) sigma = numpy.asarray( sigma[0:2,0:2] ).reshape( (2,2) ) ( u, v ) = numpy.linalg.eig( sigma ) pylab.plot( [ mu[0] ], [ mu[1] ], 'rs', *args, **kwds ) plot_line( mu - u[0]*v[:,0], mu + u[0]*v[:,0], 'kx--', *args, **kwds ) plot_line( mu - u[1]*v[:,1], mu + u[1]*v[:,1], 'kx--', *args, **kwds ) # pylab.plot( mu - v[:,1], mu + v[:,1] )
[docs]def plot_gaussian_test(): import pylab,numpy plot_gaussian( [0,0],numpy.eye(2)) plot_gaussian( [0.5,-0.5],0.1*numpy.array([[1,.3],[.3,1]]))