Source code for infpy.test.utils_test

# Copyright John Reid 2006

from infpy import *
import unittest

[docs]class CloseToTest( unittest.TestCase ):
[docs] def test( self ): for f1,f2,close_to in [ ( 0.1, 0.10000001, True ), ( 0.1, 0.1000001, True ), ( 0.1, 0.100001, False ) ]: assert check_is_close( f1, f2 ) == close_to, \ "%f %f should %s be close" % ( f1, f2, close_to and "" or "not" )
[docs]class ZeroMeanUnityVarianceTest( unittest.TestCase ):
[docs] def test( self ): Y = [ numpy.random.uniform( size = 4 ) for i in xrange( 5 ) ] Scaled = [] Revert = [] for y in Y: scaled, revert = zero_mean_unity_variance( y ) Scaled.append( scaled ) Revert.append( revert ) for y, scaled, revert in zip( Y, Scaled, Revert ): n = norm2( y - revert( scaled ) ) assert n < 1e-10 assert math.fabs( numpy.mean( scaled ) ) < 1e-8 assert math.fabs( numpy.std( scaled ) - 1.0 ) < 1e-8
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()