Source code for infpy.test.distribution_test

# Copyright John Reid 2006

import unittest, infpy, math, numpy

[docs]def checked_sample( dist ): """Checks the sample is in the support of the distribution""" x = dist.sample_from() # must be in support of distribution if not dist.supports( x ): raise RuntimeError( """Sampling must generate values (%d) in """ """support of distribution (%s)""" % (x, str(type(dist))) ) return x
[docs]class DistributionTest( unittest.TestCase ): """Test case for distributions"""
[docs] def test_str( self ): """Test of string representation of distribution""" [ str( dist_gen() ) for dist_gen in infpy.Distribution.__subclasses__() ]
[docs] def test_sample( self ): """Test of sample from distribution - also tests mean and variance""" for dist_gen in infpy.Distribution.__subclasses__(): try: # create the distribution dist = dist_gen() # create some samples num_samples = 100000 samples = numpy.zeros( num_samples, numpy.float64 ) for i in xrange( num_samples ): samples[i] = checked_sample( dist ) # check statistics empirical_mean = numpy.mean( samples ) theoretical_mean = dist.mean() theoretical_stdev = math.sqrt( dist.variance() / num_samples ) if( math.fabs( empirical_mean - theoretical_mean ) > 3.0 * theoretical_stdev ): raise RuntimeError( """%s: Sample mean (%f) not within three """ """standard deviation (%f) of theoretical mean (%f). """ """# samples = %d""" % ( str( dist ), empirical_mean, theoretical_stdev, theoretical_mean, num_samples ) ) except Exception, detail: print """Problem with distribution %s: %s""" % (str(dist),detail) raise
[docs] def test_pdf_derivative( self ): """Test of the derivative of the pdf""" for dist_gen in infpy.Distribution.__subclasses__(): try: # create the distribution dist = dist_gen() # try a few samples for i in xrange( 30 ): x = checked_sample( dist ) # check the gradients of the pdf infpy.check_gradients( lambda x: dist.log_pdf( x[0] ), lambda x: dist.dlog_pdf_dx( x[0] ), [ x ] ) except Exception, detail: raise RuntimeError( """Problem with distribution %s: %s""" % (str(dist),detail) )
[docs]def show_samples( dist ): """Test of the distribution's sampling method""" import pylab # try a few samples num_samples = 10000 samples = numpy.zeros( num_samples, numpy.float64 ) for i in xrange( num_samples ): samples[i] = checked_sample( dist ) pylab.figure() pylab.hist( samples, bins = 100 ) pylab.title( str( dist ) )
if __name__ == "__main__": # [ # show_samples( dist_gen() ) # for dist_gen # in infpy.Distribution.__subclasses__() # ] # show_samples( infpy.LogNormalDistribution( 0.0, .25 ) ) unittest.main()