Source code for infpy.roc

# Copyright John Reid 2007, 2008, 2009. 2013

Code to implement ROC point/curve calculation and plotting.

import math, numpy as N
from itertools import chain, groupby
import logging
import warnings

[docs]class RocCalculator(object): """ Calculates specificities and sensitivities from counts of true and false positives and negatives. Source: wikipedia - Fawcett (2004) """ def __init__(self, tp=0, fp=0, tn=0, fn=0): = tp "Number of true positives." self.fp = fp "Number of false positives." = tn "Number of true negatives." self.fn = fn "Number of false negatives." @property
[docs] def total_positive(self): "The total number of positive test cases." return + self.fn
[docs] def total_negative(self): "The total number of negative test cases." return + self.fp
def __cmp__(self, other): "Comparison." diff = self.sensitivity() - other.sensitivity() if diff < 0.: return -1 elif diff > 0.: return 1. else: diff = other.specificity() - self.specificity() if diff < 0.: return -1 elif diff > 0.: return 1. else: return 0
[docs] def distance(self, other): "Measure of distance between points." return (self.sensitivity()-other.sensitivity()) * (other.specificity()-self.specificity())
def __call__(self, truth, prediction): "Updates this ROC calculator with one truth/prediction pair" if prediction: if truth: += 1 else: self.fp += 1 else: if truth: self.fn += 1 else: += 1 def __add__(self, rhs): "Add this RocCalculator to another and return the result." result = RocCalculator() = + = + result.fp = self.fp + rhs.fp result.fn = self.fn + rhs.fn return result
[docs] def normalise(self, rhs): "Normalise this RocCalculator so that tp+tn+fp+fn=1." sum = float( /= sum /= sum self.fp /= sum self.fn /= sum
[docs] def always_predict_true(): "A RocCalculator for a predictor that always predicts True" result = RocCalculator() = result.fp = 1 = result.fn = 0 return result
[docs] def always_predict_false(): "A RocCalculator for a predictor that always predicts False" result = RocCalculator() = result.fp = 0 = result.fn = 1 return result
[docs] def sensitivity(self): "TP/(TP+FN)" denominator = + self.fn if denominator: return float( else: return 1.0
true_positive_rate = tpr = hit_rate = recall = sensitivity
[docs] def specificity(self): "TN/(TN+FP)" denominator = + self.fp if denominator: return float( else: return 1.0
[docs] def false_positive_rate(self): "FP/(TN+FP)" return 1.0 - self.specificity()
fpr = false_positive_rate
[docs] def positive_predictive_value(self): "TP/(TP+FP)" denominator = + self.fp if denominator: return float( else: return 1.0
precision = positive_predictive_value
[docs] def negative_predictive_value(self): "TN/(TN+FN)" denominator = + self.fn if denominator: return float( else: return 1.0
[docs] def performance_coefficient(self): "TP/(TP+FN+FP) see: Pevzner & Sve" denominator = + self.fn + self.fp if denominator: return float( else: return 1.0
[docs] def accuracy(self): "(TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN)" denominator = + + self.fn + self.fp if denominator: return float( else: return 1.0
[docs] def average_performance(self): "(sensitivity()+positive_predictive_value())/2" return (self.sensitivity() + self.positive_predictive_value()) / 2.
[docs] def correlation_coefficient(self): "(TP.TN-FN.FP)/sqrt((TP+FN)(TN+FP)(TP+FP)(TN+FN)) see: Burset & Guigo" denominator = math.sqrt((*(*(*( numerator =**self.fp if denominator: return numerator/denominator else: if 0.0 == numerator: return 0.0 else: return 1.0
def __str__(self): return '''TP: %d; FP: %d; TN: %d; FN: %d sensitivity: %.3f TP/(TP+FN) specificity: %.3f TN/(TN+FP) positive predictive value: %.3f TP/(TP+FP) performance coefficient: %.3f TP/(TP+FN+FP) correlation coefficient: %.3f (TP.TN-FN.FP)/sqrt((TP+FN)(TN+FP)(TP+FP)(TN+FN))''' % (, self.fp,, self.fn, self.sensitivity(), self.specificity(), self.positive_predictive_value(), self.performance_coefficient(), self.correlation_coefficient(), )
[docs]def update_roc(roc, truth_prediction_iterable): "for each (truth,prediction) in iterable, update the ROC calculator" for truth, prediction in truth_prediction_iterable: roc(truth, prediction)
[docs]def get_new_roc_parameter(rocs, for_specificity=True): """ Takes a sequence of (parameter, roc) tuples and returns a new parameter that should be tested next. It chooses this parameter by sorting the sequence and taking the mid-point between the parameters with the largest absolute difference between their specificities or sensitivities (depending on for_specificity parameter). """ rocs.sort() statistic = for_specificity and RocCalculator.specificity or RocCalculator.sensitivity diffs = [ (abs(statistic(rocs[i][1])-statistic(rocs[i+1][1])), (rocs[i][0]+rocs[i+1][0])/2) for i in xrange(len(rocs)-1) ] return max(diffs)[1]
[docs]def generate_roc_points(rocs, sort_negative_first=True): """ Generate ROC points but sort negatives before positives at same threshold if asked to. This gives a step-function like ROC curve rather than a smoothed curve. """ warnings.warn('DEPRECATED: use infpy.roc.all_rocs_from_thresholds()', DeprecationWarning) last = RocCalculator.always_predict_false() yield last for roc in chain(rocs, (RocCalculator.always_predict_true(),)): if sort_negative_first: # add another ROC point with TPR same as last ROC point but FPR # same as this one yield RocCalculator(, roc.fp,, last.fn) yield roc last = roc
[docs]def plot_roc_points(rocs, **plot_kwds): """ Plots TPR versus FPR for the ROCs in rocs. Adds points at (0,0) and (1,1). :param rocs: A sequence of ROCs. :param plot_kwds: All extra keyword arguments are passed to the pylab.plot call. :returns: The result of pylab.plot call. """ warnings.warn('DEPRECATED: use infpy.roc.plot_rocpoints()', DeprecationWarning) from pylab import plot extended_rocs = list(generate_roc_points(rocs)) tprs = map(RocCalculator.tpr, extended_rocs) fprs = map(RocCalculator.fpr, extended_rocs) return plot(fprs, tprs, **plot_kwds)
[docs]def plot_rocpoints(rocpoints, fillargs=None, **plot_kwds): """ Plots TPR versus FPR for the ROCs in rocpoints. :param rocpoints: A sequence of ROCs. :param plot_kwds: All extra keyword arguments are passed to the pylab.plot call. :returns: The result of pylab.plot call. """ from pylab import plot, fill_between tprs = map(RocCalculator.tpr, rocpoints) fprs = map(RocCalculator.fpr, rocpoints) if fillargs is not None: fill_between(fprs, tprs, **fillargs) return plot(fprs, tprs, **plot_kwds)
[docs]def plot_precision_versus_recall(rocs, **plot_kwds): """ Plots precision versus recall for the ROCs in rocs. Adds points at (0,1) and (1,0). :param rocs: A sequence of ROCs. :param plot_kwds: All extra keyword arguments are passed to the pylab.plot call. :returns: The result of pylab.plot call. """ from pylab import plot points = [(roc.recall(), roc.precision()) for roc in rocs] #points.sort() return plot( [recall for recall, precision in points], [precision for recall, precision in points], **plot_kwds )
[docs]def plot_precision_recall(roc_thresholds, recall_plot_kwds={}, precision_plot_kwds={}, plot_fn=None): """ Plots a precision-recall curve for the given ROCs. :param roc_thresholds: A sequence of tuples (ROC, threshold). :param recall_plot_kwds: Passed to the pylab.plot call for the recall. :param precision_plot_kwds: Passed to the pylab.plot call for the precision. :param plot_fn: Function used to plot. Use pylab.semilogx for log scale threshold axis. :returns: The result of 2 pylab.plot calls as a tuple (recall, precision). """ if None == plot_fn: from pylab import plot plot_fn = plot if 'label' not in recall_plot_kwds: recall_plot_kwds['label'] = 'Recall' if 'color' not in recall_plot_kwds: recall_plot_kwds['color'] = 'blue' if 'linestyle' not in recall_plot_kwds: recall_plot_kwds['linestyle'] = ':' recall_result = plot_fn( [t for roc, t in roc_thresholds], [roc.recall() for roc, t in roc_thresholds], **recall_plot_kwds ) if 'label' not in precision_plot_kwds: precision_plot_kwds['label'] = 'Precision' if 'color' not in precision_plot_kwds: precision_plot_kwds['color'] = 'maroon' if 'linestyle' not in precision_plot_kwds: precision_plot_kwds['linestyle'] = '--' precision_result = plot_fn( [t for roc, t in roc_thresholds], [roc.precision() for roc, t in roc_thresholds], **precision_plot_kwds ) return recall_result, precision_result
[docs]def auc(rocpoints): """ Calculate the area under the ROC points. """ sum = 0. last = None for point in rocpoints: try: sum += ((point.tpr() + last.tpr()) / 2 * abs(last.fpr() - point.fpr())) except AttributeError: pass last = point return sum
[docs]def area_under_curve(rocs, include_0_0=True, include_1_1=True): """ :param rocs: The ROC points. :param include_0_0: True to include extra point for origin of ROC curve. :param include_1_1: True to include extra point at (1,1) in ROC curve. :returns: The area under the ROC curve given by the ROC points. """ warnings.warn('DEPRECATED: use infpy.roc.auc()', DeprecationWarning) x_axis = [] y_axis = [] if include_0_0: x_axis.append(0.) y_axis.append(0.) x_axis.extend(1. - roc.specificity() for roc in rocs) y_axis.extend(roc.sensitivity() for roc in rocs) if include_1_1: x_axis.append(1.) y_axis.append(1.) last_x, last_y = None, None area = 0. for x, y in zip(x_axis, y_axis): if last_x != None: # if not first point area += (x-last_x) * (y+last_y) / 2 last_x, last_y = x, y return area
[docs]def plot_random_classifier(**kwargs): """Draw a random classifier on a ROC plot. Black dashed line by default.""" from pylab import plot if 'color' not in kwargs: kwargs['color'] = 'black' if 'linestyle' not in kwargs: kwargs['linestyle'] = ':' plot( [0,1], [0,1], **kwargs )
[docs]def label_plot(): """Label the x and y axes of a ROC plot.""" import pylab as P P.xlabel('1 - specificity: 1-TN/(TN+FP)') P.ylabel('sensitivity: TP/(TP+FN)')
[docs]def label_precision_versus_recall(): """Label the x and y axes of a precision versus recall plot.""" import pylab as P P.xlabel('Recall: TP/(TP+FN)') P.ylabel('Precision: TP/(TP+FP)') P.xlim(0, 1) P.ylim(0, 1)
[docs]def label_precision_recall(): """Label the x and y axes of a precision-recall plot.""" import pylab as P P.xlabel('threshold') P.ylabel('precision/recall')
[docs]def count_threshold_classifications(thresholds, value): """ Take a list of thresholds (in sorted order) and count how many would be classified positive and negative at the given value. :returns: (num_positive, num_negative). """ from bisect import bisect_right idx = bisect_right(thresholds, value) return len(thresholds) - idx, idx
[docs]def roc_for_threshold(positive_thresholds, negative_thresholds, value): """ Take lists of positive and negative thresholds (in sorted order) and calculate a ROC point for the given value. """ tp, fn = count_threshold_classifications(positive_thresholds, value) fp, tn = count_threshold_classifications(negative_thresholds, value) return RocCalculator(tp, fp, tn, fn)
[docs]def make_roc_from_threshold_fn(positive_thresholds, negative_thresholds): ":returns: A function that calculates a ROC point given a threshold." def local_roc_for_threshold(value): return roc_for_threshold(positive_thresholds, negative_thresholds, value) return local_roc_for_threshold
[docs]def rocs_from_thresholds(positive_thresholds, negative_thresholds, num_points=32): """ Takes 2 sorted lists: one list is of the thresholds required to classify the positive examples as positive and the other list is of the thresholds required to classify the negative examples as positive. :returns: A list of ROC points. """ warnings.warn('DEPRECATED: use infpy.roc.all_rocs_from_thresholds()', DeprecationWarning) min_threshold = min(positive_thresholds[0], negative_thresholds[0]) max_threshold = max(positive_thresholds[-1], negative_thresholds[-1]) rocs = map( make_roc_from_threshold_fn(positive_thresholds, negative_thresholds), N.linspace(min_threshold, max_threshold, num_points)[::-1] ) return rocs
[docs]def pick_roc_thresholds(roc_for_threshold_fn, min_threshold, max_threshold, num_points=32): """ Tries to pick thresholds to give a smooth ROC curve. :returns: A list of (roc point, threshold) tuples. """ def add_threshold(threshold): "Calculate the ROC point and add to list." rocs.append((roc_for_threshold_fn(threshold), threshold)) rocs.sort() def compare_2_points(x1, x2): "Compare 2 ROC points to see how far apart they are." rp1, t1 = x1 rp2, t2 = x2 return (rp1.distance(rp2), (t1+t2)/2.) rocs = [] add_threshold(min_threshold) add_threshold(max_threshold) while(len(rocs) < num_points): # find best new threshold biggest_distance, new_threshold = max(map(compare_2_points, rocs[:-1], rocs[1:])) add_threshold(new_threshold) return rocs
[docs]def create_rocs_from_thresholds(positive_thresholds, negative_thresholds, num_points=32): """ Takes 2 sorted lists: one list is of the thresholds required to classify the positive examples as positive and the other list is of the thresholds required to classify the negative examples as positive. :returns: A list of tuples (ROC point, threshold). """ warnings.warn('DEPRECATED: use infpy.roc.all_rocs_from_thresholds()', DeprecationWarning) return pick_roc_thresholds( make_roc_from_threshold_fn(positive_thresholds, negative_thresholds), min_threshold=min(positive_thresholds[0], negative_thresholds[0]), max_threshold=max(positive_thresholds[-1], negative_thresholds[-1]), num_points=num_points )
[docs]def picked_rocs_from_thresholds(positive_thresholds, negative_thresholds, num_points=32): """ Takes 2 sorted lists: one list is of the thresholds required to classify the positive examples as positive and the other list is of the thresholds required to classify the negative examples as positive. :returns: A list of ROC points. """ warnings.warn('DEPRECATED: use infpy.roc.all_rocs_from_thresholds()', DeprecationWarning) return [roc for roc, t in create_rocs_from_thresholds(positive_thresholds, negative_thresholds, num_points=num_points)]
[docs]def all_rocs_from_thresholds( positive_thresholds, negative_thresholds, negative_first=True ): """ Takes 2 sorted lists (smallest to largest): one list is of the thresholds required to classify the positive examples as positive and the other list is of the thresholds required to classify the negative examples as positive. :returns: Yields all the ROC points. Note that they are returned in the opposite order to some of the other methods in this module. """ import heapq # # How many do we have in total? # total_positive = len(positive_thresholds) total_negative = len(negative_thresholds) if not total_positive: raise ValueError('Need to have at least one positive prediction') if not total_negative: raise ValueError('Need to have at least one negative prediction') # # At the lowest threshold, everything is a positive prediction # tp = total_positive fp = total_negative yield RocCalculator(tp, fp, 0, 0) # # Iterate through the merged thresholds. # if not negative_first: keyfn = lambda x: x[0] # just group by threshold not positive/negative else: keyfn = None for key, group in groupby( heapq.merge( ((t, 1) for t in negative_thresholds), ((t, 0) for t in positive_thresholds)), key=keyfn ): # # Update our number of true or false positive predictions # for threshold, isnegative in group: if isnegative: fp -= 1 else: tp -= 1 # # Yield the ROC point for this group # yield RocCalculator(tp, fp, total_negative-fp, total_positive-tp) # everything should be classified as false after seeing all the thresholds assert tp == 0 assert fp == 0
[docs]def resize_negative_examples(positive_thresholds, negative_thresholds, num_negative=50): """ Reduce the positive and negative thresholds such that there are just 50 (or num_negative) negative examples. The positive thresholds are trimmed accordingly. """ if num_negative > len(negative_thresholds): raise RuntimeError('Not enough negative examples (%d). Requested %d' % (len(negative_thresholds), num_negative)) import bisect negative_thresholds = negative_thresholds[-num_negative:] threshold = negative_thresholds[0] positive_cutoff = bisect.bisect(positive_thresholds, threshold) positive_thresholds = positive_thresholds[positive_cutoff:] return positive_thresholds, negative_thresholds
[docs]def auc50_wrong(positive_thresholds, negative_thresholds, num_negative=50, num_points=32): """ Calculate the AUC50 as in Gribskov & Robinson 'Use of ROC analysis to evaluate sequence pattern matching' """ warnings.warn('DEPRECATED: use infpy.roc.auc50_from_rocpoints()', DeprecationWarning) if num_negative > len(negative_thresholds): raise RuntimeError('Not enough negative examples (%d). Requested %d' % (len(negative_thresholds), num_negative)) threshold = negative_thresholds[-num_negative] roc_thresholds = pick_roc_thresholds( make_roc_from_threshold_fn(positive_thresholds, negative_thresholds), min_threshold=threshold, max_threshold=max(positive_thresholds[-1], negative_thresholds[-1]), num_points=num_points ) auc50 = area_under_curve([roc for roc, t in roc_thresholds], include_1_1=False) return auc50, roc_thresholds
[docs]def auc50( positive_thresholds, negative_thresholds, num_negative=50, num_points=32): """ Calculate the AUC50 as in Gribskov & Robinson: 'Use of ROC analysis to evaluate sequence pattern matching' """ warnings.warn('DEPRECATED: use infpy.roc.auc50_from_rocpoints()', DeprecationWarning) if num_negative > len(negative_thresholds): raise RuntimeError('Not enough negative examples (%d). Requested %d' % (len(negative_thresholds), num_negative)) roc_thresholds = pick_roc_thresholds( make_roc_from_threshold_fn(positive_thresholds, negative_thresholds[-num_negative:]), min_threshold=min(positive_thresholds[0], negative_thresholds[0]), max_threshold=max(positive_thresholds[-1], negative_thresholds[-1]), num_points=num_points ) auc50 = area_under_curve([roc for roc, t in roc_thresholds]) return auc50, roc_thresholds
[docs]def plot_rocpoint(rocpoint, **plotargs): """Plot a single rocpoint. Typically used to indicate where the last point for the AUC50 calculation is.""" from pylab import plot plot( [rocpoint.fpr()], [rocpoint.tpr()], color='black', marker='x', markersize=6, **plotargs )
[docs]def bisect_rocs(rocpoints, predicate, start=0, end=None): """Return the index into rocpoints for first rocpoint with predicate(rocpoint) is True and start <= index < end. Assumes rocpoints are sorted w.r.t. predicate. """ if end is None: end = len(rocpoints) if end <= start: raise ValueError('Start (%d) must be less than end (%d).' % (start, end)) new_index = (start + end) / 2 if start == new_index: return end # We narrowed down the range completely else: if predicate(rocpoints[new_index]): # Look in lower half return bisect_rocs(rocpoints, predicate, start, new_index) else: # Look in upper half return bisect_rocs(rocpoints, predicate, new_index, end)
[docs]def restrict_false_positives(rocpoints, max_fp=50): """ Yield the ROC points while the number of true negatives is less than max_tn. """ last = None for point in rocpoints: # check the rocpoints are in the correct sorted order try: if last.fp > point.fp: raise ValueError( 'ROC points should be ordered by increasing ' 'false positives') except AttributeError: pass if point.fp <= max_fp: yield point if point.fp == max_fp: break else: yield RocCalculator(, max_fp, - max_fp + point.fp, point.fn) break last = point
[docs]def auc50_from_rocpoints( rocpoints, max_fp=50): """ Calculate the AUC50 as in Gribskov & Robinson: 'Use of ROC analysis to evaluate sequence pattern matching' """ return auc(restrict_false_positives(rocpoints, max_fp))
if '__main__' == __name__: import numpy.random as R, pylab as P def check_points(points): # check increasing in fpr and tpr last = None for point in points: logging.debug(point) try: assert point.fpr() <= last.fpr() assert point.tpr() <= last.tpr() except AttributeError: pass last = point # check endpoints assert 1 == points[ 0].fpr() == points[ 0].tpr() assert 0 == points[-1].fpr() == points[-1].tpr() P.close('all') P.figure() # Try one positive, one negative, negative first positive = [.5] negative = [.5]'Positive=%s; Negative=%s', positive, negative) points = list(all_rocs_from_thresholds(positive, negative, True)) check_points(points) 'Got %4d ROC points, AUC=%.3f, AUC50=%.3f', len(points), auc(points), auc50_from_rocpoints(points[::-1])) assert 3 == len(points) # Try one positive, one negative positive = [.5] negative = [.5]'Positive=%s; Negative=%s', positive, negative) points = list(all_rocs_from_thresholds(positive, negative, False)) check_points(points) 'Got %4d ROC points, AUC=%.3f, AUC50=%.3f', len(points), auc(points), auc50_from_rocpoints(points[::-1])) # for point in points: # assert 2 == len(points) # Try one positive, one negative positive = [.5] negative = [.6]'Positive=%s; Negative=%s', positive, negative) points = list(all_rocs_from_thresholds(positive, negative, False)) check_points(points) 'Got %4d ROC points, AUC=%.3f, AUC50=%.3f', len(points), auc(points), auc50_from_rocpoints(points[::-1])) # for point in points: # assert 3 == len(points) # Try a few R.seed(1) positive1 = R.normal(size=500, loc=.6, scale=.4) positive1.sort() positive2 = R.normal(size=500, loc=.8, scale=.8) positive2.sort() negative = R.normal(size=700, loc=.2, scale=.4) negative.sort() golden_ratio = (1 + math.sqrt(5)) / 2 P.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) plot_random_classifier() colors = ['green', 'blue'] hatches = ['/', '\\'] for idx, positive in enumerate((positive1, positive2)): color = colors[idx] points = list(all_rocs_from_thresholds(positive, negative, True)) check_points(points) method = idx + 1 label = 'method %d' % method '%s: Got %4d ROC points, AUC=%.3f, AUC50=%.3f', label, len(points), auc(points), auc50_from_rocpoints(points[::-1])) plot_rocpoints(points, label=label, color=color) restricted_points = list(restrict_false_positives(points[::-1])) plot_rocpoints( restricted_points, label=None, fillargs={ 'alpha' : 0.3, #'hatch' : hatches[idx], 'edgecolor' : (0,0,0,0), 'facecolor' : color, #'facecolor' : (0,0,0,0), }, color=(0,0,0,0), ) P.legend(loc='lower right') label_plot() P.savefig('output/ROC.eps') P.savefig('output/ROC.png') P.savefig('output/ROC.pdf') P.close('all')