Source code for

# Copyright John Reid 2006

from real_kernel import *
import numpy, math

[docs]class RationalQuadraticKernel( RealKernel ): """ Following 4.19 in `Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning`__ by Rasmussen and Williams. __ .. math:: k = (1 + \\frac{r^2}{2\\alpha})^{-\\alpha} Alpha is not a trainable parameter. The parameters are for the length scale in the r term. """ def __init__( self, alpha, params = None, priors = None, dimensions = None ): self.alpha = alpha ( params, priors, dimensions ) = kernel_init_args_helper( params, priors, dimensions ) RealKernel.__init__( self, params, priors, dimensions ) def __str__( self ): return """RQKernelFixedAlpha( alpha = %f )""" % self.alpha def __call__( self, x1, x2, identical = False ): (x1, x2) = self._check_args( x1, x2 ) r2 = distance_2( x1, x2, self.params ) return ( 1.0 + r2 / ( 2.0 * self.alpha ) ) ** (-self.alpha)
[docs] class Derivative( object ): def __init__( self, k, i ): self.k = k self.i = i def __call__( self, x1, x2, identical = False ): (x1, x2) = self.k._check_args( x1, x2 ) r2 = distance_2( x1, x2, self.k.params ) term = 1.0 + r2 / ( 2.0 * self.k.alpha ) return -( term ** (-self.k.alpha-1.0) / 2.0 ) * distance_2_derivative( x1, x2, self.k.params, self.i )
[docs]class RationalQuadraticKernelAlphaParameterised( RealKernel ): """Following 4.19 in `Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning`__ by Rasmussen and Williams. __ .. math:: k = (1 + \\frac{r^2}{2\\alpha})^{-\\alpha} The first parameter is alpha. The rest of the parameters are for the length scale in the r term. """ def __init__( self, params = None, priors = None, dimensions = None ): ( params, priors, dimensions ) = kernel_init_args_helper( params, priors, dimensions, num_extra_params = 1 ) RealKernel.__init__( self, params, priors, dimensions )
[docs] def alpha( self ): return self.params[0]
def __call__( self, x1, x2, identical = False ): (x1, x2) = self._check_args( x1, x2 ) r2 = distance_2( x1, x2, self.params[1:] ) return ( 1.0 + r2 / ( 2.0 * self.alpha() ) ) ** (-self.alpha()) def __str__( self ): return """RQKernelAlphaParameterised( alpha = %f )""" % self.alpha()
[docs] class Derivative( object ): def __init__( self, k, i ): self.k = k self.i = i def __call__( self, x1, x2, identical = False ): (x1, x2) = self.k._check_args( x1, x2 ) r2 = distance_2( x1, x2, self.k.params[1:] ) term = 1.0 + r2 / ( 2.0 * self.k.alpha() ) if self.i == 0: # alpha return ( -2.0 * self.k.alpha() * math.log( term ) * term ** (-self.k.alpha()) + r2 * term ** (-self.k.alpha() - 1) ) / ( 2 * self.k.alpha() ) else: # lengthscale return -( term ** (-self.k.alpha()-1.0) / 2.0 ) * distance_2_derivative( x1, x2, self.k.params[1:], self.i - 1 )