Source code for infpy.dp

# Copyright John Reid 2006

Code for variational inference in a dirichlet process mixture of exponential families model.

See U{}.

from numpy import array, zeros, ones, dot, empty, exp, log, where, outer, isfinite, empty_like
from scipy.special import digamma, gammaln
from scipy.stats import beta
from infpy.exp import DirichletExpFamily
#import infpy.exp; reload(infpy.exp)
from infpy.convergence_test import LlConvergenceTest

if __debug__:
    def debug_if_infinite(x):
        """Enter debugger if argument is not finite."""
        if not isfinite(x).all():
            import IPython; IPython.Debugger.Pdb().set_trace()
[docs] def debug_if_infinite(x): pass
[docs]class VariationalDistribution(object): """ The variational distribution, q, over the hidden variables. """ _debug_LL = False "Whether to test if LL always increases across parameter updates." _do_order_updates = True "Whether we permute the components to keep the largest first." def __init__(self, K, X, alpha, _lambda, conj_prior): """ Initialise the variational distribution @arg K: The truncation parameter: Upper limit on number of mixtures @arg X: The data @arg alpha: The dirichlet scaling parameter @arg _lambda: The prior for the etas @arg conj_prior: Conjugate prior to the exponential family that we are mixing family's log normalisation factor given the conjugate prior's natural parameters, eta """ self.K = K "The truncation parameter: I.e. upper limit on # of mixtures" self.N = len(X) "The number of data" assert self.N == len(X), "Wrong number of data" assert self.N == 0 or conj_prior.likelihood._check_shape(X[0]), "Data dimensions wrong (should be as sufficient statistics)" self.X = X "The data" self.alpha = alpha "The dirichlet scaling parameter" self.conj_prior = conj_prior "Conjugate prior to the exponential family that we are mixing" self._lambda = _lambda assert self.conj_prior.prior._check_shape(_lambda) "The prior for the etas" self.d = conj_prior.strength_dimension "The number of dimensions in the conjugate prior that represent the strength of the prior" self.gamma = zeros((K-1, 2)) "Beta parameters for the distributions on V_i" self.tau = zeros((K, self.conj_prior.prior.dimension)) "Natural parameters for distributions on eta_i" self.phi = zeros((self.N, K)) "Multinomial parameters for distributions on Z_n" self._last_LL = log(0.0) "The last log likelihood calculated" self._randomise() def _randomise(self): """ Randomise the variational parameters. """ from numpy.random import dirichlet self.phi = dirichlet(ones(self.K), size=self.N) self.tau = outer(ones(self.K), self._lambda) self.gamma[:,0] = 1. self.gamma[:,1] = self.alpha def _update_order(self): """ Reorders components to make largest first. Does not reorder gamma so _update_gamma should be called next in updating order. """ expected_component_sizes = -self.phi.sum(axis=0) permutation = expected_component_sizes.argsort() new_phi = empty_like(self.phi) for n in xrange(self.N): for k in xrange(self.K): new_phi[n,k] = self.phi[n,permutation[k]] self.phi = new_phi new_tau = empty_like(self.tau) for k in xrange(self.K): new_tau[k] = self.tau[permutation[k]] self.tau = new_tau expected_component_sizes = self.phi.sum(axis=0) for k in xrange(self.K-1): assert expected_component_sizes[k] >= expected_component_sizes[k+1] def _update_gamma(self): "Update the gamma parameters." self.gamma[:,0] = 1. + self.phi.sum(axis=0)[:-1] for i in xrange(self.K-1): self.gamma[i,1] = self.alpha + self.phi[:,i+1:].sum() self._check_finite() def _update_tau(self): "Update the tau parameters." #import IPython; IPython.Debugger.Pdb().set_trace() for i in xrange(self.K): self.tau[i,:self.d] = self._lambda[:self.d] + self.phi[:,i].sum() self.tau[i,self.d:] = self._lambda[self.d:] + sum(phi*x for x, phi in zip(self.X, self.phi[:,i])) self._check_finite() def _log_v_expectations(self): "The expectations of log V_i and log 1-V_i." second_term = digamma(self.gamma.sum(axis=1)) #import IPython; IPython.Debugger.Pdb().set_trace() exp_log_v_i = empty(self.K) exp_log_one_minus_v_i = empty(self.K) exp_log_v_i[:-1] = digamma(self.gamma[:,0]) - second_term exp_log_v_i[-1] = 0. exp_log_one_minus_v_i[:-1] = digamma(self.gamma[:,1]) - second_term exp_log_one_minus_v_i[-1] = log(0.0) return exp_log_v_i, exp_log_one_minus_v_i def _update_phi(self): "Update the phi parameters." # calculate all we can before we visit each datum exp_log_v_i, exp_log_one_minus_v_i = self._log_v_expectations() sum_E_log_1_minus_Vj = array([exp_log_one_minus_v_i[:i].sum() for i in xrange(self.K)]) #expected values of the log normalisation factors exp_log_norm = array([self.conj_prior.exp_likelihood_log_normalisation_factor(tau) for tau in self.tau]) #expected value of the etas given the taus exp_eta = array([self.conj_prior.prior.exp_T(tau) for tau in self.tau]) # the terms that don't depend on the X[n]s partial_E = exp_log_v_i + sum_E_log_1_minus_Vj - exp_log_norm # for each datum reestimate phi #import IPython; IPython.Debugger.Pdb().set_trace() for n in xrange(self.N): E = partial_E.copy() + dot(exp_eta[:,self.d:], self.X[n]) E_exp = exp(E-E.max()) # scale to avoid numerical errors self.phi[n,:] = E_exp/E_exp.sum() # if not isfinite(self.phi).all(): # import IPython; IPython.Debugger.Pdb().set_trace() self._check_finite() def _check_finite(self): "Checks if the variational parameters are finite." assert isfinite(self.tau).all() assert isfinite(self.gamma).all() assert isfinite(self.phi).all()
[docs] def update(self): """ One iteration of variational updates. """ last_LL = self._last_LL self._update_tau() if VariationalDistribution._debug_LL and self.log_likelihood() < last_LL: print 'Tau update decreased LL by %.3f' % (last_LL - self._last_LL) last_LL = self._last_LL self._update_phi() if VariationalDistribution._debug_LL and self.log_likelihood() < last_LL: print 'Phi update decreased LL by %.3f' % (last_LL - self._last_LL) if VariationalDistribution._do_order_updates: last_LL = self._last_LL self._update_order() if VariationalDistribution._debug_LL and self.log_likelihood() < last_LL: print 'Order update decreased LL by %.3f' % (last_LL - self._last_LL) last_LL = self._last_LL self._update_gamma() if VariationalDistribution._debug_LL and self.log_likelihood() < last_LL: print 'Gamma update decreased LL by %.3f' % (last_LL - self._last_LL) # calculate LL if haven't done already for checks if not VariationalDistribution._debug_LL: self.log_likelihood() return self._last_LL
[docs] def log_likelihood(self): """ Returns the likelihood given the variational distribution. Eqn. 12 in U{}. """ exp_log_v_i, exp_log_one_minus_v_i = self._log_v_expectations() exp_eta = array( [ self.conj_prior.prior.exp_T(tau) for tau in self.tau ] ) LL = 0. # KL for distributions over V dirichlet = DirichletExpFamily(k=2) alpha_eta = dirichlet.eta([self.alpha, 1.]) LL += gammaln(1. + self.alpha) - gammaln(self.alpha) # this if for the K'th V_i for i in xrange(self.K-1): # for the first K-1 Vs eta = dirichlet.eta(self.gamma[i]) LL -= dirichlet.KL(eta, alpha_eta) if __debug__: debug_if_infinite(LL) # KL for distributions over eta for i in xrange(self.K): LL -= self.conj_prior.prior.KL(self.tau[i], self._lambda) if __debug__: debug_if_infinite(LL) # LL for distributions over Z for n in xrange(self.N): for i in xrange(self.K-1): LL += self.phi[n,i+1:].sum() * exp_log_one_minus_v_i[i] LL += self.phi[n,i] * exp_log_v_i[i] if __debug__: debug_if_infinite(LL) # LL for x for n in xrange(self.N): for i in xrange(self.K): phi = self.phi[n,i] if 0.0 != phi: LL += phi * ( dot(self.X[n], exp_eta[i,self.d:]) - self.conj_prior.exp_likelihood_log_normalisation_factor(self.tau[i]) + self.conj_prior.likelihood.h(self.X[n]) - log(phi) # + exp_eta[i,:self.d].sum() ) #import IPython; IPython.Debugger.Pdb().set_trace() #pass if __debug__: debug_if_infinite(LL) self._last_LL = LL return LL
[docs] def component_proportions(self): "@return: An array specifying the probability for a new point coming from each component." # chance of selecting this component given have not selected any of previous p_v_i_one = self.gamma[:,0] / self.gamma.sum(axis=1) p_select_component = empty(self.K) # result stick_left = 1.0 # amount of stick left in stick breaking representation of dirichlet process for k, q in enumerate(p_v_i_one): # chance of selecting this component p_select_component[k] = stick_left * q stick_left *= (1. - q) # reduce amount of stick left p_select_component[-1] = stick_left if __debug__: debug_if_infinite(p_select_component) return p_select_component
[docs] def predictive(self, x): """Predictive distribution of x given variational parameters.""" # calculate chance of selecting components p_select_component = self.component_proportions() # calculate chance of data given each component parameters predictive_component = exp( [self.conj_prior.log_conjugate_predictive(x, self.tau[k]) for k in xrange(self.K)] ) if __debug__: debug_if_infinite(predictive_component) #import IPython; IPython.Debugger.Pdb().set_trace() return (predictive_component * p_select_component).sum()
[docs]def polya_urn(N, alpha): """ Draw N times from a Polya urn parameterised by alpha. @arg N: Number of draws to make. @arg alpha: Parameter for the polya urn. Small alphas result in a small number of components, big alphas spread the draws over more components. @return: A vector of counts. The i'th entry represents how many draws were made from the i'th component """ from numpy.random import multinomial assert alpha >= 0. counts = [] for n in xrange(N): k = len(counts) # number of different samples so far multi_param = array([k==i and alpha or counts[i] for i in xrange(k+1)])/(n+alpha) sample = where(multinomial(1, multi_param))[0][0] # get the index of the 1 in the multinomial sample # print multi_param, multi_sample, sample if len(counts) == sample: counts.append(1) # we have drawn from a new component else: counts[sample] += 1 # we drew from an existing component return array(counts)
[docs]def generate_test_data(N, alpha, conjugate_prior, tau): """ Generate N data points using given parameters. @return: (counts, eta, X) """ # how many components are there and how many samples in each? counts = polya_urn(N, alpha) K = len(counts) # sample a natural parameter for each component eta = conjugate_prior.prior.sample(tau, size=K)[:,conjugate_prior.strength_dimension:] # sample the data X = empty((N, conjugate_prior.likelihood.dimension)) n = 0 for i in xrange(K): # for each component X[n:n+counts[i]] = conjugate_prior.likelihood.sample(eta[i], size=counts[i]) n += counts[i] return counts, eta, X
if '__main__' == __name__: from infpy.exp import NormalWishartExpFamily, MvnExpFamily, MvnConjugatePrior, MultinomialConjugatePrior from pylab import figure, plot, arange, close, meshgrid, axes, bar, title, contour, contourf, imshow from numpy.linalg import inv, eig class DpTestCase(object): markers = [ '+', 'o', '1', '2', '3', '4', 'd', 's', 'v', 'x', '>', '<', ',', '.' ] scatter_markers = [ 's', 'o', '^', '>', 'v', '<', 'd', 'p', 'h', '8' ] colours = [ 'r', 'g', 'b', 'y', 'm', 'c', 'k', 'w' ] def __init__(self, N, alpha, K): self.N = N self.alpha = alpha self.K = K def generate_test_data(self): self.counts, self.eta, self.X = generate_test_data(self.N, self.alpha, self.conj_prior, self.tau) print '%d data comes from %d components partitioned as %s' % (len(self.X), len(self.counts), str(self.counts)) self.components = [] # the components for each datum for i, c in enumerate(self.counts): self.components.extend([i] * c) def create_variational_distribution(self): self.var_dist = VariationalDistribution( self.K, self.X, self.alpha, self.tau, self.conj_prior, self.conj_prior.exp_likelihood_log_normalisation_factor ) def plot(self): print 'LL: %f' % self.var_dist.log_likelihood() class MvnTestCase(DpTestCase): def __init__(self, N, alpha, K): DpTestCase.__init__(self, N, alpha, K) self.conj_prior = MvnConjugatePrior(2) = 3. self.S = array([[1., 0.], [0., 1.]]) self.kappa_0 = .01 self.mu_0 = array([0., 0.]) self.tau = self.conj_prior.prior.eta((, self.S, self.kappa_0, self.mu_0)) def generate_test_data(self): DpTestCase.generate_test_data(self) self.X_2d = array([self.conj_prior.likelihood.x(x) for x in self.X]) def var_dist_info(self): mus = [] for i in xrange(self.var_dist.K): nu, S, kappa_0, mu_0 = self.var_dist.conj_prior.prior.theta(self.var_dist.tau[i]) #print 'mu_%d: %s' % (i, str(mu_0)) #plot([mu_0[0]], [mu_0[1]], marker='d', markersize=5, color='w') mus.append(mu_0) sigma = inv(nu*kappa_0*S) w, v = eig(sigma) # plot the covariance for j in xrange(2): evec = w[j] * v[:,j] plot([mu_0[0]-evec[0],mu_0[0]+evec[0]], [mu_0[1]-evec[1],mu_0[1]+evec[1]], color=DpTestCase.colours[i]) p_v = self.var_dist.gamma[:,0] / self.var_dist.gamma.sum(axis=1) stick_lengths = zeros((self.var_dist.K)) for i in xrange(self.var_dist.K-1): stick_lengths[i] = p_v[i] * reduce(float.__mul__, (1. - p_v[j] for j in xrange(i)), 1.) stick_lengths[-1] = 1. - stick_lengths.sum() #print 'Stick lengths: %s' % str(stick_lengths) #import IPython; IPython.Debugger.Pdb().set_trace() #pass return array(mus) def plot_data(self): assert len(DpTestCase.scatter_markers) >= len(self.counts) i = 0 for component, c in enumerate(self.counts): #scatter(self.X_2d[i:i+c,0], self.X_2d[i:i+c,1], c=DpTestCase.colours[component] * c) scatter(self.X_2d[i:i+c,0], self.X_2d[i:i+c,1], c='w', marker=DpTestCase.scatter_markers[component]) i += c def plot_phi(self): a = axes([.9,.9,.1,.1], axisbg='w') rects = bar(xrange(self.var_dist.K), self.var_dist.phi.sum(axis=0), color=DpTestCase.colours[:self.var_dist.K]) title("Components") setp(a, xticks=[], yticks=[]) def plot_contours(self, steps=12): xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = axis() xstep = (xmax-xmin)/steps ystep = (ymax-ymin)/steps range0 = arange(xmin, xmax+xstep/100., step=xstep) range1 = arange(ymin, ymax+ystep/100., step=ystep) mesh0, mesh1 = meshgrid(range0, range1) z = empty(mesh0.shape) print xstep, ystep, range0[-1], range1[-1] for i0 in xrange(len(z)): for i1 in xrange(len(z[0])): T = self.conj_prior.likelihood.T(array([mesh0[i0,i1], mesh1[i0,i1]])) z[i0,i1] = self.var_dist.predictive(T) contour(z, cmap=cm.gray_r, extent=axis()) #imshow(z, cmap=cm.gray) def plot(self): DpTestCase.plot(self) figure() self.mus = self.var_dist_info() self.plot_data() #self.plot_contours() self.plot_phi() class MvnMultiDTestCase(DpTestCase): def __init__(self, N, alpha, K, dims=4): DpTestCase.__init__(self, N, alpha, K) self.conj_prior = MvnConjugatePrior(dims) = dims+1 self.S = identity(dims) self.kappa_0 = .01 self.mu_0 = zeros((dims,)) self.tau = self.conj_prior.prior.eta((, self.S, self.kappa_0, self.mu_0)) def generate_test_data(self): DpTestCase.generate_test_data(self) self.X_2d = array([self.conj_prior.likelihood.x(x) for x in self.X]) def var_dist_info(self): mus = [] for i in xrange(self.var_dist.K): nu, S, kappa_0, mu_0 = self.var_dist.conj_prior.prior.theta(self.var_dist.tau[i]) #print 'mu_%d: %s' % (i, str(mu_0)) #plot([mu_0[0]], [mu_0[1]], marker='d', markersize=5, color='w') mus.append(mu_0) sigma = inv(nu*kappa_0*S) w, v = eig(sigma) # plot the covariance for j in xrange(2): evec = w[j] * v[:,j] plot([mu_0[0]-evec[0],mu_0[0]+evec[0]], [mu_0[1]-evec[1],mu_0[1]+evec[1]], color=DpTestCase.colours[i]) p_v = self.var_dist.gamma[:,0] / self.var_dist.gamma.sum(axis=1) stick_lengths = zeros((self.var_dist.K)) for i in xrange(self.var_dist.K-1): stick_lengths[i] = p_v[i] * reduce(float.__mul__, (1. - p_v[j] for j in xrange(i)), 1.) stick_lengths[-1] = 1. - stick_lengths.sum() #print 'Stick lengths: %s' % str(stick_lengths) #import IPython; IPython.Debugger.Pdb().set_trace() #pass return array(mus) def plot(self): DpTestCase.plot(self) class MultinomialTestCase(DpTestCase): def __init__(self, N, alpha, K): DpTestCase.__init__(self, N, alpha, K) self.dims = 3 self.conj_prior = MultinomialConjugatePrior(k=self.dims) self.tau = self.conj_prior.prior.eta(ones(self.dims)) def generate_test_data(self): DpTestCase.generate_test_data(self) self.samples = array([self.conj_prior.likelihood.x(x) for x in self.X]) def plot(self): DpTestCase.plot(self) close('all') # from numpy.random import seed; seed(1) # test_case = MvnMultiDTestCase(N=40, alpha=1., K=4, dims=37) test_case = MvnTestCase(N=40, alpha=1., K=4) # test_case = MultinomialTestCase(N=40, alpha=1., K=4) test_case.generate_test_data() test_case.create_variational_distribution() test_case.plot() convergence_test = LlConvergenceTest() from time import time start = time() max_iters = 30 for i in xrange(max_iters): LL = test_case.var_dist.update() test_case.plot() if convergence_test(LL): break total_elapsed = time()-start print '%d iterations took %f secs, %f secs/iteration' % (i + 1, total_elapsed, total_elapsed/i+1)