Source code for infpy.distribution

# Copyright John Reid 2006

import math, numpy.random

[docs]class Distribution( object ): """Base class for distributions"""
[docs] def supports( self, x ): """Returns if x is in the distribution's support""" return True
[docs] def plot( self, start, end, num_steps = 100 ): import pylab, numpy start = float(start) end = float(end) num_steps = float(num_steps) x = numpy.arange( start, end, (end - start) / num_steps ) y = [ math.exp( self.log_pdf( x1 ) ) for x1 in x ] pylab.plot( x, y )
[docs] def mean( self ): """Mean of the distribution""" raise RuntimeError( "Needs to be implemented in base class" )
[docs] def variance( self ): """Variance of the distribution""" raise RuntimeError( "Needs to be implemented in base class" )
[docs] def sample_from( self ): """Samples one value from the distribution""" raise RuntimeError( "Needs to be implemented in base class" )
def __str__( self ): """Returns a string representation of the distribution""" raise RuntimeError( "Needs to be implemented in base class" )
[docs]class NormalDistribution( Distribution ): """""" def __init__( self, mu = 1.0, sigma = 1.0 ): = float(mu) self.sigma = float(sigma) self.c = 1.0 / ( self.sigma * math.sqrt( 2 * math.pi ) ) self.log_c = math.log( self.c )
[docs] def log_pdf( self, x ): return ( self.log_c - ( ( ( x - ) / self.sigma ) ** 2 ) / 2 )
[docs] def dlog_pdf_dx( self, x ): return ( - x ) / ( self.sigma ** 2 )
[docs] def mean( self ): """Mean of the distribution""" return
[docs] def variance( self ): """Variance of the distribution""" return self.sigma
[docs] def sample_from( self ): """Samples one value from the distribution""" return numpy.random.normal(, math.sqrt( self.sigma ) )
def __str__( self ): """Returns a string representation of the distribution""" return "Normal( mu=%f, sigma=%f )" % (, self.sigma )
[docs]class LogNormalDistribution( Distribution ): """""" def __init__( self, mu = 1.0, sigma = 1.0 ): """Remember mu and sigma are mean and stdev of distribution's logarithm""" = float(mu) self.sigma = float(sigma)
[docs] def supports( self, x ): """Returns if x is in the distribution's support""" return 0.0 < x
[docs] def log_pdf( self, x ): if 0.0 >= x: return math.log(1e-300) log_x = math.log(x) return ( - log_x - math.log( self.sigma ) - 0.5 * math.log( 2 * math.pi ) - ( ( log_x - ) ** 2 ) / ( 2 * ( self.sigma ** 2 ) ) )
[docs] def dlog_pdf_dx( self, x ): if 0.0 >= x: return 0.0 log_x = math.log(x) sigma_sq = self.sigma ** 2 result = - ( log_x + sigma_sq - ) / ( x * sigma_sq ) # print x, log_x, result return result
[docs] def mean( self ): """Mean of the distribution""" return math.exp( + ( self.sigma ** 2 ) / 2 )
[docs] def variance( self ): """Variance of the distribution""" return ( math.exp( self.sigma ** 2 ) - 1.0 ) \ * math.exp( 2.0 * + self.sigma ** 2 )
[docs] def sample_from( self ): """Samples one value from the distribution""" return numpy.random.lognormal( mean =, sigma = self.sigma )
def __str__( self ): """Returns a string representation of the distribution""" return "LogNormal( mu=%f, sigma=%f )" % (, self.sigma )
[docs]class GammaDistribution( Distribution ): """ Mean is k * theta Support is [0,inf) """ def __init__( self, k = 1.0, theta = 1.0 ): self.k = float(k) self.theta = float(theta)
[docs] def supports( self, x ): """Returns if x is in the distribution's support""" return 0.0 < x
[docs] def log_pdf( self, x ): import scipy.special if 0.0 >= x: return math.log(1e-300) log_x = math.log(x) k = self.k theta = self.theta return ( (k - 1.0) * log_x - (x / theta) - k * math.log(theta) - math.log( scipy.special.gamma( k ) ) )
[docs] def dlog_pdf_dx( self, x ): if 0.0 >= x: return 0.0 log_x = math.log(x) k = self.k theta = self.theta return ( (k - 1.0) / x - (1.0 / theta) )
[docs] def mean( self ): """Mean of the distribution""" return self.k * self.theta
[docs] def variance( self ): """Variance of the distribution""" return self.k * self.theta ** 2
[docs] def sample_from( self ): """Samples one value from the distribution""" return numpy.random.gamma( self.k, self.theta )
def __str__( self ): """Returns a string representation of the distribution""" return "Gamma( k=%f, theta=%f )" % ( self.k, self.theta )
[docs]def plot_distribution( d, start = 0.01, stop = 10.0, resolution = 0.1 ): """Displays a plot of the pdf of d""" X=numpy.arange(start, stop, resolution) Y=[math.exp(d.log_pdf(x)) for x in X] pylab.plot(X,Y)
if __name__ == '__main__': from pylab import figure, plot, show figure for sigma in [ .125, .25, .5, 1, 1.5, 10 ]: dist = LogNormalDistribution(0, sigma) x = [] y = [] for i in range(300): x.append( float(i+1)/100 ) y.append( math.exp( dist.log_pdf( float(i+1)/100 ) ) ) plot(x,y) show()