Source code for infpy.decision.genepy_interface

# Copyright John Reid 2007, 2010

Implements decision tree interface to the genepy genetic algorithm library

from decision import create_random_decision_tree, combine_trees, mutate_tree, prune_tree, print_tree

[docs]class DecisionTreeSpecies(object): """ Wraps a decision tree to interface to the pygene genetic algorithm library Implements combination, mutation and random initialisation """ def __init__( self, context, initial_depth = 3, p_mutation = .1 ): self.context = context self.initial_depth = initial_depth self.p_mutation = p_mutation
[docs] def random_individual(self): "Random initialisation" return create_random_decision_tree(self.context, self.initial_depth)
[docs] def mate(self, individual_1, individual_2): "Recmbination" from copy import deepcopy tree_1 = deepcopy(individual_1) tree_2 = deepcopy(individual_2) combine_trees(tree_1, tree_2) return tree_1
[docs] def mutate(self, individual): "Mutation in place" mutate_tree(individual, self.context, 4)
[docs] def prune_individuals(self, pop): from random import random if random() < .1: check_pruning = False # if true check pruning does not change results on for i in pop.individuals: if check_pruning: pre_pruning_outcomes = [ i(x) for x, _y in ] from copy import deepcopy pre_i = deepcopy(i) prune_tree(i) if check_pruning: post_pruning_outcomes = [ i(x) for x, _y in ] for pre, post in zip(pre_pruning_outcomes, post_pruning_outcomes): if pre != post: print_tree(pre_i) print_tree(i) print '%d %d' % (pre, post)