Source code for infpy.dbn.rbm

# Copyright John Reid 2007

import numpy.random
import numpy

[docs]def sigmoid( x ): return 1.0 / ( 1.0 + numpy.exp( -x ) )
[docs]class RBM( object ): """ A restricted boltzman machine """ def __init__( self, H, V ): """ Initialise the restricted boltzman machine with H hidden units and V visible units """ self.H = H self.V = V self.init_random()
[docs] def init_random( self, scale = 1.0 ): """ Randomly initialise the biases and weights """ self.b = numpy.asmatrix( numpy.random.normal( loc = 0.0, scale = scale, size = self.H ) ) self.c = numpy.asmatrix( numpy.random.normal( loc = 0.0, scale = scale, size = self.V ) ) self.W = numpy.asmatrix( numpy.random.normal( loc = 0.0, scale = scale, size = (self.H, self.V) ) )
[docs] def Q_h( self, v ): """ Compute Q(h=1|v) """ return sigmoid( - self.b - self.W * numpy.asmatrix( v ).T )
[docs] def P_v( self, h ): """ Compute P(v=1|h) """ return sigmoid( - self.c - numpy.asmatrix( h ) * self.W )
[docs] def update( self, v ): """ Update a restricted boltzman machine """ Q_h = self.Q_h( v ) h = Q_h > r.uniform( size = Q_h.shape ) return h
if '__main__' == __name__: rbm = RBM( H = 2, V = 3 ) v = numpy.ones( (5,3) ) rbm.update( v )