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- getDefaultIREncoding()
- getDefaultIREncoding - Get the default encoding that IndexedRedis will use for all field data.
You can override this on a per-field basis by using an IRField (such as IRUnicodeField or IRRawField)
@return <str> - Default encoding string
- setDefaultIREncoding(encoding)
- setDefaultIREncoding - Sets the default encoding used by IndexedRedis.
This will be the default encoding used for field data. You can override this on a
per-field basis by using an IRField (such as IRUnicodeField or IRRawField)
@param encoding - An encoding (like utf-8)
- to_unicode(x, encoding=None)
- to_unicode - Ensure a given value is decoded into unicode type (str on python3)
@param x - Value
@param encoding <None/str> (default None) - None to use defaultIREncoding, otherwise an explicit encoding
@return - "x" as a unicode (str on python3) type
- tobytes(x, encoding=None)
- tobytes - Ensure that a given value is encoded into bytes
@param x - Value
@param encoding <None/str> (default None) - None to use defaultIREncoding, otherwise an explicit encoding
@return - "x" as a bytes type