.. highlight:: python IdaGeoSeries ************ The spatial methods of an IdaGeoDataFrame can be used to operate on the geometry attribute and wil return a IdaGeoSeries object in each case. An IdaGeoSeries is essentially a reference to a spatial column of dashDB/DB2 where each entry in the column is a set of shapes corresponding to one observation represented by DB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY. An entry may consist of only one shape (like a ST_POINT/ST_LINESTRING/ST_POLYGON) or multiple shapes that are meant to be thought of as one observation (like the many polygons that make up the County of Santa Cruz in California or a state like Connecticut). dashDB has three basic classes of geometric objects (which are actually DB2 spatial objects following OGC guidelines): + ST_Point / ST_MultiPoint + ST_Linestring / ST_MultiLineString + ST_Polygon / ST_MultiPolygon Open an IdaGeoSeries ==================== .. currentmodule:: ibmdbpy.geoSeries .. autoclass:: IdaGeoSeries .. automethod:: __init__ Geospatial Methods which return an IdaGeoSeries =============================================== Once the geometry property of the IdaGeoDataFrame is set, the geospatial methods of IdaGeoSeries can be accessed with the IdaGeoDataFrame object. Currently the following methods are supported. Area ---- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.area Boundary -------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.boundary Buffer ------ .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.buffer Centroid -------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.centroid Convex Hull ----------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.convex_hull coordDim -------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.coord_dim Dimension --------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.dimension Envelope -------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.envelope End Point --------- ..automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.end_point Exterior Ring ------------- ..automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.exterior_ring Generalize ---------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.generalize Geometry Type ------------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.geometry_type is 3d ----- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.is_3d is Closed --------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.is_closed is Empty -------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.is_empty is Measured ----------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.is_measured is Simple --------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.is_simple is Valid -------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.is_valid Length ------ .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.length max M ----- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.max_m max X ----- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.max_x max Y ----- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.max_y max Z ----- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.max_z MBR --- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.mbr Mid Point --------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.mid_point min M ----- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.min_m min X ----- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.min_x min Y ----- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.min_y min Z ----- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.min_z num Geometries -------------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.num_geometries num Interior Ring ----------------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.num_interior_ring num Linestrings --------------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.num_line_strings num Points ---------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.num_points num Polygons ------------ .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.num_polygons perimeter --------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.perimeter Start Point ----------- ..automethod:: IdageoSeries.start_point SR ID ----- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.srid SRS Name -------- .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.srs_name X coordinate ------------ .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.x Y coordinate ------------ .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.y Z coordinate ------------ .. automethod:: IdaGeoSeries.z