Source code for ibmdbpy.indexing

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015, IBM Corp.
# All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD Simplified License.
# The full license is in the LICENSE file, distributed with this software.

Classes used for subsetting IdaDataFrames.
Indexer currently available : loc
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from future import standard_library

import warnings

import six
from ibmdbpy.exceptions import IdaDataBaseError

# Class for the loc object for IdaDataFrames

[docs]class Loc(object): """ The Loc class is used to select and project IdaDataFrames. It implements a Pandas-like interface. """ def __init__(self, idadf): self.idadf = idadf def __getitem__(self, key): """ Use the loc object of an IdaDataFrame or IdaSeries instance to do projection or selection in a table. Notes ----- The determinism of the result is guaranteed only if the IdaDataFrame has a valid indexer. Examples -------- >>> idairis.loc[0:49] # Select the first 50 rows >>> idairis.loc[2, "SepalLength"] # Select the 3rd rows and column "SepalLength" >>> idairis.loc[0:len(idairis), ["SepalLength", "SepalWidth"]] # Select all rows and columns "SepalLength", "SepalWidth" """ if type(key) is tuple: if len(key) > 2: raise ValueError("Too many indexer (expected 2)") else: index = key[0] cols = key[1] else: index = key cols = None if isinstance(index, six.integer_types): if self.idadf.indexer is None: if (index < 0)|(index > self.idadf.shape[0]): raise KeyError("The label [%s] is not in the [index]" %(index)) if isinstance(index, list): if self.idadf.indexer is None: if False in [isinstance(x, six.integer_types) for x in index]: raise IdaDataBaseError("The IdaDataFrame has no indexer, so 'index' should be an integer or a list of integers") for x in index: if (x < 0)|(x > self.idadf.shape[0]): raise ValueError("The index [%s] is out of range" %(index)) if cols is not None: if isinstance(cols, six.string_types): if cols not in self.idadf.columns: raise KeyError("The label %s is not in the [columns]" %(cols)) newidadf = self.idadf._clone_as_serie(cols) else: not_existing = [col for col in cols if col not in self.idadf.columns] if not_existing: raise KeyError("The label [%s] is not in the [columns]" %(not_existing)) newidadf = self.idadf._clone() for col in newidadf.internal_state.columndict.keys(): if col not in cols: del newidadf.internal_state.columndict[col] if self.idadf.indexer is not None: if self.idadf.indexer not in cols: newidadf.internal_state.columndict[self.idadf.indexer] = "\""+self.idadf.indexer+"\"" newidadf.internal_state.index = index newidadf.internal_state.update() #newidadf._reset_attributes(["shape", "dtypes", "index", "columns"]) # this was causing troubles if self.idadf.indexer is not None: if self.idadf.indexer not in cols: del newidadf.internal_state.columndict[self.idadf.indexer] newidadf.internal_state.update() newidadf._reset_attributes(["shape", "dtypes", "index", "columns"]) else: newidadf = self.idadf._clone() newidadf.internal_state.index = index newidadf.internal_state.update() newidadf._reset_attributes(["shape", "index"]) if self.idadf.indexer is None: if not " ORDER BY " in self.idadf.internal_state.get_state(): warnings.warn("Row order is not guaranteed if no indexer" + " was given and the dataset was not sorted") return newidadf