.. human_curl documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Sep 1 01:41:40 2011. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to human_curl's documentation! ====================================== Curl requests for Humans human_curl allow you to send **HEAD**, **GET**, **POST**, **PUT**, **PATCH**, and **DELETE** HTTP requests. Features -------- - Custom HTTP headers - Request data/params - Multiple file uploading - Cookies support (dict or CookieJar) - Redirection history - Proxy support (http, https, socks4/5) - Custom interface for request! - Auto decompression of GZipped content - Unicode URL support - Request timers and another info - Certificate validation - ipv6 support Usage ----- **Simple get request** >>> import human_curl as requests # python-requests.org compatibile >>> r = requests.get('http://h.wrttn.me/basic-auth/test_username/test_password', auth=('test_username', 'test_password')) >>> r.status_code 200 >>> r.content '{"username": "test_username", "password": "test_password", "authenticated": true}' **Send files and variables** >>> import human_curl as requests >>> r = requests.post('http://h.wrttn.me/post', files=(('file_1', '/tmp/testfile1.txt'), ... ('file2', open('/tmp/testfile2.txt'))), data={'var_name': 'var_value'}) ... >>> r.status_code 201 **Redirects** >>> import human_curl as requests >>> r = requests.get('http://h.wrttn.me/redirect/4', allow_redirects=True) >>> r.status_code 200 >>> print(r.history) ['http://h.wrttn.me/redirect/3', 'http://h.wrttn.me/redirect/2', 'http://h.wrttn.me/redirect/1', 'http://h.wrttn.me/redirect/end'] >>> print(r.url) http://h.wrttn.me/redirect/end TODO ---- - async client - curl command generation? INSTALLATION ------------ To use human_curl use pip or easy_install: `pip install human_curl` or `easy_install human_curl` CONTRIBUTE ---------- Fork https://github.com/Lispython/human_curl/ , create commit, create pull request. Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`