Notes and credits
The single inheritance class structure shown in this documentation is simplified from the actual (multiple inheritance) implementation to make it easier to understand. Only users wishing to extend existing htmltemplate classes need be aware of the full class hierarchy; it makes no difference in normal use.
htmltemplate 2.x is the modern Python 3 successor to the old Python 2 HTMLTemplate 1.x module. The codebase has been cleaned up and ported to Python 3, the API redesigned to provide greater flexibility and robustness, and the documentation and sample scripts updated and improved. If you wish to use htmltemplate in Python 2, the third-party 3to2 tool can automatically backport it, though any code originally written for HTMLTemplate will require some modifications to make it compatible with htmltemplate.
Many thanks to Bud P Bruegger, Chris Clark, Graham Dumpleton, Ronald van Engelen, Matthias Fiebig, Tomas Jogin, Edvard Majakari, Simon Willison and Jarek Zgoda for comments, suggestions and bug reports.