This tool pretty print your HTML, CSS and JavaScript file. The package comes with two parts:
- a command line tool, html5-print
- a python module, html5print
This module reformat web page code and make it more readable. It is targeted for developers, hence is not optimized for speed. I start out looking for a tool, ended up created this module. Hope it helps you!
Key features:
- Pretty print HTML as well as embedded CSS and JavaScript within it
- Pretty print pure CSS and JavaScript
- Try to fix fragmented HTML5
- Try to fix HTML with broken unicode encoding
- Try to guess encoding of the document, and in some cases manage to convert 8-bit byte code back into correct UTF-8 format
- Support both Python 2 and 3
$ [sudo] pip install html5print
$ [sudo] pip uninstall html5print
$ [sudo] pip uninstall bs4 html5lib slimit tinycss2 requests chardet
$ html5-print --help
usage: html5-print [-h] [-o OUTFILE] [-s INDENT_WIDTH] [-e ENCODING]
[-t {html,js,css}] [-v]
Beautify HTML5, CSS, JavaScript - Version 0.1.2 (By Bernard Yue)
This tool reformat the input and return a beautified version,
in unicode.
positional arguments:
infile filename | url | -, a dash, which represents stdin
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTFILE, --output OUTFILE
filename for formatted HTML, stdout if omitted
-s INDENT_WIDTH, --indent-width INDENT_WIDTH
number of space for indentation, default 2
-e ENCODING, --encoding ENCODING
encoding of input, default UTF-8
-t {html,js,css}, --filetype {html,js,css}
type of file to parse, default "html"
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Pretty print HTML:
$ html5-print -s4 -
Press Ctrl-D when finished
<html><head><title>Small HTML page</title>
<style>p { margin: 10px 20px; color: black; }</style>
<script>function myFunction() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Paragraph changed.";
<p>Some text for testing</body></html>
Small HTML page
p {
margin : 10px 20px;
color : black;
function myFunction() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Paragraph changed.";
Some text for testing
Create valid HTML5 document from HTML fragment:
$ html5-print -s4 -
Press Ctrl-D when finished
<title>Hello in different language</title>
<p>Here is "hello" in different languages</p>
<li>Dobrý den,
Hello in different language
Here is "hello" in different languages
Dobrý den,
The module uses pytest. Use pip to install pytest.
$ [sudo] pip install pytest
Then run test as normal.
$ tar zxf html5print-0.1.2.tar.gz
$ cd html5print-0.1.2
$ python test
This module is distributed under Apache License Version 2.0.
Bases: html5print.utils.BeautifierBase
A CSS Beautifier that pretty print CSS. It loosely supports CSS3.
Prettifing css by reindending to width of indent per level. css is expected to be a valid Cascading Style Sheet
Parameters: |
Returns: | reindented css |
>>> # a single css rule
>>> from html5print import CSSBeautifier
>>> css = ".para { margin: 10px 20px; }"
>>> print(CSSBeautifier.beautify(css))
.para {
margin : 10px 20px;
>>> # multiple css rules
>>> from html5print import CSSBeautifier
>>> css = ".para { margin: 10px 20px; }"
>>> css += os.linesep + "p { border: 5px solid red; }"
>>> print(CSSBeautifier.beautify(css))
.para {
margin : 10px 20px;
p {
border : 5px solid red;
>>> # pseudo-class css rule
>>> from html5print import CSSBeautifier
>>> css = ' /* beginning of css*/\n ::after { margin: 10px 20px; }'
>>> print(CSSBeautifier.beautify(css))
/* beginning of css*/
::after {
margin : 10px 20px;
>>> # pseudo-class css rule with different indent
>>> from html5print import CSSBeautifier
>>> css = ' /* beginning of css*/\n ::after { margin: 10px 20px; }'
>>> print(CSSBeautifier.beautify(css, 4))
/* beginning of css*/
::after {
margin : 10px 20px;
>>> # pseudo-class css rules with comments in between
>>> from html5print import CSSBeautifier
>>> css = ' /* beginning of css*/\n ::after { margin: 10px 20px; }'
>>> css += os.linesep + ' /* another comment */p {'
>>> css += 'h1 : color: #36CFFF; font-weight: normal;}'
>>> print(CSSBeautifier.beautify(css, 4))
/* beginning of css*/
::after {
margin : 10px 20px;
/* another comment */
p {
h1 : color: #36CFFF;
font-weight : normal;
>>> # media query
>>> from html5print import CSSBeautifier
>>> css = '''@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
... h2.collapse { margin: -22px 0 22px 18px;
... }
... ::i-block-chrome, h2.collapse { margin: 0 0 22px 0; } }
... '''
>>> print(CSSBeautifier.beautify(css, 4))
@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
h2.collapse {
margin : -22px 0 22px 18px;
::i-block-chrome, h2.collapse {
margin : 0 0 22px 0;
Beautifying CSS within the <style></style> tag. HTML comments(s) (i.e. <!-- ... -->) within the style tag, if any, will be moved to the end of the tag block.
Note: The function assumes tag <style> the first element in a new line containing the tag (except for whitespace). Indention of the style block will be the indent of <style> tag plus one indent of current indentation
Parameters: |
Returns: | html with CSS beautified (i.e. text within <style>...</style>) |
>>> # pretty print css
>>> from html5print import CSSBeautifier
>>> html = '''<html><body>
... <style>
... .para { margin: 10px 20px; }
... <!-- This is what the function is dealing with-->
... p { color: red; font-style: normal; }
... </style>
... </body></html>'''
>>> print(CSSBeautifier.beautifyTextInHTML(html))
.para {
margin : 10px 20px;
p {
color : red;
font-style : normal;
<!-- This is what the function is dealing with-->
>>> # <style> not the first element, no pretty print
>>> from html5print import CSSBeautifier
>>> html = '''<html><body><style>
... .para { margin: 10px 20px; }
... <!-- This is what the function is dealing with-->
... p { color: red; font-style: normal; }
... </style>
... </body></html>'''
>>> print(CSSBeautifier.beautifyTextInHTML(html))
.para { margin: 10px 20px; }
<!-- This is what the function is dealing with-->
p { color: red; font-style: normal; }
Bases: html5print.utils.BeautifierBase
A Javascript Beautifier that pretty print Javascript
Prettifing js by reindending to width of indent per level. js is expected to be a valid Javascipt
Parameters: |
Returns: | reindented javascript |
>>> from html5print import JSBeautifier
>>> js = '''function myFunction() {
... document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Paragraph changed.";
... }'''
>>> # test default indent of 2 spaces
>>> print(JSBeautifier.beautify(js))
function myFunction() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Paragraph changed.";
>>> # test indent of 4 spaces
>>> print(JSBeautifier.beautify(js, 4))
function myFunction() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Paragraph changed.";
Beautifying Javascript within the <script></script> tag. HTML comments(s) (i.e. <!-- ... -->) within the script tag, if any, will be moved to the end of the tag block
Parameters: |
Returns: | html with javascript beautified (i.e. text within <script>...</script>) |
>>> from html5print import JSBeautifier
>>> js = '''<html><body>
... <script>function myFunction() {
... document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Paragraph changed.";
... }
... </script>
... </body></html>
... '''
>>> print(JSBeautifier.beautifyTextInHTML(js))
function myFunction() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Paragraph changed.";
Bases: html5print.utils.BeautifierBase
HTML Beautifier. Powered by BeautifulSoup 4
Pretty print html with indentation of indent per level
Parameters: |
Returns: | beautified html |
>>> # pretty print HTML
>>> from html5print import HTMLBeautifier
>>> html = '<title>Testing</title><body><p>Some Text</p>'
>>> print(HTMLBeautifier.beautify(html))
Some Text
>>> # pretty print HTML with embedded CSS and Javascript
>>> from html5print import HTMLBeautifier
>>> html = '''<html><head><title>Testing</title>
... <style>p { color:red; font-weight:nornal}
... h1{color:green;}
... </style>
... </head>
... <body><p>Some Text</p>
... <script>function myFunction()
... {document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML="changed.";
... }</script>
... </body></html>
... '''
>>> print(HTMLBeautifier.beautify(html))
p {
color : red;
font-weight : nornal
h1 {
color : green;
Some Text
function myFunction() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "changed.";
Decoding text to encoding. If encoding is None, encoding will be guessed.
Note: encoding provided will be disregarded if it causes decoding error
Parameters: |
Returns: | new decoded text as unicode |
>>> import sys
>>> from html5print import decodeText
>>> s = 'Hello! 您好! こんにちは! halló!'
>>> output = decodeText(s)
>>> print(output)
Hello! 您好! こんにちは! halló!
>>> if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
... unicode = str
>>> isinstance(output, unicode)
Return True if text is unicode. False otherwise. Note that because the function has to work on both Python 2 and Python 3, u’’ cannot be used in doctest.
Parameters: | text – string to check if it is unicode |
Returns: | True if text is unicode,
False otherwise
>>> import sys
>>> if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
... isUnicode(bytes('hello', 'ascii'))
... else:
... isUnicode(bytes('hello'))
>>> import sys
>>> if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
... unicode = str
>>> isUnicode(unicode('hello'))