Source code for hessianfree.rnnet

"""Implementation of recurrent network, including Gauss-Newton approximation
for use in Hessian-free optimization.

.. codeauthor:: Daniel Rasmussen <>

Based on
Martens, J., & Sutskever, I. (2011). Learning recurrent neural networks with
hessian-free optimization. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on
Machine Learning.

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

import hessianfree as hf

[docs]class RNNet(hf.FFNet): """Implementation of recurrent deep network (including gradient/curvature computation). :param list rec_layers: indices of layers with recurrent connections (default is to make all except first and last layers recurrent) :param dict W_rec_params: parameters used to initialize recurrent weights (passed to :meth:`~.init_weights`) :param tuple truncation: a tuple `(n,k)` where backpropagation through time will be executed every `n` timesteps and run backwards for `k` steps (defaults to full backprop if None) See :class:`.FFNet` for the remaining parameters.""" def __init__(self, shape, rec_layers=None, W_rec_params=None, truncation=None, **kwargs): # define recurrence for each layer (needs to be done before super # constructor because this is used in compute_offsets) if rec_layers is None: # assume all recurrent except first/last layer rec_layers = np.arange(1, len(shape) - 1) self.rec_layers = rec_layers # super constructor super(RNNet, self).__init__(shape, **kwargs) self.truncation = truncation # add on recurrent weights if kwargs.get("load_weights", None) is None and len(rec_layers) > 0: if W_rec_params is None: W_rec_params = dict() self.W = np.concatenate( (self.W, self.init_weights([(self.shape[l], self.shape[l]) for l in range(self.n_layers) if l in rec_layers], **W_rec_params)))
[docs] def forward(self, inputs, params=None, deriv=False, init_activations=None, init_state=None): """Compute layer activations for given input and parameters. :param inputs: input vectors (passed to first layer) :type inputs: :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` :param params: parameter vector (weights) for the network (defaults to ``self.W``) :type params: :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` :param bool deriv: if True then also compute the derivative of the activations :param list init_activations: initial values for the activations in each layer :param list init_state: initial values for the internal state of any stateful nonlinearities """ # input shape = [minibatch_size, seq_len, input_dim] # activations shape = [n_layers, minibatch_size, seq_len, layer_size] params = self.W if params is None else params if isinstance(inputs, # reset the plant # TODO: allow the initial state of plant to be set? inputs.reset() batch_size = inputs.shape[0] sig_len = inputs.shape[1] activations = [np.zeros((batch_size, sig_len, l), dtype=self.dtype) for l in self.shape] # temporary space to minimize memory allocations tmp_space = [np.zeros((batch_size, l), dtype=self.dtype) for l in self.shape] if deriv: d_activations = [None for _ in self.layers] for i, l in enumerate(self.layers): # reset any state in the nonlinearities l.reset(None if init_state is None else init_state[i]) W_recs = [self.get_weights(params, (i, i)) for i in range(self.n_layers)] for s in range(sig_len): for i in range(self.n_layers): if i == 0: # get the external input if isinstance(inputs, if s == 0 and init_activations is not None: ff_input = inputs(init_activations[-1]) else: # call the plant with the output of the previous # timestep to generate the next input # note: this will pass zeros on the first timestep # if init_activations is not set ff_input = inputs(activations[-1][:, s - 1]) else: ff_input = inputs[:, s] else: # compute feedforward input ff_input = np.zeros_like(activations[i][:, s]) for pre in self.back_conns[i]: W, b = self.get_weights(params, (pre, i)) ff_input +=[pre][:, s], W, out=tmp_space[i]) ff_input += b # recurrent input if i in self.rec_layers: if s > 0: rec_input =[i][:, s - 1], W_recs[i][0], out=tmp_space[i]) elif init_activations is None: # apply bias input on first timestep rec_input = W_recs[i][1] else: # use the provided activations to initialize the # 'previous' timestep rec_input =[i], W_recs[i][0], out=tmp_space[i]) else: rec_input = 0 # apply activation function activations[i][:, s] = self.layers[i].activation(ff_input + rec_input) # compute derivative if deriv: d_act = self.layers[i].d_activation(ff_input + rec_input, activations[i][:, s]) if d_activations[i] is None: # note: we can't allocate this array ahead of time, # because we don't know if d_activations will be # returning diagonal vectors or matrices d_activations[i] = np.zeros( np.concatenate(([batch_size], [sig_len], d_act.shape[1:])), dtype=self.dtype) d_activations[i][:, s] = d_act for i, a in enumerate(activations): if not np.all(np.isfinite(a)): raise OverflowError("Non-finite nonlinearity activation " "value (layer %d) \n %s" % (i, a[not np.isfinite(a)])) if deriv: return activations, d_activations return activations
[docs] def calc_grad(self): """Compute parameter gradient.""" grad = np.zeros_like(self.W) W_recs = [self.get_weights(self.W, (l, l)) for l in range(self.n_layers)] batch_size = self.inputs.shape[0] sig_len = self.inputs.shape[1] # temporary space to minimize memory allocations tmp_act = [np.zeros((batch_size, l), dtype=self.dtype) for l in self.shape] tmp_grad = np.zeros_like(grad) if self.truncation is None: trunc_per = trunc_len = sig_len else: trunc_per, trunc_len = self.truncation for n in range(trunc_per - 1, sig_len, trunc_per): # every trunc_per timesteps we want to run backprop deltas = [np.zeros((batch_size, l), dtype=self.dtype) for l in self.shape] state_deltas = [None if not l.stateful else np.zeros((batch_size, self.shape[i]), dtype=self.dtype) for i, l in enumerate(self.layers)] # backpropagate error for s in range(n, np.maximum(n - trunc_len, -1), -1): # execute trunc_len steps of backprop through time error = self.loss.d_loss([a[:, s] for a in self.activations], self.targets[:, s]) error = [np.zeros_like(self.activations[i][:, s]) if e is None else e for i, e in enumerate(error)] for l in range(self.n_layers - 1, -1, -1): for post in self.conns[l]: error[l] +=[post], self.get_weights(self.W, (l, post))[0].T, out=tmp_act[l]) # feedforward gradient W_grad, b_grad = self.get_weights(grad, (l, post)) W_tmp_grad, b_tmp_grad = self.get_weights(tmp_grad, (l, post)) W_grad +=[l][:, s].T, deltas[post], out=W_tmp_grad) b_grad += np.sum(deltas[post], axis=0, out=b_tmp_grad) # add recurrent error if l in self.rec_layers: error[l] +=[l], W_recs[l][0].T, out=tmp_act[l]) # compute deltas if not self.layers[l].stateful: self.J_dot(self.d_activations[l][:, s], error[l], transpose_J=True, out=deltas[l]) else: d_input = self.d_activations[l][:, s, ..., 0] d_state = self.d_activations[l][:, s, ..., 1] d_output = self.d_activations[l][:, s, ..., 2] state_deltas[l] += self.J_dot(d_output, error[l], transpose_J=True, out=tmp_act[l]) self.J_dot(d_input, state_deltas[l], transpose_J=True, out=deltas[l]) self.J_dot(d_state, state_deltas[l], transpose_J=True, out=state_deltas[l]) # gradient for recurrent weights if l in self.rec_layers: W_grad, b_grad = self.get_weights(grad, (l, l)) W_tmp_grad, b_tmp_grad = self.get_weights(tmp_grad, (l, l)) if s > 0: W_grad +=[l][:, s - 1].T, deltas[l], out=W_tmp_grad) else: # put remaining gradient into initial bias b_grad += np.sum(deltas[l], axis=0, out=b_tmp_grad) grad /= batch_size return grad
[docs] def check_grad(self, calc_grad): """Check gradient via finite differences (for debugging).""" eps = 1e-6 grad = np.zeros_like(calc_grad) sig_len = self.inputs.shape[1] if self.truncation is None: trunc_per = trunc_len = sig_len else: trunc_per, trunc_len = self.truncation inc_W = np.zeros_like(self.W) for n in range(trunc_per, sig_len + 1, trunc_per): start = np.maximum(n - trunc_len, 0) # the truncated backprop gradient is equivalent to running the # network normally for the initial timesteps and then just changing # the parameters for the truncation period. so that's what we're # simulating here. if start > 0: prev = self.forward(self.inputs[:, :start], self.W) init_a = [p[:, -1] for p in prev] init_s = [l.state.copy() if l.stateful else None for l in self.layers] else: init_a = None init_s = None for i in range(len(self.W)): inc_W[i] = eps out_inc = self.forward(self.inputs[:, start:n], self.W + inc_W, init_activations=init_a, init_state=init_s) out_dec = self.forward(self.inputs[:, start:n], self.W - inc_W, init_activations=init_a, init_state=init_s) error_inc = self.loss.batch_loss(out_inc, self.targets[:, start:n]) error_dec = self.loss.batch_loss(out_dec, self.targets[:, start:n]) grad[i] += (error_inc - error_dec) / (2 * eps) inc_W[i] = 0 try: assert np.allclose(calc_grad, grad, rtol=1e-3) except AssertionError: print("calc_grad") print(calc_grad) print("finite grad") print(grad) print("calc_grad - finite grad") print(calc_grad - grad) print("calc_grad / finite grad") print(calc_grad / grad) input("Paused (press enter to continue)")
[docs] def calc_G(self, v, damping=0, out=None): """Compute Gauss-Newton matrix-vector product.""" if out is None: Gv = np.zeros(self.W.size, dtype=self.dtype) else: Gv = out Gv.fill(0) batch_size = self.inputs.shape[0] sig_len = self.inputs.shape[1] # temporary space to minimize memory allocations tmp_act = [np.zeros((batch_size, l), dtype=self.dtype) for l in self.shape] tmp_grad = np.zeros_like(Gv) # R forward pass R_states = [None if not l.stateful else np.zeros((batch_size, self.shape[i]), dtype=self.dtype) for i, l in enumerate(self.layers)] R_activations = self.tmp_space for a in R_activations: a.fill(0) v_recs = [self.get_weights(v, (l, l)) for l in range(self.n_layers)] W_recs = [self.get_weights(self.W, (l, l)) for l in range(self.n_layers)] Gv_recs = [self.get_weights(Gv, (l, l)) for l in range(self.n_layers)] v_ff = dict([(conn, self.get_weights(v, conn)) for conn in self.offsets]) W_ff = dict([(conn, self.get_weights(self.W, conn)) for conn in self.offsets]) Gv_ff = dict([(conn, self.get_weights(Gv, conn)) for conn in self.offsets]) for s in range(sig_len): for l in range(self.n_layers): R_act = R_activations[l][:, s] # input from feedforward connections for pre in self.back_conns[l]: vw, vb = v_ff[(pre, l)] Ww, _ = W_ff[(pre, l)] R_act +=[pre][:, s], vw, out=tmp_act[l]) R_act += vb R_act +=[pre][:, s], Ww, out=tmp_act[l]) # recurrent input if l in self.rec_layers: if s == 0: # bias input on first step R_act += v_recs[l][1] else: R_act +=[l][:, s - 1], v_recs[l][0], out=tmp_act[l]) R_act +=[l][:, s - 1], W_recs[l][0], out=tmp_act[l]) if not self.layers[l].stateful: self.J_dot(self.d_activations[l][:, s], R_act, out=R_act) else: d_input = self.d_activations[l][:, s, ..., 0] d_state = self.d_activations[l][:, s, ..., 1] d_output = self.d_activations[l][:, s, ..., 2] R_states[l] = self.J_dot(d_state, R_states[l]) R_states[l] += self.J_dot(d_input, R_act, out=tmp_act[l]) self.J_dot(d_output, R_states[l], out=R_act) # R backward pass if self.truncation is None: trunc_per = trunc_len = sig_len else: trunc_per, trunc_len = self.truncation R_error = [np.zeros((batch_size, l), dtype=self.dtype) for l in self.shape] R_deltas = [np.zeros((batch_size, l), dtype=self.dtype) for l in self.shape] for n in range(trunc_per - 1, sig_len, trunc_per): for i in range(self.n_layers): R_deltas[i].fill(0) if R_states[i] is not None: R_states[i].fill(0) for s in range(n, np.maximum(n - trunc_len, -1), -1): for l in range(self.n_layers - 1, -1, -1): if self.d2_loss[l] is not None: np.multiply(self.d2_loss[l][:, s], R_activations[l][:, s], out=R_error[l]) else: R_error[l].fill(0) # error from feedforward connections for post in self.conns[l]: R_error[l] +=[post], W_ff[(l, post)][0].T, out=tmp_act[l]) # feedforward gradient W_g, b_g = Gv_ff[(l, post)] W_tmp_grad, b_tmp_grad = self.get_weights(tmp_grad, (l, post)) W_g +=[l][:, s].T, R_deltas[post], out=W_tmp_grad) b_g += np.sum(R_deltas[post], axis=0, out=b_tmp_grad) # add recurrent error if l in self.rec_layers: R_error[l] +=[l], W_recs[l][0].T, out=tmp_act[l]) # compute deltas if not self.layers[l].stateful: self.J_dot(self.d_activations[l][:, s], R_error[l], transpose_J=True, out=R_deltas[l]) else: d_input = self.d_activations[l][:, s, ..., 0] d_state = self.d_activations[l][:, s, ..., 1] d_output = self.d_activations[l][:, s, ..., 2] R_states[l] += self.J_dot(d_output, R_error[l], transpose_J=True, out=tmp_act[l]) self.J_dot(d_input, R_states[l], transpose_J=True, out=R_deltas[l]) self.J_dot(d_state, R_states[l], transpose_J=True, out=R_states[l]) # recurrent gradient if l in self.rec_layers: W_g, b_g = Gv_recs[l] W_tmp_grad, b_tmp_grad = self.get_weights(tmp_grad, (l, l)) if s > 0: W_g +=[l][:, s - 1].T, R_deltas[l], out=W_tmp_grad) else: b_g += np.sum(R_deltas[l], axis=0, out=b_tmp_grad) Gv /= batch_size Gv += damping * v # Tikhonov damping return Gv
[docs] def load_GPU_data(self): """Load data for the current epoch onto GPU.""" from pycuda import gpuarray def split_axes(array, n=1): # split a multidimensional array into a corresponding list of lists # along the first n axes (this is used so that array.__getitem__ # isn't called repeatedly, as it is somewhat expensive for # gpuarrays) if n == 1: return [a for a in array] return [split_axes(a, n - 1) for a in array] # clear out old data (this would happen eventually on its own, but by # doing it first we make sure there is room on the GPU before # creating new arrays) if hasattr(self, "GPU_W"): del self.GPU_W del self.GPU_activations del self.GPU_d_activations del self.GPU_d2_loss del self.GPU_tmp_space del self.GPU_states del self.GPU_errors del self.GPU_deltas self.GPU_W = gpuarray.to_gpu(self.W) # rearrange GPU data so that signal is the first axis (so # that each time step is a single block of memory in GPU_calc_G) self.GPU_activations = [ split_axes(gpuarray.to_gpu(np.ascontiguousarray( np.swapaxes(a, 0, 1))), 1) for a in self.activations] self.GPU_d_activations = [ split_axes(gpuarray.to_gpu(np.ascontiguousarray( np.rollaxis(np.swapaxes(a, 0, 1), -1, 1))), 2) if self.layers[i].stateful else split_axes(gpuarray.to_gpu(np.ascontiguousarray( np.swapaxes(a, 0, 1))), 1) for i, a in enumerate(self.d_activations)] self.GPU_d2_loss = [ split_axes(gpuarray.to_gpu(np.ascontiguousarray( np.swapaxes(a, 0, 1))), 1) if a is not None else None for a in self.d2_loss] self.GPU_tmp_space = [split_axes(gpuarray.empty((a.shape[1], a.shape[0], a.shape[2]), self.dtype), 1) for a in self.activations] # pre-allocate calc_G arrays batch_size = self.inputs.shape[0] self.GPU_states = [[gpuarray.empty((batch_size, self.shape[i]), dtype=self.dtype) for _ in range(2)] if l.stateful else None for i, l in enumerate(self.layers)] self.GPU_errors = [gpuarray.empty((batch_size, l), dtype=self.dtype) for l in self.shape] self.GPU_deltas = [gpuarray.empty((batch_size, l), dtype=self.dtype) for l in self.shape]
[docs] def GPU_calc_G(self, v, damping=0, out=None): """Compute Gauss-Newton matrix-vector product on GPU.""" from pycuda import gpuarray if out is None or not isinstance(out, gpuarray.GPUArray): Gv = gpuarray.zeros(self.W.shape, dtype=self.dtype) else: Gv = out Gv.fill(0) if not isinstance(v, gpuarray.GPUArray): GPU_v = gpuarray.to_gpu(v) else: GPU_v = v batch_size = self.inputs.shape[0] sig_len = self.inputs.shape[1] # R forward pass R_states = self.GPU_states R_activations = self.GPU_tmp_space for i in range(self.n_layers): R_activations[i][0].base.fill(0) if R_states[i] is not None: R_states[i][0].fill(0) v_recs = [self.get_weights(GPU_v, (l, l)) for l in range(self.n_layers)] W_recs = [self.get_weights(self.GPU_W, (l, l)) for l in range(self.n_layers)] Gv_recs = [self.get_weights(Gv, (l, l)) for l in range(self.n_layers)] v_ff = dict([(conn, self.get_weights(GPU_v, conn)) for conn in self.offsets]) W_ff = dict([(conn, self.get_weights(self.GPU_W, conn)) for conn in self.offsets]) Gv_ff = dict([(conn, self.get_weights(Gv, conn)) for conn in self.offsets]) for s in range(sig_len): for l in range(self.n_layers): R_act = R_activations[l][s] # input from feedforward connections for pre in self.back_conns[l]: vw, vb = v_ff[(pre, l)][pre][s], vw, out=R_act, increment=True) hf.gpu.iadd(R_act, vb)[pre][s], W_ff[(pre, l)][0], out=R_act, increment=True) # recurrent input if l in self.rec_layers: if s == 0: # bias input on first step hf.gpu.iadd(R_act, v_recs[l][1]) else:[l][s - 1], v_recs[l][0], out=R_act, increment=True)[l][s - 1], W_recs[l][0], out=R_act, increment=True) if not self.layers[l].stateful: if not isinstance(self.layers[l], # note: this requires a memory allocation if # d_activations is non-diagonal hf.gpu.J_dot(self.GPU_d_activations[l][s], R_act, out=R_act) else: d_input = self.GPU_d_activations[l][s][0] d_state = self.GPU_d_activations[l][s][1] d_output = self.GPU_d_activations[l][s][2] # note: we're doing this weird thing with two R_states # in order to avoid doing a copy every time i = s % 2 hf.gpu.J_dot(d_state, R_states[l][i], out=R_states[l][1 - i]) hf.gpu.J_dot(d_input, R_act, out=R_states[l][1 - i], increment=True) hf.gpu.J_dot(d_output, R_states[l][1 - i], out=R_act) # R backward pass if self.truncation is None: trunc_per = trunc_len = sig_len else: trunc_per, trunc_len = self.truncation R_error = self.GPU_errors R_deltas = self.GPU_deltas for n in range(trunc_per - 1, sig_len, trunc_per): for i in range(self.n_layers): R_deltas[i].fill(0) if R_states[i] is not None: R_states[i][n % 2].fill(0) for s in range(n, np.maximum(n - trunc_len, -1), -1): for l in range(self.n_layers - 1, -1, -1): if self.GPU_d2_loss[l] is not None: hf.gpu.multiply(self.GPU_d2_loss[l][s], R_activations[l][s], out=R_error[l]) else: R_error[l].fill(0) # error from feedforward connections for post in self.conns[l]: W, _ = W_ff[(l, post)][post], W, out=R_error[l], transpose_b=True, increment=True) # feedforward gradient W_g, b_g = Gv_ff[(l, post)][l][s], R_deltas[post], out=W_g, transpose_a=True, increment=True) hf.gpu.sum_cols(R_deltas[post], out=b_g, increment=True) # add recurrent error if l in self.rec_layers:[l], W_recs[l][0], out=R_error[l], transpose_b=True, increment=True) # compute deltas if not self.layers[l].stateful: hf.gpu.J_dot(self.GPU_d_activations[l][s], R_error[l], out=R_deltas[l], transpose_J=True) else: d_input = self.GPU_d_activations[l][s][0] d_state = self.GPU_d_activations[l][s][1] d_output = self.GPU_d_activations[l][s][2] i = s % 2 hf.gpu.J_dot(d_output, R_error[l], out=R_states[l][i], increment=True, transpose_J=True) hf.gpu.J_dot(d_input, R_states[l][i], out=R_deltas[l], transpose_J=True) hf.gpu.J_dot(d_state, R_states[l][i], out=R_states[l][1 - i], transpose_J=True) # recurrent gradient if l in self.rec_layers: if s > 0:[l][s - 1], R_deltas[l], out=Gv_recs[l][0], transpose_a=True, increment=True) else: hf.gpu.sum_cols(R_deltas[l], out=Gv_recs[l][1], increment=True) # Tikhonov damping and batch mean Gv._axpbyz(1.0 / batch_size, GPU_v, damping, Gv) if isinstance(v, gpuarray.GPUArray): return Gv else: return Gv.get(out, pagelocked=True)
[docs] def check_J(self, start=0, stop=None): """Compute the Jacobian of the network via finite differences.""" eps = 1e-6 N = self.W.size # as in check_grad, the truncation is equivalent to running the network # normally for the initial timesteps and then changing the parameters, # so that's what we do here to compute the Jacobian if start > 0: prev = self.forward(self.inputs[:, :start], self.W) init_a = [p[:, -1] for p in prev] init_s = [l.state.copy() if l.stateful else None for l in self.layers] else: init_a = None init_s = None if stop is None: stop = self.inputs.shape[1] # compute the Jacobian J = [None for _ in self.layers] inc_i = np.zeros_like(self.W) for i in range(N): inc_i[i] = eps inc = self.forward(self.inputs[:, start:stop], self.W + inc_i, init_activations=init_a, init_state=init_s) dec = self.forward(self.inputs[:, start:stop], self.W - inc_i, init_activations=init_a, init_state=init_s) for l in range(self.n_layers): if start > 0: inc[l] = np.concatenate((prev[l], inc[l]), axis=1) dec[l] = np.concatenate((prev[l], dec[l]), axis=1) J_i = (inc[l] - dec[l]) / (2 * eps) if J[l] is None: J[l] = J_i[..., None] else: J[l] = np.concatenate((J[l], J_i[..., None]), axis=-1) inc_i[i] = 0 return J
[docs] def check_G(self, calc_G, v, damping=0): """Check Gv calculation via finite differences (for debugging).""" sig_len = self.inputs.shape[1] if self.truncation is None: trunc_per = trunc_len = sig_len else: trunc_per, trunc_len = self.truncation G = np.zeros((len(self.W), len(self.W)), dtype=self.dtype) for n in range(trunc_per, sig_len + 1, trunc_per): start = np.maximum(n - trunc_len, 0) # compute Jacobian # note that we do a full forward pass and a partial backwards # pass, so we only truncate the backwards J matrix J = self.check_J(0, n) trunc_J = self.check_J(start, n) if start > 0 else J # second derivative of loss function L = self.loss.d2_loss([a[:, :n] for a in self.activations], self.targets[:, :n]) # TODO: check loss via finite differences G += np.sum([np.einsum("abji,abj,abjk->ik", trunc_J[l], L[l], J[l]) for l in range(self.n_layers) if L[l] is not None], axis=0) # divide by batch size G /= self.inputs.shape[0] Gv =, v) Gv += damping * v try: assert np.allclose(calc_G, Gv, rtol=1e-3) except AssertionError: print("calc_G") print(calc_G) print("finite G") print(Gv) print("calc_G - finite G") print(calc_G - Gv) print("calc_G / finite G") print(calc_G / Gv) input("Paused (press enter to continue)")
[docs] def compute_offsets(self): """Precompute offsets for layers in the overall parameter vector.""" ff_offset = super(RNNet, self).compute_offsets() # offset for recurrent weights is end of ff weights offset = ff_offset for l in range(self.n_layers): if l in self.rec_layers: self.offsets[(l, l)] = ( offset, offset + self.shape[l] * self.shape[l], offset + (self.shape[l] + 1) * self.shape[l]) offset += (self.shape[l] + 1) * self.shape[l] return offset - ff_offset