import numpy as np
[docs]class Nonlinearity(object):
"""Base class for layer nonlinearities.
:param boolean stateful: True if this nonlinearity has internal state
(in which case it needs to return ``d_input``, ``d_state``, and
``d_output`` in :meth:`d_activation`; see :class:`Continuous` for an
def __init__(self, stateful=False):
self.stateful = stateful
[docs] def activation(self, x):
"""Apply the nonlinearity to the inputs.
:param x: input to the nonlinearity
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def d_activation(self, x, a):
"""Derivative of the nonlinearity with respect to the inputs.
:param x: input to the nonlinearity
:param a: output of ``activation(x)`` (can be used to more
efficiently compute the derivative for some nonlinearities)"""
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def reset(self, init=None):
"""Reset the nonlinearity to initial conditions.
:param init: override the default initial conditions with these values
[docs]class Tanh(Nonlinearity):
"""Hyperbolic tangent function
:math:`f(x) = \\frac{e^x - e^{-x}}{e^x + e^{-x}}`"""
def __init__(self):
super(Tanh, self).__init__()
self.activation = np.tanh
self.d_activation = lambda _, a: 1 - a ** 2
[docs]class Logistic(Nonlinearity):
"""Logistic sigmoid function
:math:`f(x) = \\frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}}`
Note: if scipy is installed then this will use the slightly
faster :func:`~scipy:scipy.special.expit`
# TODO: get scipy intersphinx to work
def __init__(self):
super(Logistic, self).__init__()
from scipy.special import expit
except ImportError:
def expit(x):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
self.activation = expit
self.d_activation = lambda _, a: a * (1 - a)
[docs]class Linear(Nonlinearity):
"""Linear activation function (passes inputs unchanged).
:math:`f(x) = x`
def __init__(self):
super(Linear, self).__init__()
self.activation = lambda x: x
self.d_activation = lambda x, _: np.ones_like(x)
[docs]class ReLU(Nonlinearity):
"""Rectified linear unit
:math:`f(x) = max(x, 0)`
:param max: an upper bound on activation to help avoid numerical errors
def __init__(self, max=1e10):
super(ReLU, self).__init__()
self.activation = lambda x: np.clip(x, 0, max)
self.d_activation = lambda x, a: x == a
[docs]class Gaussian(Nonlinearity):
"""Gaussian activation function
:math:`f(x) = e^{-x^2}`
def __init__(self):
super(Gaussian, self).__init__()
self.activation = lambda x: np.exp(-x ** 2)
self.d_activation = lambda x, a: a * -2 * x
[docs]class Softmax(Nonlinearity):
"""Softmax activation function
:math:`f(x_i) = \\frac{e^{x_i}}{\\sum_j{e^{x_j}}}`
def __init__(self):
super(Softmax, self).__init__()
def activation(self, x):
e = np.exp(x - np.max(x, axis=-1)[..., None])
# note: shifting everything down by max (doesn't change
# result, but can help avoid numerical errors)
e /= np.sum(e, axis=-1)[..., None]
# clip to avoid numerical errors
e[e < 1e-10] = 1e-10
return e
def d_activation(self, _, a):
return a[..., None, :] * (np.eye(a.shape[-1], dtype=a.dtype) -
a[..., None])
[docs]class SoftLIF(Nonlinearity):
"""SoftLIF activation function
Based on
Hunsberger, E. and Eliasmith, C. (2015). Spiking deep networks with LIF
neurons. arXiv:1510.08829.
.. math::
f(x) = \\frac{amp}{
\\tau_{ref} + \\tau_{RC}
log(1 + \\frac{1}{\\sigma log(1 + e^{\\frac{x}{\\sigma}})})}
Note: this is equivalent to :math:`LIF(SoftReLU(x))`
:param float sigma: controls the smoothness of the nonlinearity threshold
:param float tau_rc: LIF RC time constant
:param float tau_ref: LIF refractory time constant
:param float amp: scales output of nonlinearity
def __init__(self, sigma=1, tau_rc=0.02, tau_ref=0.002, amp=0.01):
super(SoftLIF, self).__init__()
self.sigma = sigma
self.tau_rc = tau_rc
self.tau_ref = tau_ref
self.amp = amp
[docs] def softrelu(self, x):
"""Smoothed version of the ReLU nonlinearity."""
y = x / self.sigma
clip = (y < 34) & (y > -34)
a = np.zeros_like(x)
a[clip] = self.sigma * np.log1p(np.exp(y[clip]))
a[y > 34] = y[y > 34]
return a
[docs] def lif(self, x):
"""LIF activation function."""
a = np.zeros_like(x)
a[x > 0] = self.amp / (self.tau_ref +
self.tau_rc * np.log1p(1. / x[x > 0]))
return a
def activation(self, x):
return self.lif(self.softrelu(x))
def d_activation(self, x, a):
j = self.softrelu(x)
d = np.zeros_like(j)
aa, jj, xx = a[j > 0], j[j > 0], x[j > 0]
d[j > 0] = (self.tau_rc * aa * aa) / (self.amp * jj * (jj + 1) *
(1 + np.exp(-xx / self.sigma)))
return d
[docs]class Continuous(Nonlinearity):
"""Creates a version of the base nonlinearity that operates in continuous
time (filtering inputs with the given tau/dt).
.. math::
\\frac{ds}{dt} = \\frac{x - s}{\\tau}
f(x) = base(s)
:param base: nonlinear output function applied to the continuous state
:type base: :class:`Nonlinearity`
:param float tau: time constant of input filter (higher value means the
internal state changes more slowly)
:param float dt: simulation time step
def __init__(self, base, tau=1.0, dt=1.0):
super(Continuous, self).__init__(stateful=True)
self.base = base
self.coeff = dt / tau
def activation(self, x):
self.act_count += 1
if self.state is None:
self.state = np.zeros_like(x)
self.state *= 1 - self.coeff
self.state += x * self.coeff
return self.base.activation(self.state)
def d_activation(self, x, a):
self.d_act_count += 1
# note: x is not used here, this relies on self.state being implicitly
# based on x (via self.activation()). hence the sanity check.
assert self.act_count == self.d_act_count
# note: need to create a new array each time (since other things
# might be holding a reference to d_act)
d_act = np.zeros((x.shape[0], x.shape[1], 3), dtype=x.dtype)
# derivative of state with respect to input
d_act[:, :, 0] = self.coeff
# derivative of state with respect to previous state
d_act[:, :, 1] = 1 - self.coeff
# derivative of output with respect to state
# TODO: fix this so it works if base returns matrices
d_act[:, :, 2] = self.base.d_activation(self.state, a)
return d_act
[docs] def reset(self, init=None):
"""Reset state to zero (or ``init``)."""
self.state = None if init is None else init.copy()
self.act_count = 0
self.d_act_count = 0
[docs]class Plant(Nonlinearity):
"""Base class for a plant that can be called to dynamically generate
inputs for a network.
See :func:`.demos.plant` for an example of this being used
in practice."""
def __init__(self, stateful=True):
super(Plant, self).__init__(stateful=stateful)
# self.shape gives the dimensions of the inputs generated by plant
# [minibatch_size, sig_len, input_dim]
self.shape = [0, 0, 0]
[docs] def __call__(self, x):
"""Update the internal state of the plant based on input.
:param x: the output of the last layer in the network on the
previous timestep
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_vecs(self):
"""Return a tuple of the (inputs,targets) vectors generated by the
plant since the last reset."""
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reset(self, init=None):
"""Reset the plant to initial state.
:param init: override the default initial state with these values
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def activation(self, x):
"""This function only needs to be defined if the plant is going to
be included as a layer in the network (as opposed to being handled
by some external system)."""
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def d_activation(self, x, a):
"""This function only needs to be defined if the plant is going to
be included as a layer in the network (as opposed to being handled
by some external system)."""
raise NotImplementedError