Source code for hessianfree.loss_funcs

from functools import wraps

import numpy as np

[docs]class LossFunction: """Defines a loss function that maps nonlinearity activations to error."""
[docs] def loss(self, activities, targets): """Computes the loss for each unit in the network. Note that most loss functions are only based on the output of the final layer, activities[-1]. However, we pass the activities of all layers here so that loss functions can include things like sparsity constraints. Targets, however, are only defined for the output layer. Targets can be defined as ``np.nan``, which will be translated into zero error. :param list activities: output activations of each layer :param targets: target activation values for last layer :type targets: :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def d_loss(self, activities, targets): """First derivative of loss function (with respect to activities).""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def d2_loss(self, activities, targets): """Second derivative of loss function (with respect to activities).""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def batch_loss(self, activities, targets): """Utility function to compute a single loss value for the network (taking the mean across batches and summing across and within layers). """ losses = self.loss(activities, targets) return np.sum([np.true_divide(np.sum(l), l.shape[0]) for l in losses if l is not None])
[docs]def output_loss(func): """Convenience decorator that takes a loss defined for the output layer and converts it into the more general form in terms of all layers.""" @wraps(func) def wrapped_loss(self, activities, targets): result = [None for _ in activities[:-1]] result += [func(self, activities[-1], targets)] return result return wrapped_loss
[docs]class SquaredError(LossFunction): """Squared error :math:`\\frac{1}{2} \\sum(output - target)^2` """ @output_loss def loss(self, output, targets): return np.sum(np.nan_to_num(output - targets) ** 2, axis=tuple(range(1, output.ndim))) / 2 @output_loss def d_loss(self, output, targets): return np.nan_to_num(output - targets) @output_loss def d2_loss(self, output, _): return np.ones_like(output)
[docs]class CrossEntropy(LossFunction): """Cross-entropy error :math:`-\\sum(target * log(output))` """ @output_loss def loss(self, output, targets): return -np.sum(np.nan_to_num(targets) * np.log(output), axis=tuple(range(1, output.ndim))) @output_loss def d_loss(self, output, targets): return -np.nan_to_num(targets) / output @output_loss def d2_loss(self, output, targets): return np.nan_to_num(targets) / output ** 2
[docs]class ClassificationError(LossFunction): """Classification error :math:`argmax(output) \\neq argmax(target)` Note: ``d_loss`` and ``d2_loss`` are not defined; classification error should only be used for validation, which doesn't require either. """ @output_loss def loss(self, output, targets): return np.logical_and(np.argmax(output, axis=-1) != np.argmax(targets, axis=-1), np.logical_not(np.isnan(np.sum(targets, axis=-1))))
[docs]class StructuralDamping(LossFunction): """Applies structural damping, which penalizes layers for having highly variable output activity. Note: this is not exactly the same as the structural damping in Martens (2010), because it is applied on the output side of the nonlinearity (meaning that this error will be filtered through ``d_activations`` during the backwards propagation). :param float weight: scale on structural damping relative to other losses :param list layers: indices specifying which layers will have the damping applied (defaults to all except first/last layers) :param optimizer: if provided, the weight on structural damping will be scaled relative to the ``damping`` attribute in the optimizer (so that any processes dynamically adjusting the damping during the optimization will also affect the structural damping) :type optimizer: :class:`~hessianfree.optimizers.Optimizer` """ def __init__(self, weight, layers=None, optimizer=None): self.weight = weight self.layers = (np.index_exp[1:-1] if layers is None else np.asarray(layers)) self.opt = optimizer def loss(self, activities, _): return [None for _ in activities] def d_loss(self, activities, _): return [None for _ in activities] def d2_loss(self, activities, _): opt_damp = 1 if self.opt is None else getattr(self.opt, "damping", 1) d2_loss = [None for _ in activities] for l in np.arange(len(activities))[self.layers]: d2_loss[l] = np.ones_like(activities[l]) * self.weight * opt_damp return d2_loss
[docs]class SparseL1(LossFunction): """Imposes L1 sparsity constraint on nonlinearity activations. :param float weight: relative weight of sparsity constraint :param list layers: indices specifying which layers will have the sparsity constraint applied (defaults to all except first/last layers) :param float target: target activation level for nonlinearities """ def __init__(self, weight, layers=None, target=0.0): # TODO: is it valid to apply L1 sparsity to HF, given that CG is meant # to optimize quadratic loss functions? self.weight = weight self.layers = np.index_exp[1:-1] if layers is None else layers = target def loss(self, activities, _): loss = [None for _ in activities] for l in np.arange(len(activities))[self.layers]: loss[l] = self.weight * np.abs(activities[l] - return loss def d_loss(self, activities, _): d_loss = [None for _ in activities] for l in np.arange(len(activities))[self.layers]: d_loss[l] = self.weight * ((activities[l] > * 2 - 1) return d_loss def d2_loss(self, activities, _): return [None for _ in activities]
[docs]class SparseL2(LossFunction): """Imposes L2 sparsity constraint on nonlinearity activations. :param float weight: relative weight of sparsity constraint :param list layers: indices specifying which layers will have the sparsity constraint applied (defaults to all except first/last layers) :param float target: target activation level for nonlinearities """ # note: this is similar to structural damping, except we also include it # in the first derivative # TODO: test how well this works relative to standard structural damping def __init__(self, weight, layers=None, target=0.0): self.weight = weight self.layers = np.index_exp[1:-1] if layers is None else layers = target def loss(self, activities, _): loss = [None for _ in activities] for l in np.arange(len(activities))[self.layers]: loss[l] = 0.5 * self.weight * (activities[l] - ** 2 return loss def d_loss(self, activities, _): d_loss = [None for _ in activities] for l in np.arange(len(activities))[self.layers]: d_loss[l] = self.weight * (activities[l] - return d_loss def d2_loss(self, activities, _): d2_loss = [None for _ in activities] for l in np.arange(len(activities))[self.layers]: d2_loss[l] = np.ones_like(activities[l]) * self.weight return d2_loss
[docs]class LossSet(LossFunction): """Combines several loss functions into one (e.g., combining :class:`SquaredError` and :class:`SparseL2`). It doesn't need to be created directly; a list of loss functions can be passed to :class:`.FFNet`/:class:`.RNNet` and a LossSet will be created automatically. :param list set: list of :class:`LossFunction`""" def __init__(self, set): self.set = set
[docs] def group_func(self, func_name, activities, targets): """Computes the given function for each :class:`LossFunction` in the set, and sums the result.""" # apply each of the loss functions result = [getattr(s, func_name)(activities, targets) for s in self.set] # sum the losses for each layer across the loss functions result = [np.sum([s[i] for s in result if s[i] is not None], axis=0) for i in range(len(activities))] # convert 0.0's (from np.sum([])) back to None result = [None if (isinstance(x, float) and x == 0.0) else x for x in result] return result
def loss(self, activities, targets): return self.group_func("loss", activities, targets) def d_loss(self, activities, targets): return self.group_func("d_loss", activities, targets) def d2_loss(self, activities, targets): return self.group_func("d2_loss", activities, targets)