from __future__ import print_function
import copy
from functools import wraps
import numpy as np
from pycuda import gpuarray
from skcuda import cublas, misc
import hessianfree as hf
[docs]def debug_wrapper(cpu_func, debug=False):
"""Decorator used to specify an equivalent CPU function that can be used
to verify the output of a GPU function (for debugging)."""
def debug_func_parametrized(gpu_func):
def debug_func(*args, **kwargs):
if debug:
cpu_args = list(args)
for i, a in enumerate(cpu_args):
if isinstance(a, gpuarray.GPUArray):
cpu_args[i] = a.get()
cpu_kwargs = copy.copy(kwargs)
for k in cpu_kwargs:
if isinstance(cpu_kwargs[k], gpuarray.GPUArray):
cpu_kwargs[k] = cpu_kwargs[k].get()
cpu_kwargs.pop("stream", None)
out_cpu = cpu_func(*cpu_args, **cpu_kwargs)
out_gpu = gpu_func(*args, **kwargs)
if debug:
tmp = out_gpu.get()
assert np.allclose(tmp.ravel(), out_cpu.ravel(), rtol=1e-3)
except AssertionError:
print(np.max(np.abs(out_cpu - tmp)))
print(tmp / out_cpu)
return out_gpu
return debug_func
return debug_func_parametrized
def cpu_dot(a, b, out=0, transpose_a=False, transpose_b=False,
result = if transpose_a else a, b.T if transpose_b else b)
return result + out * increment
def cpu_sum_cols(a, out=0, increment=False):
result = np.sum(a, axis=0)
return result + out * increment
def cpu_J_dot(J, v, out=0, transpose_J=False, increment=False):
if J.ndim == 2:
result = J * v
if transpose_J:
J = np.transpose(J, (0, 2, 1))
result = np.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", J, v)
return result + out * increment
def cpu_multiply(a, b, out=0, increment=False):
return a * b + out * increment
# @debug_wrapper(cpu_dot, debug=True)
[docs]def cublas_dot(a, b, out=None, transpose_a=False, transpose_b=False,
increment=False, stream=None):
"""Matrix multiplication using CUBLAS."""
assert not increment or out is not None
dtype = a.dtype
if transpose_a:
a1, a0 = a.shape
a0, a1 = a.shape
if transpose_b:
b1, b0 = b.shape
b0, b1 = b.shape
assert a1 == b0
if out is None:
out = gpuarray.zeros((a0, b1), dtype=dtype)
assert a.dtype == b.dtype == out.dtype
# note: we swap the order of a and b and swap the transposes because
# cublas assumes column-major ordering
transa = "t" if transpose_a else "n"
transb = "t" if transpose_b else "n"
beta = dtype.type(1.0) if increment else dtype.type(0.0)
lda = a0 if transpose_a else a1
ldb = b0 if transpose_b else b1
ldout = b1
if stream is not None:
# note: this assumes that the stream is set to the default stream to
# start
cublas.cublasSetStream(misc._global_cublas_handle, stream.handle)
if dtype == np.float32:
gemm = cublas.cublasSgemm
gemm = cublas.cublasDgemm
gemm(misc._global_cublas_handle, transb, transa, b1, a0, a1,
dtype.type(1.0), b.gpudata, ldb, a.gpudata, lda, beta, out.gpudata,
if stream is not None:
cublas.cublasSetStream(misc._global_cublas_handle, 0)
return out
# @debug_wrapper(cpu_J_dot, True)
[docs]def J_dot(J, v, out=None, transpose_J=False, increment=False, stream=None):
"""Equivalent to :meth:`~.FFNet.J_dot`, on the GPU."""
if J.ndim == 2:
return multiply(J, v, out=out, increment=increment, stream=stream)
dtype = J.dtype
if transpose_J:
a1, a0 = J.shape[1:]
a0, a1 = J.shape[1:]
if out is None:
out = gpuarray.zeros((J.shape[0], a1), dtype=dtype)
elif out is v:
# note: we allow out to be v in this function because it can be
# handled efficiently in the element-wise case
v = v.copy()
assert J.dtype == v.dtype == out.dtype
# mv kernel approach
block = (32, 32, 1)
grid = (a0 // 32 + (a0 % 32 != 0), J.shape[0])
hf.gpu.mv_batched_kernel[dtype ==
grid, block, stream, J.gpudata, v.gpudata, out.gpudata,
np.int32(a0), np.int32(a1), np.int32(increment),
shared_size=1088 * dtype.itemsize)
return out
# @debug_wrapper(cpu_sum_cols, debug=True)
[docs]def sum_cols(a, out=None, increment=False, stream=None):
"""Sum `a` along columns."""
dtype = a.dtype
if out is None:
out = gpuarray.empty(int(a.shape[1]), dtype=dtype)
assert a.dtype == out.dtype
block_x = min(a._block[0] // 32, a.shape[1])
block_y = 32
grid = (a.shape[1] // block_x + (a.shape[1] % block_x != 0), 1)
hf.gpu.sum_cols_kernel[dtype == np.float32].prepared_async_call(
grid, (block_x, block_y, 1), stream,
a.gpudata, out.gpudata, np.int32(increment), np.int32(a.shape[0]),
shared_size=block_x * block_y * dtype.itemsize)
return out
# @debug_wrapper(lambda a, b: a + b, True)
[docs]def iadd(a, b, stream=None):
"""In-place addition of `a` and `b`, broadcasting `b` along columns."""
dtype = a.dtype
assert a.dtype == b.dtype
block_x = min(32, a.shape[0])
block_y = min(a._block[0] // block_x, a.shape[1])
grid = (a.shape[1] // block_x + (a.shape[1] % block_x != 0),
a.shape[0] // block_y + (a.shape[0] % block_y != 0))
hf.gpu.iadd_kernel[dtype == np.float32].prepared_async_call(
grid, (block_x, block_y, 1), stream,
a.gpudata, b.gpudata, np.int32(a.shape[0]), np.int32(a.shape[1]))
return a
# @debug_wrapper(cpu_multiply, True)
[docs]def multiply(a, b, out=None, increment=False, stream=None):
"""Element-wise product of `a` and `b`."""
dtype = a.dtype
if out is None:
out = gpuarray.zeros(a.shape, dtype=dtype)
assert a.size == b.size
assert a.dtype == b.dtype == out.dtype
block = (min(a._block[0], a.size), 1, 1)
grid = (a.size // block[0] + (a.size % block[0] != 0), 1, 1)
hf.gpu.multiply_kernel[dtype == np.float32].prepared_async_call(
grid, block, stream,
a.gpudata, b.gpudata, out.gpudata, np.int32(a.size),
return out
# @debug_wrapper(cpu_dot, debug=True)
[docs]def shared_dot(a, b, out=None, transpose_a=False, transpose_b=False,
increment=False, stream=None):
"""Matrix multiplication that doesn't rely on CUBLAS (could be swapped in
if scikit-cuda were not available for some reason)."""
dtype = a.dtype
# note: these transposes don't actually rearrange anything in memory,
# just changing the shape
if transpose_a:
a = a.T
if transpose_b:
b = b.T
assert a.shape[1] == b.shape[0]
assert out is None or (out is not a and out is not b)
if out is None:
out = gpuarray.zeros((a.shape[0], b.shape[1]), dtype=dtype)
assert a.dtype == b.dtype == out.dtype
# note: the block is transposed from what you might think, so it's
# (b_shape[1], a_shape[0]), because we want the x threads aligned with
# rows to support memory coalescing
block_x = block_y = 32
grid = (b.shape[1] // block_x + (b.shape[1] % block_x != 0),
a.shape[0] // block_y + (a.shape[0] % block_y != 0))
hf.gpu.m_dot_kernel[dtype == np.float32
grid, (block_x, block_y, 1), stream,
a.gpudata, b.gpudata, out.gpudata, np.int32(a.shape[0]),
np.int32(a.shape[1]), np.int32(b.shape[1]), np.int32(increment),
shared_size=(block_x + 1) * block_y * 2 * dtype.itemsize)
return out