hein package


hein.socreceiver module

class hein.socreceiver.SocReceiver(port, name, buffer_size=1024, connect=True, connectWait=0.5, portname='')

Bases: object

__init__(port, name, buffer_size=1024, connect=True, connectWait=0.5, portname='')

Connects to a transmitting port in order to listen for any communication from it. In case the communication drops it will try to reconnect periodically.

  • port (int): the communication port
  • name (str[15]): the name of the receiver, for identification purposes
  • buffer_size (int): the size in octet of each listening
  • connect (bool): whether to start the connection loop at initialization. If False, use connect method.
  • connectWait (float >0.1): the duration in second between two successive connection attempts
  • portname (str[15]): the name of the communicating port, for identification purposes

Shuts down the receiver, but not the autoconnect


If not already connected, starts the connection loop


Whether the receiver is connected to the transmitter

process(typ, data)

Replace this function with proper data processing


Whether the listening is undergoing


Stops the connection loop, but does not stop the current connection nor communication

hein.soctransmitter module

class hein.soctransmitter.SocTransmitter(port, nreceivermax, start=True, portname='', timeoutACK=1.0)

Bases: object

__init__(port, nreceivermax, start=True, portname='', timeoutACK=1.0)

Creates a transmitting socket to which receiving socket can listen.

  • port (int): the communication socket-port
  • nreceivermax (int): the maximum amount of receivers that can listen. From 1 to 5.
  • start (bool): whether to start the broadcasting at initialization or not. If not, use start method
  • portname (str[15]): the name of the communicating port, for identification purposes
  • timeoutACK (float): the timeout duration in seconds to wait for the acknowledgement receipt, or None to disable it

Shuts the broadcasting down, and forces all receivers to drop listening. The broadcasting can be restarted using start.


Forces all receivers to drop listening


The number of receivers currently listening to the port. Note that the active receivers are updated at each communication and some receivers may have dropped since then


Pings all receivers to check their health, updates the receivers list and returns the result


Whether the broadcasting is active or not


Initializes and starts the broadcasting on the communication port, if not already started.


Broadcasts a dictionary-type message

  • the keys-values to merge into a socket-compatible string

Broadcasts a raw-type message

  • txt (Byt or str): the message

Broadcasts a dictionary-type message

  • the keys-values to merge into a socket-compatible string

Module contents

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Author:Guillaume Schworer

Hein: Advanced Subscriber-Publisher Socket Communication.

Note that Hein is based on Tkinter to display frames of text or graph, and that it is released under the GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+).


Refer to this page, http://pythonhosted.org/hein/hein.html


Hein requires the following Python packages:

  • socket: Obviously
  • threading, select: for threading and port-reading
  • time, os: for basic stuff
  • byt: to handle chains of bytes identically no matter the python version


The easiest and fastest way for you to get the package and run is to install Hein through pip:

$ pip install hein

You can also download Hein source from GitHub and type:

$ python setup.py install

Dependency on byt will be installed automatically. Refer to the requirements section. If you have a standard install of python (or any fancier distribution like anaconda), you should be good to go.


Code writing

Code contributions are welcome! Just send a pull request on GitHub and we will discuss it. In the issue tracker you may find pending tasks.

Bug reporting

If you think you’ve found one please refer to the issue tracker on GitHub.

Additional options

You can either send me an e-mail or add it to the issues/wishes list on GitHub.


If you use Hein on your project, please drop me a line <mailto:{my first name}.{my family name}@gmail.com>, you will get fixes and additional options earlier.


Hein is released under the GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+). Please refer to the LICENSE file.