Source code for hamnonlineng.core

    import future
    from future.standard_library import install_aliases
except ImportError:

import fractions
import functools
import itertools
import math
import numbers
import operator

[docs]class Monomial(object): '''A class representing a monomial of the type ``number*operators + h.c.``. **The h.c. part is implicit.** Operators have to be single letters. Capital letters stand for the hermitian conjugates of lower letters. ``Monomial.n`` is the numerical factor. ``Monomial.s`` is the string of operators. >>> Monomial(1,'a')*Monomial(1,'b') 1.ab 1.aB ''' def __new__(cls, number, symbol): if number == 0: return 0 if symbol == '': return number symbol = Monomial._proper_sorting_string(symbol) normal_symbols = cls._normal_order_string(symbol) if len(normal_symbols) == 1: symbol = normal_symbols[0] conj_symbol = Monomial._hermitian_conjugate_string(symbol) symbol = sorted([symbol, conj_symbol])[0] self = super(Monomial, cls).__new__(cls) self.n = number self.s = symbol return self return Polynomial([Monomial(number, _) for _ in normal_symbols]) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Monomial) and self.n == other.n and self.s == other.s def __hash__(self): return hash((self.n, self.s)) def __add__(self, other): if other == self: return 2*self else: return Polynomial([self, other]) def __radd__(self, other): return self+other def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Monomial): return Polynomial([Monomial(self.n*other.n, self.s+other.s), Monomial(self.n*other.n, self.s+Monomial._hermitian_conjugate_string(other.s))]) elif isinstance(other, numbers.Number): return Monomial(self.n*other, self.s) else: raise NotImplementedError() def __rmul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, numbers.Number): return Monomial(self.n*other, self.s) else: raise NotImplementedError() def __pow__(self, other): if isinstance(other, numbers.Number): return functools.reduce(operator.mul, [self]*other) else: raise NotImplementedError() def __truediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, numbers.Number): return Monomial(self.n/other, self.s) else: raise NotImplementedError() def __div__(self, other): return self.__truediv__(other) def __str__(self): return '%s.%s'%(self.n, self.s) def __repr__(self): return str(self) @staticmethod def _normal_order_string(string): if not string: return [string] last_letter = string[0] for i, letter in enumerate(string[1:]): if last_letter.isupper() or letter.islower() or last_letter.lower() != letter.lower(): last_letter = letter continue elif letter == last_letter.capitalize(): i += 1 return Monomial._normal_order_string(string[:i-1]+string[i]+string[i-1]+string[i+1:])\ + Monomial._normal_order_string(string[:i-1]+string[i+1:]) else: raise RuntimeError('What!? This should not happen!') return [string] @staticmethod def _proper_sorting_string(string): return ''.join(sorted(string, key=str.lower)) @staticmethod def _hermitian_conjugate_string(string): return Monomial._proper_sorting_string(string[::-1].swapcase())
[docs]class Polynomial(object): '''A class representing a sum of monomials (each monomial implicitly having its h.c.). ``Polynomial.m`` gives the list of monomials.''' def __new__(cls, monomials): not_flat, flat = split_by_predicate(lambda _: isinstance(_, Polynomial), monomials) monomials = itertools.chain(flat, *(_.m for _ in not_flat)) nums, not_nums = split_by_predicate(lambda _: isinstance(_, numbers.Number), monomials) constant = sum(nums) not_nums_monomials = sorted(sorted(not_nums, key=lambda _: _.s), key=lambda _: _.s.lower()) reduced_monomials = [] for key, group in itertools.groupby(not_nums_monomials, lambda _: _.s): num_factor = sum(_.n for _ in group) if num_factor: reduced_monomials.append(Monomial(num_factor, key)) if constant: reduced_monomials.append(constant) if len(reduced_monomials) == 1: return reduced_monomials[0] elif len(reduced_monomials) == 0: return 0 self = super(Polynomial, cls).__new__(cls) self.m = reduced_monomials return self def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Polynomial): return Polynomial(self.m+other.m) else: return Polynomial(self.m+[other]) def __radd__(self, other): return self+other def __sub__(self, other): return self + (-1*other) def __mul__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Polynomial): return Polynomial(_*other for _ in self.m) else: def _monomial_mul_(l, r): if isinstance(l, Monomial) and isinstance(r, Monomial): return [Monomial(l.n*r.n, l.s+r.s), Monomial(l.n*r.n, l.s+Monomial._hermitian_conjugate_string(r.s))] else: return [l*r] return Polynomial(itertools.chain.from_iterable(_monomial_mul_(*_) for _ in itertools.product(self.m, other.m))) def __pow__(self, other): if isinstance(other, numbers.Number): return functools.reduce(operator.mul, [self]*other) else: raise NotImplementedError() def __truediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, numbers.Number): return Polynomial(_/other for _ in self.m) else: raise NotImplementedError() def __div__(self, other): return self.__truediv__(other) def __str__(self): return '\n'.join(map(str, self.m)) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]def split_by_predicate(p, l): '''Separate an iterable in two iterators depending on predicate.''' t1, t2 = itertools.tee(l) return filter(p, t1), itertools.filterfalse(p, t2)
[docs]def operator_sum(string): '''Given a string of letters return the sum of operators represented by those letters.''' return sum((Monomial(1,_) for _ in string), 0)
[docs]def sin_terms(x, order): '''Given an argument return the `order`-th term in the sine's expansion.''' if order%2: if (order//2)%2: f = -1 else: f = 1 return x**order/(fractions.Fraction(math.factorial(order))*f) return 0
[docs]def drop_matching(monomials, to_drop): '''From the list ``monomials`` filter out Monomials present in the list ``to_drop``. Compare only the string part, neglect the numerical factor.''' return itertools.filterfalse(lambda _:any(d.s==_.s for d in to_drop), monomials)
[docs]def retain_matching(monomials, to_retain): '''The inverse of ``drop_matching``.''' return (_ for _ in monomials if any(d.s==_.s for d in to_retain))
[docs]def drop_definitely_offresonant(monomials): '''From the list ``monomials`` filter out Monomials that contain only annihilation or only creation operators.''' return (_ for _ in monomials if not (_.s.isupper() or _.s.islower()))
[docs]def drop_single_mode(monomials): '''From the list ``monomials`` filter out Monomials that contain operators for only a single mode.''' return itertools.filterfalse(lambda _: all(_.s[0].lower()==__ for __ in _.s[1:].lower()), monomials)
[docs]def monomial_to_constraint(monomial, letters): # XXX Assumes only Monomial instances are given to it. '''Given a monomial return the multiplicity of each letter, counting conjugates as negatives.''' constr = [] for l in letters: constr.append(monomial.s.count(l)-monomial.s.count(l.upper())) return constr
[docs]def monomials_to_matrix(monomials, letters): '''Run ``monomial_to_constraint`` on each element of the list ``monomials`` and generate the matrix of constraints.''' import numpy as np return np.array([monomial_to_constraint(_, letters) for _ in monomials],dtype=int)
[docs]def solve_constraints_gecode(resonant_monomials, off_resonant_monomials, letters, maxfreq=10, elastic=0): '''Uses ``gecode`` to solve the constraints.''' import gecode s = variables = s.intvars(len(letters),1,maxfreq) s.distinct(variables) for m in resonant_monomials: if elastic: s.linear([-_ for _ in monomial_to_constraint(m, letters)], variables, gecode.IRT_LQ, elastic) s.linear(monomial_to_constraint(m, letters), variables, gecode.IRT_GQ, elastic) else: s.linear(monomial_to_constraint(m, letters), variables, gecode.IRT_EQ,0) for m in off_resonant_monomials: s.linear(monomial_to_constraint(m, letters), variables, gecode.IRT_NQ,0) s.branch(variables, gecode.INT_VAR_SIZE_MAX, gecode.INT_VAL_MIN) return (_.val(variables) for _ in
[docs]def solve_constraints_ortools(resonant_monomials, off_resonant_monomials, letters, maxfreq=10): '''Uses ``ortools`` to solve the constraints.''' from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp from uuid import uuid4 solver = pywrapcp.Solver(str(uuid4())) variables = [solver.IntVar(1, maxfreq, _) for _ in letters] for m in resonant_monomials: constr = monomial_to_constraint(m, letters) solver.Add(sum(c*v for c, v in zip(constr, variables)) == 0) for m in off_resonant_monomials: constr = monomial_to_constraint(m, letters) solver.Add(sum(c*v for c, v in zip(constr, variables)) != 0) for l, r in itertools.combinations(variables, 2): solver.Add(l!=r) db = solver.Phase(variables, solver.INT_VAR_SIMPLE, solver.INT_VALUE_SIMPLE) solver.NewSearch(db) while solver.NextSolution(): yield [_.Value() for _ in variables] solver.EndSearch()
[docs]def head_and_count(iterator): '''Print the first 10 and store the first 100000 solutions.''' count = 0 res = [] for _ in iterator: res.append(_) count += 1 if count > 100000: print('More than 100k solutions.') break if count < 10: print(_) else: print('%d solutions.'%count) return res
[docs]def solve_linearprog_ortools_glop(resonant_monomials, off_resonant_monomials, letters, maxfreq=10, detune=0.5): '''Uses ``ortools`` to solve the linear programming problem.''' from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp from uuid import uuid4 solver = pywraplp.Solver(str(uuid4()), pywraplp.Solver.GLOP_LINEAR_PROGRAMMING, #pywraplp.Solver.CLP_LINEAR_PROGRAMMING, ) variables = [solver.NumVar(0, maxfreq, _) for _ in letters] for m in resonant_monomials: constr = monomial_to_constraint(m, letters) solver.Add(sum(c*v for c, v in zip(constr, variables)) == 0) # TODO for m in off_resonant_monomials: raise NotImplementedError for l, r in itertools.combinations(variables, 2): raise NotImplementedError # XXX the t1-t2 trick is not working #t1 = solver.NumVar(0, solver.infinity(), str(uuid4())) #t2 = solver.NumVar(0, solver.infinity(), str(uuid4())) #solver.Add(l-r==t1-t2) #solver.Add(t1+t2>=detune) # XXX the binary trick is not working #b = solver.IntVar(0,1,str(uuid4())) #M = detune + maxfreq #solver.Add(l-r+M*b >= detune) #solver.Add(-l+r+M*(1-b) >= detune) # END TODO objective = solver.Objective() for v in variables: objective.SetCoefficient(v, 1) objective.SetMinimization() status = solver.Solve() if status: print('Failure with status code %d.'%status) print('Found a solution.') return [_.solution_value() for _ in variables]
[docs]def solve_linearprog_scipy(resonant_monomials, off_resonant_monomials, letters, maxfreq=10, detune=0.5): '''Uses ``scipy`` to solve the linear programming problem.''' raise NotImplementedError #needs sparse matrices...
[docs]def solve_linearprog_pulp(resonant_monomials, off_resonant_monomials, letters, maxfreq=10, detune=0.5, distinct=True, elastic=0): '''Uses ``pulp`` to solve the linear programming problem.''' import pulp from uuid import uuid4 problem_name = str(uuid4()) prob = pulp.LpProblem(problem_name, pulp.LpMinimize) variables = [pulp.LpVariable(_, 0, maxfreq, pulp.LpContinuous) for _ in letters] prob += sum(variables) print('Adding resonant constraints...') for m in resonant_monomials: constr = monomial_to_constraint(m, letters) expr = sum(c*v for c, v in zip(constr, variables)) if elastic: prob += (expr <= elastic) prob += (expr >= -elastic) else: prob += (expr == 0) print('Adding off-resonant constraints...') for m in off_resonant_monomials: constr = monomial_to_constraint(m, letters) x = sum(c*v for c, v in zip(constr, variables)) b = pulp.LpVariable(str(uuid4()), 0, 1, pulp.LpBinary) M = detune + maxfreq*len(m.s) prob += (x+M*b >= detune) prob += (-x-M*b >= detune-M) if distinct: print('Adding distinct constraints...') for l, r in itertools.combinations(variables, 2): b = pulp.LpVariable(str(uuid4()), 0, 1, pulp.LpBinary) M = detune + maxfreq prob += (l-r+M*b >= detune) prob += (-l+r-M*b >= detune-M) else: print('Skipping distinct contraints.') print('Dumping LP file...') prob.writeLP('%s.lp'%problem_name) print('Solving...') prob.solve() print('Status: %d - %s'%(prob.status,pulp.LpStatus[prob.status])) return [_.value() for _ in variables]
[docs]def detuning_of_monomial(solution, monomials, letters): '''For the frequencies given in ``solution`` calculate the detuning of the Monomials given in the list ``monomials``.''' import numpy as np mat = monomials_to_matrix(monomials, letters) det = np.abs( return det
[docs]def filter_resonant(solution, monomials, letters): '''Return only the resonant Monomials from the list ``monomials`` given the frequencies in ``solution``.''' import numpy as np det = detuning_of_monomial(solution, monomials, letters) return [monomials[i] for i in np.argwhere(det==0)]