Source code for halopy

# coding=utf-8
.. moduleauthor:: Max Gurela <>

Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import, print_function, division

import requests
import requests_cache
import time

__version__ = '1.1'

[docs]class HaloPyError(Exception): """Standard HaloPy exception class""" pass
[docs]class HaloPyResult(object): """Wrapper object for results from the Halo API Args: wrap (dict): Dictionary to wrap """ def __init__(self, wrap): self._wrap = wrap def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self._wrap: return self._wrap[name] elif 'Result' in self._wrap and name in self._wrap['Result']: return self._wrap['Result'][name] else: return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
[docs]class HaloPy(object): """Primary abstraction class for HaloPy Args: api_key (str): Halo API key. title (Optional[str])): Game title, presumably for forward compatibility. cache (Optional[int]): Seconds to cache API results, 0 indicates no cache. cache_backend (Optional[obj]): ``requests-cache`` supported backend. If unspecified, HaloPy will automatically generate a cache.sqlite file in the current working directory. rate (Optional[tuple]): Maximum rate limit in form ``(req, sec)`` **backend_options: Options to pass to the requests-cache backend """ def _now(self): return round(time.time()) def __init__(self, api_key, title='h5', cache=300, cache_backend='sqlite', rate=(10, 10), **backend_options): self._api_key = api_key self.title = title self._cache = cache self._rate = rate self._cache_backend = cache_backend backend_options['fast_save'] = backend_options.get('fast_save', True) self._backend_options = backend_options requests_cache.install_cache(backend=self._cache_backend, expire_after=self.cache, **backend_options) self._allowance = rate[0] self._last_check = self._now() @property def api_key(self): """str: Halo API key.""" return self._api_key @property def cache(self): """int: Seconds to cache API results, 0 indicates no cache.""" return self._cache @cache.setter def cache(self, value): self._cache = value requests_cache.install_cache(backend=self._cache_backend, expire_after=self.cache, **self._backend_options) @property def rate(self): """tuple: Maximum rate limit in form ``(req, sec)``""" return self._rate @rate.setter def rate(self, value): if type(value) is not tuple: raise ValueError('HaloPy.rate must be a tuple!') self._rate = value _err_400 = 'Bad request' _err_401 = 'Unauthorized' _err_404 = 'Endpoint not found' _err_429 = 'Rate limit exceeded' _err_500 = 'Internal server error' def _pre_request(self): current = self._now() time_passed = current - self._last_check self._last_check = current allowance = self._allowance allowance += time_passed * (self.rate[0] / self.rate[1]) if allowance > self.rate[0]: allowance = self.rate[0] return allowance
[docs] def can_request(self): """Check if we should be within our rate limits. This is called before actually executing any request internally, so you aren't required to check this yourself. Returns: bool: True if we are within the limit, False otherwise. """ allowance = self._pre_request() if allowance >= 1.0: return True return False
[docs] def request(self, endpoint, params={}, headers={}): """Sends request to the Halo API servers. API key header will automatically be attached if it't not already specified. Endpoint will be prefixed with ```` before the request is executed. Retrieved values will be cached via cache method specified when initializing HaloPy. If the value is from the cache, we the request will not count towards our rate limit bucket. Args: endpoint (str): The endpoint to send the request to params (Optional[dict]): Dictionary of key, value URL params headers (Optional[dict]): Dictionary of key, value request headers Returns: Response: Requests Response object. Raises: HaloPyError: If we are over our rate limit, or if an HTTP error occurs. """ self._allowance = self._pre_request() if not self.can_request(): raise HaloPyError(self._err_429) p = {} for k, v in params.items(): if k not in p and v: p[k] = v if 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' not in headers: headers['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = self.api_key response = requests.get( '{e}'.format(e=endpoint), params=p, headers=headers ) if not response.from_cache: # IF the request was not cached, ensure that we are rate limiting self._allowance -= 1.0 if response.status_code == 400: raise HaloPyError(self._err_400) elif response.status_code == 401: raise HaloPyError(self._err_401) elif response.status_code == 404: raise HaloPyError(self._err_404) elif response.status_code == 429: raise HaloPyError(self._err_429) elif response.status_code == 500: raise HaloPyError(self._err_500) else: response.raise_for_status() return response
[docs] def meta_request(self, endpoint, params={}, headers={}): """Helper method for metadata requests Prepends the endpoint with ``metadata/{title}/metadata/`` where ``{title}`` is the game title. Args: endpoint (str): The endpoint to send the request to params (Optional[dict]): Dictionary of key, value URL params headers (Optional[dict]): Dictionary of key, value request headers Returns: json-encoded content of a response, if any """ return self.request( 'metadata/{t}/metadata/{e}'.format(t=self.title, e=endpoint), params, headers ).json()
[docs] def profile_request(self, endpoint, params={}, headers={}): """Helper method for profile requests Prepends the endpoint with ``profile/{title}/profiles/`` where ``{title}`` is the game title. Args: endpoint (str): The endpoint to send the request to params (Optional[dict]): Dictionary of key, value URL params headers (Optional[dict]): Dictionary of key, value request headers Returns: Response: Requests Response object. """ return self.request( 'profile/{t}/profiles/{e}'.format(t=self.title, e=endpoint), params, headers )
[docs] def stats_request(self, endpoint, params={}, headers={}): """Helper method for metadata requests Prepends the endpoint with ``stats/{title}/`` where ``{title}`` is the game title. Args: endpoint (str): The endpoint to send the request to params (Optional[dict]): Dictionary of key, value URL params headers (Optional[dict]): Dictionary of key, value request headers Returns: json-encoded content of a response, if any """ return self.request( 'stats/{t}/{e}'.format(t=self.title, e=endpoint), params, headers ).json()
[docs] def get_campaign_missions(self): """Get a listing of campaign missions supported in the title. See for more information on this endpoint. Returns: list[HaloPyResult]: List of campaign mission details """ url = 'campaign-missions' return [HaloPyResult(mission) for mission in self.meta_request(url)]
[docs] def get_commendations(self): """Get a listing of commendations supported in the title. See for more information on this endpoint. Returns: list[HaloPyResult]: List of commendation details """ url = 'commendations' return [HaloPyResult(com) for com in self.meta_request(url)]
[docs] def get_csr_designations(self): """Get a listing of CSR designations supported in the title. See for more information on this endpoint. Returns: list[HaloPyResult]: List of CSR designation details """ url = 'csr-designations' return [HaloPyResult(csr) for csr in self.meta_request(url)]
[docs] def get_enemies(self): """Get a listing of enemies supported in the title. See for more information on this endpoint. Returns: list[HaloPyResult]: List of enemy details """ url = 'enemies' return [HaloPyResult(enemy) for enemy in self.meta_request(url)]
[docs] def get_flexible_stats(self): """Get a listing of flexible statistics supported in the title. See for more information on this endpoint. Returns: list[HaloPyResult]: List of flexible statistic details """ url = 'flexible-stats' return [HaloPyResult(stat) for stat in self.meta_request(url)]
[docs] def get_game_base_variants(self): """Get a listing of all game base variants supported in the title. See for more information on this endpoint. Returns: list[HaloPyResult]: List of game base variant details """ url = 'game-base-variants' return [HaloPyResult(variant) for variant in self.meta_request(url)]
[docs] def get_game_variant_by_id(self, var_id): """Get details for specified game variant id. See for more information on this endpoint. Args: var_id (uid): Game variant unique identifier Returns: HaloPyResult: Game variant details """ url = 'game-variants/{var_id}'.format(var_id=var_id) return HaloPyResult(self.meta_request(url))
[docs] def get_impulses(self): """Get list of supported impulses for the title. Impulses are essentially invisible medals, players receive them for performing virtually any action in the game. See for more information on this endpoint. Returns: list[HaloPyResult]: List of impulse details """ url = 'impulses' return [HaloPyResult(impulse) for impulse in self.meta_request(url)]
[docs] def get_map_variant_by_id(self, map_id): """Get details for specified map variant id See for more information on this endpoint. Args: map_id (uid): Unique identifier for the map Returns: HaloPyResult: Map variant details """ url = 'map-variants/{map_id}'.format(map_id=map_id) return HaloPyResult(self.meta_request(url))
[docs] def get_maps(self): """Get list of supported maps in the title. See for more information on this endpoint. Returns: list[HaloPyResult]: List of map details """ url = 'maps' return [HaloPyResult(map_d) for map_d in self.meta_request(url)]
[docs] def get_medals(self): """Get list of supported medals in the title. See for more information on this endpoint. Returns: list[HaloPyResult]: List of medal details """ url = 'medals' return [HaloPyResult(medal) for medal in self.meta_request(url)]
[docs] def get_playlists(self): """Get list of playlists available in the title. See for more information on this endpoint. Returns: list[HaloPyResult]: List of playlist details """ url = 'playlists' return [HaloPyResult(playlist) for playlist in self.meta_request(url)]
[docs] def get_requisition_pack_by_id(self, req_pack_id): """Get details for a specific "REQ" pack See for more information on this endpoint. Args: req_pack_id (uid): Unique identifier string Returns: HaloPyResult: "REQ" pack details """ url = 'requisition-packs/{req}'.format(req=req_pack_id) return HaloPyResult(self.meta_request(url))
[docs] def get_requisition_by_id(self, req_id): """Get details for a specific "REQ" See for more information on this endpoint. Args: req_id (uid): Unique identifier string Returns: HaloPyResult: "REQ" details """ url = 'requisitions/{req_id}'.format(req_id=req_id) return HaloPyResult(self.meta_request(url))
[docs] def get_skulls(self): """Get list of skulls supported in the title. See for more information on this endpoint. Returns: list[HaloPyResult]: List of skull details """ url = 'skulls' return [HaloPyResult(skull) for skull in self.meta_request(url)]
[docs] def get_spartan_ranks(self): """Get list of spartan ranks supported in the title. See for more information on this endpoint. Returns: list[HaloPyResult]: List of spartan rank details """ url = 'spartan-ranks' return [HaloPyResult(rank) for rank in self.meta_request(url)]
[docs] def get_team_colors(self): """Get list of supported team colors in the title. See for more information on this endpoint. Returns: list[HaloPyResult]: List of team color details """ url = 'team-colors' return [HaloPyResult(color) for color in self.meta_request(url)]
[docs] def get_vehicles(self): """Get list of supported vehicles in the title. See for more information on this endpoint. Returns: list[HaloPyResult]: List of vehicle details """ url = 'vehicles' return [HaloPyResult(vehicle) for vehicle in self.meta_request(url)]
[docs] def get_weapons(self): """Get list of supported weapons in the title. See for more information on this endpoint. Returns: list[HaloPyResult]: List of weapon details """ url = 'weapons' return [HaloPyResult(weapon) for weapon in self.meta_request(url)]
''' Profile functions '''
[docs] def get_player_emblem(self, player_gt, size=None): """Get the emblem image for the given player gamertag. See for more information on this endpoint. Args: player_gt (str): Player gamertag size (Optional[int]): Size of emblem image, must be one of the following values: 95, 128, 190, 256, 512. Default is 256. Returns: Response: Response object containing the player's emblem """ url = '{player}/emblem'.format(player=player_gt) return self.profile_request(url, {'size': size})
[docs] def get_player_spartan_image(self, player_gt, size=None, crop=None): """Get the given player's spartan image. See for more information on this endpoint. Args: player_gt (str): Player gamertag size (Optional[int]): Size of spartan image, must be one of the following values: 95, 128, 190, 256, 512. Default is 256. crop (Optional[str]): Either ``full`` or ``portrait``. If not specified, ``full`` is used. Returns: Response: Response object containing the player's spartan image """ url = '{player}/spartan'.format(player=player_gt) return self.profile_request(url, {'size': size, 'crop': crop})
''' Statistics functions '''
[docs] def get_player_matches(self, player_gt, modes=None, start=None, count=None): """Get matches played by the given player See for more information on this endpoint. Args: player_gt (str): Player gamertag modes (Optional[str]): Game mode(s) to show, if unspecified, all game modes will be included in the result set. You may specify multiple game modes by comma-delimiting the values. start (Optional[int]): Start index for batched results count (Optional[int]): Count of results to return. Minimum value is 1, maximum is 25. 25 is assumed if unspecified. Returns: HaloPyResult: A batched results object:: { "Start": int, "Count": int, "ResultCount": int, "Results" list } """ url = 'players/{player}/matches'.format(player=player_gt) return HaloPyResult(self.stats_request(url, {'modes': modes, 'start': start, 'count': count}))
[docs] def get_arena_match_by_id(self, match_id): """Get arena match details by match id. See for more information on this endpoint. Args: match_id (uid): Match unique identifier Returns: HaloPyResult: An object representing an arena match's details """ url = 'arena/matches/{match_id}'.format(match_id=match_id) return HaloPyResult(self.stats_request(url))
[docs] def get_campaign_match_by_id(self, match_id): """Get campaign match details by match id. See for more information on this endpoint. Args: match_id (uid): Match unique identifier Returns: HaloPyResult: An object representing a campaign match details """ url = 'campaign/matches/{match_id}'.format(match_id=match_id) return HaloPyResult(self.stats_request(url))
[docs] def get_custom_match_by_id(self, match_id): """Get custom match details by match id. See for more information on this endpoint. Args: match_id (uid): Match unique identifier Returns: HaloPyResult: An object representing a custom match details """ url = 'custom/matches/{match_id}'.format(match_id=match_id) return HaloPyResult(self.stats_request(url))
[docs] def get_warzone_match_by_id(self, match_id): """Get warzone match details by match id. See for more information on this endpoint. Args: match_id (uid): Match unique identifier Returns: HaloPyResult: An object representing a warzone match details """ url = 'warzone/matches/{match_id}'.format(match_id=match_id) return HaloPyResult(self.stats_request(url))
[docs] def get_player_service_record(self, player_gt, game_mode='campaign'): """Get service record for the given player Args: player_gt (str): Player gamertag to get the service record for game_mode (str): Must be ``arena``, ``warzone``, ``custom``, or ``campaign``. Defaults to ``campaign``. Returns: HaloPyResult: Player service record object """ result = self.get_players_service_record([player_gt], game_mode) return result[0]
[docs] def get_players_service_record(self, player_gts, game_mode='campaign'): """Get service records for the given list of player gamertags and the given mode Args: player_gts(List[str]): List of player gamertags game_mode (str): Must be ``arena``, ``warzone``, ``custom``, or ``campaign``. Defaults to ``campaign``. Returns: list[HaloPyResult]: List of player service record objects """ url = 'servicerecords/{game_mode}'.format(game_mode=game_mode) res_json = self.stats_request(url, {'players': player_gts}) return [HaloPyResult(result) for result in res_json.get('Results', [])]