Source code for gyroid.basis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module is the main module of the package, wherein :class:`Basis` class abstractsa whole SABF set.

This module defines three classes: :class:`Basis`, :class:`StarSet`, :class:`StarAtom`.

This module provides one function: :func:`index_waves`.


import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import inv

from .common import BRAVAIS,CARTESIAN,EPS

__all__ = ["Basis","StarSet","StarAtom","index_waves"]

[docs]class Basis(object): """ Representation of a whole SABF set. The SABF set mainly depends on the type of unit cell (crystal system), the point group symmetries, and how the unit cell is discretized. """ def __init__(self,group,grid): self.dim = group.dim self.shape = group.shape self.stars = [] self.starmap = {} # key: G (within BZ), value: index of a star self.N = 0 # this is for coefficients, N = #(closed star) + # 2 * #(open star pair) n = 0 # record the number of StarAtom ic = 0 # record the index of coefficent G2_pre = grid.Gsq[0] # Previous G2 for G2 in grid.Gsq: if np.abs(G2-G2_pre) > EPS: s = StarSet(group,grid,G2_pre) # s.stars is an Python list. self.stars.extend(s.stars) # map G to the index of star i = 0 for star in s.stars: iw = 0 for G in star.waves.T: key = tuple(G.astype(int)) self.starmap[key] = (n+i, iw, ic, 0) iw += 1 ic += 1 if star.iwaves is not None: iw = 0 for Gi in star.iwaves.T: key = tuple(Gi.astype(int)) self.starmap[key] = (n+i, iw, ic, 1) iw += 1 ic += 1 i += 1 n += i # i stars has been counted in last cycle self.N += s.N G2_pre = G2
[docs] def generate_structure(self,real_grid,c): ''' Generate structure without projecting SABF to FFT. :param real_grid: number of grids along each unit vectors of the unit cell in real space :type real_grid: tuple with integers :param c: coefficients for SABF :type c: 1D `double numpy.array` :return: real space structure constructed via SABF :rtype: `double numpy.array` object **Note** This method is much slower than :func:`generate_structure_by_fft`. Use it for debug only. ''' if np.size(real_grid) != self.dim: raise ValueError('Dimension of input grid and dimension' 'of the Group not match ' 'when generating structure.') if np.size(c) == 1: cc = c c = np.zeros(self.N) c.fill(cc) elif np.size(c) != self.N: raise ValueError('Number of Bases and number of coefficients ' 'not match when generating structure.') struct = np.zeros(real_grid) for ind,v in np.ndenumerate(struct): #: `numpy.array` can divide tuple x = 1.0 * np.array(ind) / real_grid i = 0 for s in self.stars: if s.iwaves is None: f1,f2 = s.f(x,self.shape,c[i],c[i]) else: f1,f2 = s.f(x,self.shape,c[i],c[i+1]) struct[ind] += f1 i += 1 if f2 is not None: struct[ind] += f2 i += 1 vol =,struct.shape) return struct/vol
[docs] def generate_structure_by_fft(self,real_grid,c,grid): """ Generate structure by projecting SABF to FFT, and then perform an inverse FFT. :param real_grid: number of grids along each unit vectors of the unit cell in real space :type real_grid: tuple with integers :param c: coefficients for SABF :type c: 1D `double numpy.array` :param grid: a :class:`Grid` object :return: real space structure constructed via SABF :rtype: `double numpy.array` object """ if np.size(real_grid) != self.dim: raise ValueError('Dimension of input grid and dimension ' 'of Group not match ' 'when generating structure.') if np.size(c) == 1: cc = c c = np.zeros(self.N) c.fill(cc) elif np.size(c) != self.N: raise ValueError('Number of Bases and number of coefficients ' 'not match when generating structure.') if np.all(abs(real_grid-grid.N) > EPS): raise ValueError('The input grid size other than ' 'that in Grid object is current not' 'supported!') c_fft = self.sabf2fft(c,real_grid,grid) return np.fft.ifftn(c_fft).real
[docs] def sabf2fft(self,c,fft_grid,grid): ''' Project a set of SABF coefficients onto a set of FFT coefficients. :param real_grid: number of grids along each unit vectors of the unit cell in real space :type real_grid: tuple with integers :param c: coefficients for SABF :type c: 1D `double numpy.array` :param grid: a :class:`Grid` object :return: a set of FFT coefficients on the discretized unit cell :rtype: `double numpy.array` ''' if np.size(c) != self.N: raise ValueError('Number of input coefficients ' 'and Number of stars not match ' 'when performing SABF -> FFT projection.') if np.size(fft_grid) != self.dim: raise ValueError('Dimension not match ' 'when performing SABF -> FFT projection.') sqr2 = np.sqrt(2.0) c_fft = np.zeros(fft_grid).astype(complex) for ind in np.ndindex(fft_grid): G = np.array(ind) G,G2 = grid.to_BZ(G) key = tuple(G.astype(int)) if self.starmap.has_key(key): #index_stars(G,self.stars) i, iw, ic, flag = self.starmap[key] else: i, iw, ic, flag = None,None,None,None if i is not None: if flag == 0: if self.stars[i].iwaves is None: c_fft[ind] = self.stars[i].c[iw] * c[i] else: c_fft[ind] = self.stars[i].c[iw] * (complex( c[ic],-c[ic+1]) / sqr2) else: c_fft[ind] = self.stars[i].ic[iw] * (complex( c[ic-1],c[ic]) / sqr2) return c_fft
[docs] def fft2sabf(self,c_fft,grid): """ Project a set of FFT coefficients onto a set of SABF coefficients. :param c_fft: a set of FFT coefficients on a discretized unit cell :type c_fft: `double numpy.array` :param grid: a :class:`Grid` object :return: a set of coefficients for SABF. :rtype: a 1D `double numpy.array` """ if np.ndim(c_fft) != self.dim: raise ValueError("Dimension not match in sabf2fft.") fft_grid = np.shape(c_fft) sqr2 = np.sqrt(2.0) c = np.zeros(self.N) i = 0 for s in self.stars: G = s.waves.T[0] if G[0] > fft_grid[0]/2: G = (-G) % fft_grid ind = tuple(G.astype(int)) z = c_fft[ind].conjugate() else: ind = tuple(G.astype(int)) z = c_fft[ind] if s.iwaves is None: c[i] = (z/s.c[0]).real i += 1 else: c[i] = sqr2 * (z/s.c[0]).real Gi = s.iwaves.T[s.N-1] if Gi[0] > fft_grid[0]/2: Gi = (-Gi) % fft_grid ind = tuple(Gi.astype(int)) z = c_fft[ind].conjugate() else: ind = tuple(Gi.astype(int)) z = c_fft[ind] c[i+1] = sqr2 * (z/s.ic[s.N-1]).imag i += 2 return c
[docs]class StarSet(object): ''' A :class:`StarSet` object is a collection of stars containing waves with same magnitude. Wave vectors with same magnitudes may form more than one closed stars open star pair. For example, for P6mm in a 32 x 32 grid HEXAGONAL unit cell, a collection of waves with same magnitudes is:: [[ 8 8 7 7 5 5 3 3 0 0 -3 -3 -5 -5 -7 -7 -8 -8], [-3 -5 0 -7 3 -8 5 -8 7 -7 8 -5 8 -3 7 0 5 3]] It has two *closed* stars:: [[ 8 8 5 5 3 3 -3 -3 -5 -5 -8 -8], [-3 -5 3 -8 5 -8 8 -5 8 -3 5 3]] :: [[7 7 0 0 -7 -7], [0 -7 7 -7 7 0]] ''' def __init__(self,group,grid,Gsq): if self.__check_cancel(): raise ValueError('Check cancel failed when creating a Star.') self.dim = group.dim self.Gsq = Gsq #print "Gsq = ",Gsq waves = self.__select_waves(grid,Gsq) sorted_waves,phases = self.__sort_waves(waves) self.__find_stars(group,grid,sorted_waves) def __select_waves(self,grid,G2): (ind,) = np.where(np.abs(grid.Gsq-G2)<EPS) if np.max(ind) - np.min(ind) + 1 != np.size(ind): raise ValueError('Waves in Grid not sorted according to G^2.') return grid.waves[:,ind] def __check_cancel(self): ''' Not implemented yet. We have excluded the cancel waves in creating Grid.waves. Currently, we do not support canceled stars. ''' return False def __sort_waves(self,waves,phases=None): if self.dim == 1: if phases is None: if np.size(waves,1) == 1: return waves,None return (np.fliplr(np.sort(waves)),None) else: pw = np.vstack([phases,waves]) ind = np.lexsort(pw) pw_sorted = np.fliplr(pw.take(ind,axis=-1)) return (np.array([pw_sorted[1]]),pw_sorted[0]) if self.dim == 2: if phases is None: rw = np.vstack([waves[1],waves[0]]) ind = np.lexsort(rw) return (np.fliplr(waves.take(ind,axis=-1)),None) else: prw = np.vstack([phases,waves[1],waves[0]]) ind = np.lexsort(prw) prw_sorted = np.fliplr(prw.take(ind,axis=-1)) return (np.vstack([prw_sorted[2],prw_sorted[1]]), prw_sorted[0]) if self.dim == 3: if phases is None: rw = np.vstack([waves[2],waves[1],waves[0]]) ind = np.lexsort(rw) return (np.fliplr(waves.take(ind,axis=-1)),None) else: prw = np.vstack([phases,waves[2],waves[1],waves[0]]) ind = np.lexsort(prw) prw_sorted = np.fliplr(prw.take(ind,axis=-1)) return (np.vstack([ prw_sorted[3],prw_sorted[2],prw_sorted[1]]), prw_sorted[0]) # Following code is a trick but hard to read # ind = np.lexsort(waves.T) # return np.fliplr(np.fliplr(waves.T.take(ind,axis=-1)).T) def __calc_phase(self,G,t,basis_type): twopi = 2.0 * np.pi if basis_type == BRAVAIS: return twopi * np.round(,t)).astype(type(G[0])) else: return,t) def __calc_wave(self,G,R,basis_type): if basis_type == BRAVAIS: return np.round(,R)).astype(type(G[0])) else: return,R) def __form_star(self,G,group,grid,waves): star_waves = None phases = None #print "waves = ",waves #print "G = ",G for i in np.arange(group.order): Gn = self.__calc_wave(G,group.symm[i].R,group.type) # Pseudo-Spectral method #print "Gn = ",Gn Gn,Gn2 = grid.to_BZ(Gn) #print "Gn_BZ = ",Gn," Gn^2 = ",Gn2 if index_waves(Gn,waves.T) is not None: if star_waves is None: star_waves = np.array([Gn]) ph = self.__calc_phase(G,group.symm[i].t,group.type) phases = np.array([ph]) else: if index_waves(Gn,star_waves) is None: star_waves = np.append(star_waves,[Gn],axis=0) ph = self.__calc_phase(G,group.symm[i].t,group.type) phases = np.append(phases,[ph],axis=0) else: raise ValueError('Waves does not contain entire star.') return star_waves.T,phases def __find_stars(self,g,grid,waves): ''' For waves with a same G^2, they may form a closed star, two open stars, or several closed stars. ''' self.stars = [] self.N = 0 rw = waves #print "all waves = ",waves while rw is not None: G1 = rw[:,0] star_waves, phases = self.__form_star(G1,g,grid,rw) star_waves, phases = self.__sort_waves(star_waves,phases) Gi = -1.0 * G1 Gi,Gi2 = grid.to_BZ(Gi) if index_waves(Gi,star_waves.T) is not None: # a closed star self.stars.append(StarAtom(grid,self.Gsq,star_waves,phases)) self.N += 1 if np.size(rw,1) == np.size(star_waves,1): return tw = None for w in rw.T: if index_waves(w,star_waves.T) is None: if tw is None: tw = np.array([w]) else: tw = np.append(tw,[w],axis=0) rw = tw.T else: # an open star pair invert_waves, invert_phases = self.__form_star( Gi,g,grid,rw) invert_waves, invert_phases = self.__sort_waves( invert_waves,invert_phases) self.stars.append(StarAtom(grid,self.Gsq, star_waves,phases,invert_waves,invert_phases)) self.N += 2 if np.size(rw,1) == np.size(star_waves,1) + np.size( invert_waves,1): return tw = None for w in rw.T: if index_waves(w,star_waves.T) is None and index_waves(w,invert_waves.T) is None: if tw is None: tw = np.array([w]) else: tw = np.append(tw,[w],axis=0) rw = tw.T
[docs]class StarAtom(object): ''' A :class:`StarAtom` object represents a closed star or an open star pair. For a closed star, when a wave vector **G** is in it, -**G** is also in it. For an open star pair, if a wave vector **G** is in the first star, the inverse vector -**G** must be found in the accompanying invert star. ''' def __init__(self,grid,Gsq,waves,phases,iwaves=None,iphases=None): self.N = np.size(waves,1) self.Gsq = Gsq if iwaves is not None: if iphases is None: raise ValueError('Coefficients expected for inverted star.') if np.size(iwaves,1) != self.N: raise ValueError('Nunmber of waves in the first star ' 'and the invert star not match.') else: if iphases is not None: raise ValueError('Waves expected for inverted ' 'coefficients.') self.waves = waves self.iwaves = iwaves self.c, self.ic = self.__find_coeff(phases,iphases) if self.iwaves is None: self.__set_coeff_for_closed_star(grid)
[docs] def f(self,x,shape,c1,c2): """ Calculate the value of the SABF f(**r**) at position **r**. :param x: a `BRAVAIS` type real space vector :type x: string :param shape: a :class:`Shape` object :param c1: the coefficient for SABF :type c1: double :param c2: the coefficient for invert SABF. If the star is not an open star pair, it is ignored :returns: the value of an SABF or two SABF if the star is an open star pair :rtype: tuple with two doubles """ if self.iwaves is None: f1 = self.__f(self.waves,self.c,x,shape) return (c1*f1.real,None) else: v1 = self.__f(self.waves,self.c,x,shape) v2 = self.__f(self.iwaves,self.ic,x,shape) f1 = (v1 + v2) / np.sqrt(2.0) f2 = complex(0.0,1.0) * (v1 - v2) / np.sqrt(2.0) return (c1*f1.real,c2*f2.real)
def __f(self,waves,c,x,shape): f = 0 i = 0 for G in waves.T: gr =,shape.g),,shape.h)) f += c[i] * np.exp(complex(0.0,1.0) * gr) i += 1 return f def __find_coeff(self,phases,iphases): if iphases is None: # c_norm = exp(i*phi) c_norm = np.exp(complex(0.0,phases[0])) * np.sqrt(self.N) return ([np.exp(complex(0.0,phases[i]))/c_norm for i in np.arange(self.N)], None) else: c_norm = np.exp(complex(0.0,phases[0])) * np.sqrt(self.N) ic_norm = np.exp(complex(0.0,phases[self.N-1]))*np.sqrt(self.N) return ([np.exp(complex(0.0,phases[i]))/c_norm for i in np.arange(self.N)], [np.exp(complex(0.0,iphases[i]))/ic_norm for i in np.arange(self.N)] ) def __set_coeff_for_closed_star(self,grid): ''' For an ordered closed star, if we denote the first wave in the star **G1**, then its inversion -**G1** must be the last wave in the star. ''' G = self.waves[:,0] Gi = -1.0 * G Gi,Gi2 = grid.to_BZ(Gi) # find index of Gi in the star i = index_waves(Gi,self.waves.T) c, ci = self.c[0], self.c[i] if np.abs(c.imag) < EPS: c1 = c.real else: raise ValueError('First coefficient in closed star has ' 'imaginary part.') if np.abs(ci.imag) < EPS: c2 = ci.real else: raise ValueError('Last coefficient in closed star has ' 'imaginary part.') # for inversion star pairs, the first star's sign is +1, # the next is -1. if np.abs(c1 - c2) < EPS: return 1 elif np.abs(c1 + c2) < EPS: self.c = self.c * complex(0.0,-1.0) return -1 else: raise ValueError('Closed star is neither cosine-like nor ' 'sine-like.')
[docs]def index_waves(w,waves): ''' Find the index of wave in a list of waves. :param w: wave vector to be searched :type w: `numpy.array` row vector :param waves: a collection of wave vectors, each row vector is a wave :type waves: `numpy.array` :return: index for a wave in the collection of waves :rtype: integer ''' if np.size(w) != np.size(waves,1): return None if waves is None: return None i = 0 for ww in waves: if np.all(np.abs(ww-w) < EPS): return i i += 1 return None
def index_stars(G,stars): ''' Find the index of a star within a list of stars which contains wave vector **G**. This function is very slow. Use it for debug only. ''' if np.size(G) != np.size(stars[0].waves.T[0]): return None,None,None i = 0 for s in stars: iw = index_waves(G,s.waves.T) if iw is not None: return i,iw,0 if s.iwaves is not None: iw = index_waves(G,s.iwaves.T) if iw is not None: return i,iw,1 i += 1 return None,None,None

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